I'm using ulem package to perform clean underlining as advised here https://alexwlchan.net/2017/10/latex-underlines/

It works like a charm, but the line stays at the same thickness whatever the font size.

As a first try, I want the parameters to change accordingly when the font is settled to HUGE (max size with the moresize package).

However when trying to use it, I get an error message "Undefined Control Sequence".

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex


% Underline

  • 1
    Two quick notes: 1) the command \pointsize is undefined, maybe you forgot to copy its definition from somewhere else; 2) the syntax of \ifthenelse is \ifthenelse{condition}{TRUE CODE}{FALSE CODE}, you've forgotten the FALSE part.
    – Jinwen
    Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 7:43

3 Answers 3


You can use a simple calculation instead of detection:




% Underline

\contourlength{0.8pt} % Specifies the distance between the underline and the character parts it does not want to touch.

    \FPmul\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{0.15}% This is \f@size * 0.15
    \setlength{\ULdepth}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
    \FPdiv\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{15}% This is \f@size / 15
    \renewcommand{\ULthickness}{\cleverul@temp pt}%






enter image description here

Works like a charm with URLs in Biblatex, just add the following line :

\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\cleverul{\url{#1}}} % Without the word URL.


\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\mkbibacro{URL}\addcolon\space\cleverul{\url{#1}}} % With the word URL.

enter image description here


You can simply set \ULthickness to a font-dependent length:

enter image description here




{\tiny  \uline{try \the\dimexpr\ULthickness}}
\uline{try \the\dimexpr\ULthickness}

{\huge \uline{try \the\dimexpr\ULthickness}}

{\HUGE \uline{try \the\dimexpr\ULthickness}}


Isn't that beautiful.

    % Clever Underline
            \FPmul\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{0.15}% This is \f@size * 0.15
            \setlength{\ULdepth}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
            \FPdiv\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{15}% This is \f@size / 15
            \renewcommand{\ULthickness}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
    \noindent\tiny I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \scriptsize I want to give a {\cleverul{try}}\\
    \footnotesize I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \small I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \normalsize I want to give a \normalsize\cleverul{try}\\
    \large I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \Large I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \LARGE I want to give \cleverul{try}\\
    \Huge I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\
    \HUGE I want to give a \cleverul{try}\\

enter image description here

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