I am having a strange issue. I am trying to edit the font size of one line but it remains fixed.

\documentclass [11pt,a4paper,twoside,openright]{book}
\graphicspath{ {./Immagini/} }


{\fontspec{Bembo Std}\fontsize{18}{25}{\textsc{Working}}}\\
{\fontspec{Bembo Std}\fontsize{80}{100}{Not working}}


The first one changes correctly, but the second does not. The issue appears also when chainging the font. I am new to latex, so I must have understood something wrong here. Any help is appreciated!

1 Answer 1


you never selected the font using the new settings. also the text does not go in an argument \fontsize applies for the rest of the current group. but you need \selectfont so

 {\fontspec{Bembo Std}\fontsize{80}{100}\selectfont Now working}

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