I'm trying to reduce the title font size but the "|" separator is not matching the text size. Is it possible to change it to another symbol (like "--") or reduce its font size to match the rest of the title size?

Here's what I have so far:


\firstname{\large John}
\familyname{\large Doe}

\title{\large Machine Learning | Data Science}
\address{52 Mercer's Drive}{St. John's, NL}

\email{[email protected]}




And this is how it looks like:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The default size of the divider is set to \Huge. You should redefine the font-related settings for the name and titles, like I did below.

enter image description here



\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\large\bfseries\upshape}% Default is \Huge\bfseries\upshape
\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\large\mdseries\upshape}% Default is \Huge\bfseries\upshape
\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{~$|$~\@title}}}% Default is {\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{#1}}


\title{Machine Learning~\texorpdfstring{$|$}{|}~Data Science}
\address{52 Mercer's Drive}{St.\ John's, NL}

\email{[email protected]}




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