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Why Your APIs
Should Fly First
DeveloperWeek 2021
$ whoami
What is an API
first mentality?
How we build
APIs first
“Build for two”
Tools and tricks
$ whoami
My name is Robert Ross, I’m the co-founder and CEO of
FireHydrant, an incident management tool.
bobbytables bobbytables
So we’re all on the same page
● An API is a REST API accessed via
● An Actor is a person, integration,
or 3rd party performing actions
● A Frontend is a javascript
application that talks to your API
The Frontend
More than ever
Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable
This expectation likely comes from their experience with Facebook, Netflix, and
other large tech firms with the resources to invest in complex frontend
Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable
A dynamic frontend experience
gives the same sense of quality that
a good thud of a car door gives.
Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable
It’s a sad reality, but if your
website just doesn’t have a
particular type of fancy sizzle to
it, customers may think it’s
A dynamic frontend experience is a risk
Do you move that chess piece early?
Hint: Yes
The Bet We Made
● We made a bet in the first days of FireHydrant to
build an API for everything.
● We’ve amassed over 130 public API endpoints in just
over 2 years.
● We built React+Redux frontends from day 1.
● Every feature that FireHydrant exposes in the UI has
an underlying API that our customers can integrate
An early goal for
Be an integration platform
Be an integratable platform
● This means everything our platform could do, our customers can also
programmatically integrate with us
● It also meant that we had to consider our API design earlier than most
startups do
Be an integratable platform
● An API first mentality also changed our database design to accompany
different actors
● We built a frontend accessing an API from the start, creating the need for
well defined engineering roles early on.
Why don’t most
companies do this?
“It’s expensive”
● Building an API first and then building a
frontend is more expensive… initially.
● Eventually the benefit of having that API early
will exceed that initial cost by orders of
○ Want to release a mobile app in 2 years? Guess
what, you have an API already.
○ Customers that integrate are less likely churn.
○ Etc etc
“It’s time consuming”
● If you have any reason to think your company will be
successful, an API from the start will give you a leg up
against your competitors.
So what does
“API First”
Literally don’t build a user
interface until you have an API
Your API should be a bin of legos
● Break feature specs down only by what the
feature does, not what it looks like.
● When you add start mixing UI with behavior, your
application will have a hard time becoming a
platform for others to integrate with.
● When behavior is exposed via an API, actors
(internally or externally) can start imagining a UI
for themselves, and use the bricks provided to
User Interface
This doesn’t mean
building APIs blindly!
It’s a breakdown of how we build an end result
for customers
I’d wager 90% of companies build software this way
Product Planning
Write a story
(Clubhouse, Jira)
builds feature
Ship it
Feature specification,
wireframes, acceptance
criteria, why we’re building
Iteration planning, team
assignment, “Given, When,
Take wireframes, design,
acceptance criteria, build
Deliver to customers,
announce, move on
Mixing UI + Behavior together
(This forces the need for full-stack engineers in many companies)
Subtle differences
You need to break this process down to be able
to build APIs first
Feature Team Composition
Our Integrations Team
UX/UI Design
Product Manager
You need a design first (we use Figma)
Even a lo-fi, sharpie version works
UX/UI Design
That allows your team to discover
which APIs are needed
Product Manager
This allows you to build an API first
The frontend work can be done async as well
Then we have a fully functional frontend
Built by separate engineers, with separate pull requests
Why is this better?
Building an API first is a forcing function
● This process would never work unless every person is on the same page.
● We’ve designed our feature teams to be tight-knit in order to ship backends
and frontends in async.
● This points everyone on the feature team in the same direction.
Building an API first is a forcing function
● It creates interfaces that your customers can now interface with.
● A platform that people can integrate with means tighter customer bonds.
● It generates conversations amongst the team that might not otherwise
Build for two
How to build an API that lasts
API Access
And why you should never
tie records to users
● While a user will make a request to your API
from your frontend, you must account for
other actors.
● Access to your API should not be restricted to
just user accounts.
● Build in authentication / authorization modes
that allow for both people and programs.
● Your underlying data model needs to change.
