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Questions tagged [sufficient-statistics]

A sufficient statistic is a lower dimensional function of the data which contains all relevant information about a certain parameter in itself.

2 votes
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Prove that $T$ is a complete statistic and find a UMVUE for $p$

While preparing for my prelims, I came across this problem: Let $X_1, X_2,\cdots, X_n$ be a sequence of Bernoulli trials, $n \geq 4.$ It is given that, $X_1,X_2,X_3 \stackrel{\text{i.i.d.}}{\sim} Ber(\...
Wrik's user avatar
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Birnbaum's Theorem: Strong belief in a model $\implies$ the likelihood function must be used as a data reduction device?

Working through understanding section 6.3.2 (pg. 292-294) in Casella and Berger's Statistical Inference (2nd-ed). The following definitions and principles are given: Definition (Experiment): An ...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar
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When are Bayes estimators injective as a function of sufficient statistics?

I know that Bayes estimators can be written only as a function of sufficient statistics. When are those functions injectives? That is, when can I say that, given a bayes estimator $\delta (\cdot)$ and ...
Joao Francisco Cabral Perez's user avatar
4 votes
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Help developing intuition behind sufficient statistics (Casella & Berger) [duplicate]

Migrated from MSE I am trying to understand the following intuition for sufficient statistics in Casella & Berger (2nd edition, pg. 272): A sufficient statistic captures all of the information ...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar
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Sufficient statistic as iso-surfaces in the distribution density. Is it possible to generalise to multiple parameters?

For continuous distributions, there is a geometric intuition behind sufficient statistics that regards a multivariate probability density as several iso-surfaces. This works at least for cases where a ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
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How does knowing the sign of the population correlation affect the sufficiency of its statistic?

As noted here, the sufficient statistic for the correlation under bivariate normality is Pearson's $r$, the maximum likelihood estimate of $\rho$. I suppose, however, this does not guarantee that $r$ ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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Find minimal sufficient statistic of this random sample with cursed support

Suppose $X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ is a i.i.d random sample with probability mass function $p(x_i,\theta)$ where $x_i \in \{\theta,\theta+1,\theta+2,...\}$ and $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$. I claim that minimal ...
ArshakParsa 's user avatar
5 votes
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Is the Sufficiency Principle an axiom?

Sufficiency Principle as defined in Casella: Where Sufficient Statistic is defined as: Question: Is the Sufficiency Principle an axiom? My thoughts and research so far: I'm uncertain if the ...
Shreyans's user avatar
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Does $f : p_\theta\mapsto p_{T\,\mid\,\theta}$ being injective imply statistic $T $ is sufficient?

Wikipedia says ... consider the map $f:p_{\theta }\mapsto p_{T\,\mid\, \theta }$ which takes each distribution on model parameter $\theta$ to its induced distribution on statistic $𝑇$. The ...
Shreyans's user avatar
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Why does the sufficient statistic for the bivariate normal not imply a sufficient statistic for the correlation under bivariate normality?

This question links to a document by Jon Wellner that defines the sufficient statistic for the multivariate normal (p. 7, Example 2.7). The result follows from the factorization theorem and is proven ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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Reference request for the existence of minimal sufficient statistics

I'd like a recent paper or book that shows in what conditions we can guarantee the existence of a minimal sufficient statistic. I know the paper "Sufficiency and Statistical Decision Functions&...
rfloc's user avatar
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Formal definition of sufficient statistic

Let $(\Omega_X,\mathcal{F}_X)$ and $(\Omega _T,\mathcal{F}_T)$ be measurable spaces. Let $\mathfrak{M}$ be a family of probability measures on $(\Omega_X,\mathcal{F}_X)$. Let $X:\Omega\to \Omega _X$ ...
rfloc's user avatar
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Sufficient Statistic for Truncated Normal

I am doing exercise 3.18 of "The Bayesian Choice": Give a sufficient statistic associated with a sample $x_1,...,x_n$ from a truncated normal distribution $$ f (x|\theta) \propto \exp(-(x ...
daniel's user avatar
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Is Pitman-Koopman-Darmois Theorem valid for discrete random variables?

I am interested in the Pitman-Koopman-Darmois theorem. I'm having a hard time finding a simple rigorous version of this theorem as I struggle finding sources. This helpful post provides three sources ...
Pohoua's user avatar
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How does reparametrization of the Fisher information matrix change the variance expression for the sufficient statistics?

If I have an exponential family distribution of the form $$p_{\theta}(x) = e^{\theta^T\cdot t(x) - \psi(\theta)},$$ where $\theta$ is a vector of parameters, $t(x)$ is a vector of sufficient ...
absolutelyzeroEQ's user avatar

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