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Questions tagged [fontsize]

{fontsize} is about selecting a document's standard font size (with class options like 12pt), changing relative font sizes within a document (with macros like \small or \large), and defining or modifying {macros} related to font sizes.

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In LaTeX how to have same font size in multiple tables?

I have two tables. One has more columns and the other one has very few. Now the problem is that the font size is not the same. Here is table one includes lots of data: %--------------------------------...
Kazi's user avatar
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How to Increase and Decrease the Font Size of Awesome CV by posqiut0?

How can I increase the font size of bullet points in the Awesome CV resume?
Khumanshu Singh's user avatar
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Having issues with font size [closed]

I am creating a 6x9 version of my normally letter sized document. The font size does not seem to be working correctly, however. The 6x9 document is set up for 12pt using the book class, while the ...
Jason Murray's user avatar
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Reduce font size for all tables in my document : inside these tables, there are \begingroup and \begin{tabular}

I would like to reduce the font size into of all my tables. The ideal would be to put new macro at the top of my Latex source. I show you for the moment the current formatting : we have 4 bins and not ...
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Use \normalsize with \SetWatermarkFontSize

I use a package that generates watermarks, its name is draftwatermark. The package offers options or commands to set its properties. One of the properties is the size of the watermark text in units of ...
David von Tamar's user avatar
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How to end \large?

I have put \large before an equation, as I want it to be bigger than the default size. However, the font in the following paragraph has been enlarged too. Is there a command I can put in between the ...
user267500's user avatar
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Best way to change font size (prometheusCV on Overleaf) I want to change the overall font size in section headings and sub-headings, but I'm having a hard time doing so. For example: \...
django's user avatar
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Should font in figure match caption font or document font?

I am aware that the writing in a figure (for example text on axis, in block diagrams etc) should match the same font and font size as the rest of the document for consistency. However, IEEEtran.cls ...
Alexandre Lopez's user avatar
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Spacing and fontsize from caption of longtable

I have a problem with the longtables, they are not in the same format as the tables. I don't fully understand the way it works. The code is as follows: \documentclass[ 12pt, % ...
Renan Tomisaki's user avatar
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How to prevent resetting font size by the aligned environment?

I want the lines under the second quantifier to be aligned at ∈, so I'm using aligned. (Maybe I should switch to split?) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \begin{...
ByteEater's user avatar
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Fine tuning leading for end notes chapter with \small fontsize

I'm preparing a book type project for which I'm trying to ensure the number of lines per page fits exactly the height of the typeblock, so that the lines are aligned on the two pages of the spread, ...
gusbrs's user avatar
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Specific font and size of the footer (page number)

Simple as it is but I can't find an answer. Working on a novel. \documentclass[9pt,twoside,openany]{book} Want to use specific font for page numbers. Currently it's governed by Fancyhdr \fancyfoot[...
tryingout's user avatar
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How to change font size for verbatim as used with colorbox?

Answer in Getting verbatim with soft grey background, as in tex.stackexchange Shows how to make verbatim with gray background. But I am not able to make it show with smaller font size. comment below ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Font size changes only sometimes

I am having a strange issue. I am trying to edit the font size of one line but it remains fixed. \documentclass [11pt,a4paper,twoside,openright]{book} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fontspec} \...
Mauro's user avatar
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Set font size of chapter headings to 18 pt, section headings to 16 pt, subsection headings to 14 pt in KOMA script class srereprt?

I want to change fontsize of chapter headings to 18 pt, section headings to 16 pt, subsection headings to 14 pt with 1.5 linespacing in the report as per our univeristy guidelines. I use luatex. I ...
Hemang's user avatar
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How can I resize a part of the text in a node using tikz?