APIs are meant for computers
User Integration
Your API
Data model considerations
● Your data model needs to support the idea
of multiple actors creating and modifying
● Most systems have a “god object”, User,
that everything has an association to.
○ This needs to change in order to build a
integratable platform.
○ You can use polymorphism or a single
entity with a type to achieve this.
User Integration
FireHydrant’s Data Model
User Integration
POST /v1/incidents
CREATE TABLE public.incidents (
id uuid DEFAULT public.gen_random_uuid () NOT NULL,
name character varying NOT NULL,
description text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
status integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
created_by_type character varying,
created_by_id uuid,
organization_id uuid NOT NULL
Our database is heavily polymorphic,
allowing us to store multiple actor types
on records such as incidents.
This is a snippet of our incidents schema.
Declare an incident endpoint, which stores
who/what opened the incident
Alternative Data Model
User Bot Integration
Actor is associated to one of
user, bot, or integration
(polymorphic) and all other
records simply associate to a
single actor record
Runbook Etc...
(I wish we did this instead in hindsight)
What does this unlock?
● You can now separate types of actors in
your application with ease. Not
everyone is a “user”.
● If a data model associates everything to
a user via the API, what happens when
that person leaves the company?
○ Hint: All the integrations you built with
that users’ account break.
● All created via the same APIs your
frontend uses.
Allow for many
And constrain to one
Think two+ features ahead
● A golden rule I follow: It’s ok for an array to have one
element in it in your API.
● It’s common a mistake to restrict your JSON schema to a
singular object, and later on you need to add another.
● It’s much easier to constrain to one in code, but allow
for multiple in your database.
Story time
Where build for two would have saved
me a headache at Namely, an HR SaaS.
People can only report to one
person at a company right?
The dotted line reporting relationship is a weaker relationship. The dotted line
manager still has a formal right to some part of the individual’s time and attention
and will usually set some of goals. But it is not a strong relationship as a solid line.
Simple JSON of the profiles
endpoint at Namely
What if we built for two...
● The JSON only supported one “reports_to” field even though the product now
supports multiple reports_to (with dotted line managers)
● This situation is the worst case scenario because JSON API’s can’t change
without heavy notice or complete deprecation
● This potentially could have been avoided if we thought two features ahead.
Reports to could be an array
What if we built for two...
● These opinions are mostly from putting my hand on a hot stove over the last
10 years
● Early decisions don’t always have to be “gotta go fast” mentality
● You can often build a model that will last you years if you think 2 features
● IE: We have users now, but will we have companies? Will we have multiple
payment profiles?
Tools and tricks
To deliver great APIs
Document in tandem
● While you’re building your API, please,
oh please, document it as you go.
○ No one wants to go back and document
100+ endpoints.
● Use the OpenAPI specification (Swagger)
to quickly generate documentation.
● Use something that plugs into your
framework that can generate this
OpenAPI spec for you.
○ We use Grape + Grape Swagger.
Documentation Hosting
● There are a few options out there for
API documentation hosting. I personally
● They can read a OpenAPI specification
and generate nice documentation as
well as a “Try It” page for every endpoint.
● There are a few others out there as well.
APIs at
A first class feature
It’s APIs all the way down
● All of our customers can access the
FireHydrant API that our UI does.
● This means our customers get the same
guarantees that our frontend gets, it’s
not an afterthought.
● OpenAPI spec allows us to generate
documentation websites and clients
with ease.
Build an API first.
Future you will love you for it.
bobbytables bobbytables
Stop by our booth in the
Expo for a chance to win
Airpods Max

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Why your APIs should fly first class

  • 1. Why Your APIs Should Fly First Class DeveloperWeek 2021 1
  • 2. 1 $ whoami 2 Agenda 2 What is an API first mentality? 3 How we build APIs first 4 “Build for two” 5 Tools and tricks 6 Finish!
