
I want to change the overall font size in section headings and sub-headings, but I'm having a hard time doing so.

For example:

    \textbf{M.Sc.}~in Trickery\begin{large}
        ~(summa cum laude)

I did this to change font to one of the sub-headings, but still having trouble chaning the font size in the main headings like Education.

Do you have any suggestions to make it more readable. When I export to pdf, it everything looks so small. Thank you.

1 Answer 1


prometheu-cv use the titlesec package to customize section and subsection titles.

You can define your own style by issuing before \begin{document}

% Customise the \section command 
{\Huge \scshape\raggedright} % Make the \section headers Huge, small caps and left aligned
{}{0em}                      % No label (prefix) and no horizontal separation between label and title body
{}                           % Code preceeding the title body
[\titlerule]                 % Code following the title body. Here a horizontal line.

%  \subsection command

To change the font size of just a few words, it is better to type {\Large (summa cum laude).}


This is the complete code.


\usepackage[a4paper, total={5.3in, 10in}, top=2cm]{geometry}        % width=5.3in, height=10in, top margin=2cm on each page

\usepackage{xcolor}                                                                               % define some colors

\usepackage{siunitx}                            % package to properly set units
\usepackage{fontawesome5}                       % package for icons (see list of available icons here: http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome5/doc/fontawesome5.pdf)
\usepackage[super]{nth}                         % when you write \nth{2} you get a nice superscript
\usepackage[                                % coloring of links
    colorlinks = true,
    linkcolor = highlight,
    urlcolor = highlight,
    citecolor= highlight

\usepackage{fontspec}                           % package to change fonts               
    BoldFont=Cormorant Garamond Bold,
    ItalicFont=Cormorant Garamond Italic,
    BoldItalicFont=Cormorant Garamond Bold Italic
]{Cormorant Garamond Regular}                       % Set the main font to Comorant Garamond (https://github.com/CatharsisFonts/Cormorant)
\newfontfamily\GaramondLight{Cormorant Garamond Light}

\newcommand{\highlight}[1]{\textcolor{highlight}{\textbf{#1}}}      % highlight text as bold and with the highlight color defined above
\newcommand{\ec}{\textsuperscript{\textdagger}}                             % Equal contribution dagger

% define the header and (not) footer %
\rhead{Curriculum Vit\ae}
\lhead{Prometheus Fire}
\rfoot{Page \thepage}

%**************************************************** added<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% Customise the \section command 
{\Huge \scshape\raggedright} % Make the \section headers Huge, small caps and left aligned
{}{0em}                      % No label (prefix) and no horizontal separation between label and title body
{}                           % Code preceeding the title body
[\titlerule]                 % Code following the title body. Here a horizontal line.

%  \subsection command

\thispagestyle{empty}               % Turn off header and footer for the first page
\pagestyle{fancy}                   % For the rest of the pages switch to the fancy page style defined just above the document begin

    The best uni}
    \textbf{M.Sc.}~in Trickery  {\Large (summa cum laude).}


\subsection{Conference and Journal Publications}


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