I have this graph where the times above the nodes is the departure time. How can I format the "+1" better? It stands for the "next day". Now is too big with respect to the time, ...
Antonio Cassia's user avatar
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Linebreak spacing for saved string

I have a string called \subtitle, and that string comes up at multiple locations. This string contains a linebreak, so that it shows up better at the front page. I define this string in main.tex \...
suitendaal's user avatar
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Is there a control like \binom for nPr? [duplicate]

While nPr looks fine with letters, 4P2 looks silly. Is there a dedicated control for nPr and if not, is there a clever way to get a small 4 and 2? I tried \scriptstyle but that affects everything ...
TonyK's user avatar
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Clever Underlining

I'm using ulem package to perform clean underlining as advised here It works like a charm, but the line stays at the same thickness whatever the font ...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
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How to increase the font size of the math mode when I declare my custom font size

I declared custom font size at 45pt via the command \font\myfont=cmr12 at 45pt I'm writing an article with title in the first page. I want my title font size to be 45pt as defined above. So, I wrote ...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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tikz matrix with font size relative to another font size

I'm trying to make a table (matrix in tikz) in which some rows must have a slightly reduced or increased font size. In my mwe i used relsize but it is not suitable here as it adjusts relatively to the ...
user1850133's user avatar
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How to change the size of labels in a commutative diagram with tikz-cd

I have made a commutative diagram using the tikz-cd package and cannot figure out how to increase the size of the labels for the arrows. I used [sep=2cm] to space out the rows and columns more, but ...
Very Forgetful Functor's user avatar
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How to change default options of a document class?

I'm trying to define a custom class rs-book.cls based on a standard class book.cls and would like to change some of the default options. For instance, by default (with no options given), the command \...
user avatar
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How to change separator font size in makecvtitle?

I'm trying to reduce the title font size but the "|" separator is not matching the text size. Is it possible to change it to another symbol (like "--") or reduce its font size to ...
Davi Magalhães's user avatar
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Underbrace change font style

I tried to underbrace a text with size 13 in ttfamily style. But as soon as I apply the underbrace, it changes the style. I also changed the color but that works somehow. I didn't find any options to ...
invalid's user avatar
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How to make a fixed caption with different margins and smaller fontsize?

Im trying to make the letter of a figure caption smaller, and in addition to have different fixed margins, smaller than the rest of the text. Here's my code: \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \...
Emma's user avatar
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Legend and axis label of pgf plot displayed differently in beamer

I created different plots with matplotlib, which I export as .pgf files. I then import these plots again in latex to display them in my document. This process works fine with the following code: ...
JANO's user avatar
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Adjust relative font size of *all* monospaced text?

By default, LaTeX makes monospaced text rather large relative to the default serif ("roman") text. This is especially pronounced when choosing custom fonts, e.g. \usepackage{fouriernc} \...
kdb's user avatar
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Change the font in the header of the document class eskdx

Good afternoon, tell me how to change the font size in the header of the document now looks like this and it is necessary that it does not go beyond the limits. \footnotsize tried does not help. The ...
Eger Tutanhamon's user avatar
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Specify font size of footnotes [closed]

I can choose an individual font size in pt with \usepackage[fontsize=9.25pt]{scrextend} If I want a bigger font size for the footnotes, one way is to set \renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\small} Is ...
johnny7's user avatar
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Changing Digits Size For Main Font in Xelatex

In Xelatex, I can change the size of digits in math mode using, for example \setmathsfont(Digits)[Scale=0.9]{Bodoni} Is there a similar procedure to do the same with the digits for the main font? I ...
Anibal's user avatar
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Automatically scale text up as large as possible to fit within certain page count

Using relsize's \relscale{<scaling factor>}, is there a way to automatically set the scale so that text is as large as possible but producing a document no more than a specified number of pages?
Geremia's user avatar
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Set siunitx font size

I'm currently using \usepackage{siunitx} \sisetup{detect-weight, detect-mode} to place measurements with the same size of the surrounding text, but for dyslexic students, I would like to scale up ...
xAlien95's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me how I can change the font size of the \lstlistoflistings?