  • 3. $ whoami My name is Robert Ross, I’m the co-founder and CEO of FireHydrant, an incident management tool. 3 bobbytables bobbytables
  • 4. Terms So we’re all on the same page ● An API is a REST API accessed via HTTP ● An Actor is a person, integration, or 3rd party performing actions ● A Frontend is a javascript application that talks to your API 4
  • 6. Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable This expectation likely comes from their experience with Facebook, Netflix, and other large tech firms with the resources to invest in complex frontend architectures. 6
  • 7. Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable A dynamic frontend experience gives the same sense of quality that a good thud of a car door gives. 7
  • 8. Dynamic frontend experiences are valuable It’s a sad reality, but if your website just doesn’t have a particular type of fancy sizzle to it, customers may think it’s “cheap.” 8
  • 9. A dynamic frontend experience is a risk 9
  • 10. Do you move that chess piece early? Hint: Yes 10
  • 11. The Bet We Made ● We made a bet in the first days of FireHydrant to build an API for everything. ● We’ve amassed over 130 public API endpoints in just over 2 years. ● We built React+Redux frontends from day 1. ● Every feature that FireHydrant exposes in the UI has an underlying API that our customers can integrate against. 11
  • 12. An early goal for FireHydrant Be an integration platform 12
  • 13. Be an integratable platform ● This means everything our platform could do, our customers can also programmatically integrate with us ● It also meant that we had to consider our API design earlier than most startups do 13
  • 14. Be an integratable platform ● An API first mentality also changed our database design to accompany different actors ● We built a frontend accessing an API from the start, creating the need for well defined engineering roles early on. 14
  • 16. “It’s expensive” ● Building an API first and then building a frontend is more expensive… initially. ● Eventually the benefit of having that API early will exceed that initial cost by orders of magnitude. ○ Want to release a mobile app in 2 years? Guess what, you have an API already. ○ Customers that integrate are less likely churn. ○ Etc etc 16
  • 17. “It’s time consuming” ● If you have any reason to think your company will be successful, an API from the start will give you a leg up against your competitors. 17
  • 18. So what does “API First” mean? 18
  • 19. Literally don’t build a user interface until you have an API 19
  • 20. Your API should be a bin of legos ● Break feature specs down only by what the feature does, not what it looks like. ● When you add start mixing UI with behavior, your application will have a hard time becoming a platform for others to integrate with. ● When behavior is exposed via an API, actors (internally or externally) can start imagining a UI for themselves, and use the bricks provided to execute. 20 API User Interface
  • 21. This doesn’t mean building APIs blindly! It’s a breakdown of how we build an end result for customers 21
  • 22. I’d wager 90% of companies build software this way 22 Product Planning Write a story (Clubhouse, Jira) Engineering builds feature Ship it Feature specification, wireframes, acceptance criteria, why we’re building it Iteration planning, team assignment, “Given, When, Then” Take wireframes, design, acceptance criteria, build it Deliver to customers, announce, move on Mixing UI + Behavior together (This forces the need for full-stack engineers in many companies)
  • 23. Subtle differences You need to break this process down to be able to build APIs first 23
  • 24. 24 Feature Team Composition Our Integrations Team UX/UI Design Frontend Engineering Product Manager Backend Engineering SRE (floating)
  • 25. You need a design first (we use Figma) 25 Even a lo-fi, sharpie version works UX/UI Design
  • 26. That allows your team to discover which APIs are needed 26 Product Manager Backend Engineering
  • 27. This allows you to build an API first 27 The frontend work can be done async as well Backend Engineering
  • 28. Then we have a fully functional frontend 28 Built by separate engineers, with separate pull requests Frontend Engineering Backend Engineering
  • 29. Why is this better? 29
  • 30. Building an API first is a forcing function ● This process would never work unless every person is on the same page. ● We’ve designed our feature teams to be tight-knit in order to ship backends and frontends in async. ● This points everyone on the feature team in the same direction. 30
  • 31. Building an API first is a forcing function ● It creates interfaces that your customers can now interface with. ● A platform that people can integrate with means tighter customer bonds. ● It generates conversations amongst the team that might not otherwise happen. 31
  • 32. Build for two How to build an API that lasts 32
