I want to increase the size of a display equation and only the equation.

The code in question is the following:


I have tried \begingroup

Normal equation

Large equation

but that also increases the size of the numbering. enter image description here

And \scalebox doesn't properly work with things like \int:


enter image description here

So I'm looking for a way to get the size of the \Large display equation but a normal numbering. Also, I would need a way to reference the equations (with\ref) and I only want sizes to change on a case by case basis, so \DeclareMathSizes wouldn't really work.

  • 1
    Use \scalebox{<num>}{$\displaystyle ...$}.
    – Werner
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 6:13

1 Answer 1


You can use the relsize package, which has a \mathlarger{} command. You should see its manual for details; the manual also cautions against using it too broadly. (Below I used it twice, which means it should be the same size as what you get from \Large.)

Note also that the \scalebox solution should work also. If I am parsing you correctly you are just missing \displaystyle

Normal equation

Large equation
    \mathlarger{\mathlarger{\int_0^n x^2}}

\[ \int_0^n x^2 \]


enter image description here

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