I've suceeded in creating list of listings, but the font of the /lstlistoflistings is too large. I don't have any idea how to decrease it.
Konrad's user avatar
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How to reduce the font size of the title displayed in Warsaw's theme footer [duplicate]

My document's title doesn't fit the Warsaw's theme footline. I've read how to make a two-lined title in the footline but what I really wanted was to simply reduce the font size displayed in the ...
vitor taira's user avatar
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What is the default margin and font title and text size of this LaTeX document?

What are the default margin (in inches) and font title and text size of this LaTeX document template I found? I can't seem to find a certain answer. Here's the link to the template: https://www....
Aidre Cabrera's user avatar
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Font-size of aligned multiline subscript

Consider the below single-line and multi-line subscripts. a_{1,2,3} b_{ \substack{ 1, 2, 3 \\ + 4, 5, 6 } } I wish to align the 1 and 4 in the multiline b subscript. Merely changing ...
Anti Earth's user avatar
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Creating custom font commands which behave like LaTeX size commands

I am writing a document class, which has a few custom text elements. The text elements have concrete requirements regarding color, font family, size, leading etc. I have created a few custom commands ...
marv's user avatar
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How to set fontsize of 14pt in article class [duplicate]

I would like to set the fontsize of 14pt in the article class. But, using What point (pt) font size are \Large etc.?, I obtain: Questions: I am assuming that the output means that the closest font ...
Peter Grill's user avatar
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Specifying the Index Font Size to be Other Than Normalsize or Small

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{imakeidx} \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage \makeindex %\usepackage{idxlayout} \usepackage[font=small]{idxlayout} \usepackage{lipsum} %\indexsetup{...
DDS's user avatar
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How to reduce the size of \limits

How can I reduce the size of the lower limit? I'd like to make it smaller. $\lim\limits_{\Delta P \to 0}$ Adding \tiny doesn't seem to do anything.
Jason S's user avatar
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How to control font in lstlisting (\everypar, frame=<not_none>)

This piece of code produces different font sizes in the listings depending on whether frame = lines is there. \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{book} \usepackage{listings} \makeatletter \def\@afterheading{...
Yola's user avatar
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Change the size of headings in classicthesis

I would like to change the size of the section/- and subsectionheadings in the classicthesis package. I tried to edit sth. in the classicthesis.sty file. There's is a part which has clearly an impact ...
moe123's user avatar
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how do I permanently enlarge a pdf file

I want to upload a pdf file to my REMARKABLE device as an enlarged item. However after enlarging it here the file still appears in the device as original in size. How do I enlarge it ? EDIT how do I ...
user2925716's user avatar
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Latex + amsart + times font size

I am writing a pdf document in LaTeX using package amsart. The specifications for the document require that it be in Times New Roman font and 11 point font size. I have therefore included: \...
font problem's user avatar
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Change the size of some words in ``tabular`` and align them

\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pifont} %bouni \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage[tikz]{bclogo} % ...
Student's user avatar
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Inconsistent math font size in table cell with dcolumn

Some cells in my table contain numbers that have to be aligned around the decimal separator. So, I use dcolumn to produce the desired alignment. Some of the cells, however, have to be written out with ...
Laura Roich's user avatar
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Changing the size of display equation locally [duplicate]

I want to increase the size of a display equation and only the equation. The code in question is the following: \begin{equation} \int_{0}^{n}x^2 \label{eq:int} \end{equation} I have tried \...
grepgrok's user avatar
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Changing default font size in Frankfurt Beamer slides without impacting the spacing on the navigation bar

I am trying to reduce the standard font size in a Beamer presentation, created in Rmarkdown, using the Frankfurt theme. When I set fontsize: 10pt (as desired) in the YAML it impacts the spacing in the ...
guyabel's user avatar
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Fontsize specified with fontspec is different from what Adobe Pro thinks

I have written a document using fontspec, for compilation with xelatex or lulatex, that specifies an 11pt font. However, when I then check the font size with Acrobat Pro, it says the font size is 10....
GeoffV's user avatar
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