  • 33. API Access And why you should never tie records to users 33
  • 34. Actors ● While a user will make a request to your API from your frontend, you must account for other actors. ● Access to your API should not be restricted to just user accounts. ● Build in authentication / authorization modes that allow for both people and programs. ● Your underlying data model needs to change. APIs are meant for computers 34 User Integration Bot Your API
  • 35. Data model considerations ● Your data model needs to support the idea of multiple actors creating and modifying data. ● Most systems have a “god object”, User, that everything has an association to. ○ This needs to change in order to build a integratable platform. ○ You can use polymorphism or a single entity with a type to achieve this. 35 Actors User Integration Bot
  • 36. FireHydrant’s Data Model 36 Actors User Integration Bot POST /v1/incidents CREATE TABLE public.incidents ( id uuid DEFAULT public.gen_random_uuid () NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, description text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, status integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, created_by_type character varying, created_by_id uuid, organization_id uuid NOT NULL ); Our database is heavily polymorphic, allowing us to store multiple actor types on records such as incidents. This is a snippet of our incidents schema. Declare an incident endpoint, which stores who/what opened the incident
  • 37. Alternative Data Model 37 Actor User Bot Integration Incident Actor is associated to one of user, bot, or integration (polymorphic) and all other records simply associate to a single actor record Runbook Etc... (I wish we did this instead in hindsight)
  • 38. What does this unlock? ● You can now separate types of actors in your application with ease. Not everyone is a “user”. ● If a data model associates everything to a user via the API, what happens when that person leaves the company? ○ Hint: All the integrations you built with that users’ account break. ● All created via the same APIs your frontend uses. 38 FireH ydrant U ser Slack User
  • 39. Allow for many And constrain to one 39
  • 40. Think two+ features ahead 40 ● A golden rule I follow: It’s ok for an array to have one element in it in your API. ● It’s common a mistake to restrict your JSON schema to a singular object, and later on you need to add another. ● It’s much easier to constrain to one in code, but allow for multiple in your database.
  • 41. Story time Where build for two would have saved me a headache at Namely, an HR SaaS. 41
  • 42. People can only report to one person at a company right? 42
  • 43. The dotted line reporting relationship is a weaker relationship. The dotted line manager still has a formal right to some part of the individual’s time and attention and will usually set some of goals. But it is not a strong relationship as a solid line. Nope! 43
  • 44. Simple JSON of the profiles endpoint at Namely 44
  • 45. What if we built for two... 45 ● The JSON only supported one “reports_to” field even though the product now supports multiple reports_to (with dotted line managers) ● This situation is the worst case scenario because JSON API’s can’t change without heavy notice or complete deprecation ● This potentially could have been avoided if we thought two features ahead.
  • 46. Reports to could be an array 46
  • 47. What if we built for two... 47 ● These opinions are mostly from putting my hand on a hot stove over the last 10 years ● Early decisions don’t always have to be “gotta go fast” mentality ● You can often build a model that will last you years if you think 2 features away. ● IE: We have users now, but will we have companies? Will we have multiple payment profiles?
  • 48. Tools and tricks To deliver great APIs 48
  • 49. Document in tandem ● While you’re building your API, please, oh please, document it as you go. ○ No one wants to go back and document 100+ endpoints. ● Use the OpenAPI specification (Swagger) to quickly generate documentation. ● Use something that plugs into your framework that can generate this OpenAPI spec for you. ○ We use Grape + Grape Swagger. 49
  • 50. Documentation Hosting ● There are a few options out there for API documentation hosting. I personally prefer ● They can read a OpenAPI specification and generate nice documentation as well as a “Try It” page for every endpoint. ● There are a few others out there as well. 50
  • 51. APIs at FireHydrant A first class feature 51
  • 52. It’s APIs all the way down ● All of our customers can access the FireHydrant API that our UI does. ● This means our customers get the same guarantees that our frontend gets, it’s not an afterthought. ● OpenAPI spec allows us to generate documentation websites and clients with ease. 52
  • 53. Build an API first. Future you will love you for it. 53
  • 55. 55 Stop by our booth in the Expo for a chance to win Airpods Max