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Questions tagged [prior]

In Bayesian statistics a prior distribution formalizes information or knowledge (often subjective), available before a sample is seen, in the form of a probability distribution. A distribution with large spread is used when little is known about the parameter(s), while a more narrow prior distribution represents a greater degree of information.

9 votes
2 answers

How is data generated when using an improper prior

Let $X$ be an $\mathcal{X}$ valued random variable. We are doing Bayesian statistics. Suppose that $\theta$ is a $\Theta$ valued random variable with known prior distribution $\Pi$ and that the ...
温泽海's user avatar
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Can we solve by hand the early exit multi-class classification problem? [closed]

Problem: Find a solution $\hat{\varepsilon}$ of the following minimization problem \begin{align*} &\min_{\varepsilon \in \mathbb{R}^M} \sum_{h=1}^M \varepsilon^h \hat{R}^h+\beta \sum_{h=1}^M \...
ohana's user avatar
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Random sequence generator algorithm non informative piror distribution

I want to conduct a Bayesian statistical analysis of a sequence generation phenomenon. The sequences generated contain elements from a known alphabet. Working on that, I have tried to define the prior ...
Guilhem Nespoulous's user avatar
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How to interpret a noninformative joint prior?

I am currently working on a homework assignment and have the following question: $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ are parameters of interest and $y_1$ and $y_2$ are the likelihood functions which are $\text{...
ak_mng's user avatar
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How to derive conditional destribution of MVN variable

I am working with following model specifications (Regression_ Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009), p. 147): $$Y \sim MVN(X\beta, \sigma^2I)$$ $$\beta|\sigma^2 \...
BlankerHans's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Full conditional posteriors

so up to now I dealt with posteriors in the form of: $$p(\theta|x) \propto p(x|\theta) p(\theta)$$ No we started to model a linear regression with the bayesian approach: $$Y \sim MVN(X\beta, \sigma^2I)...
BlankerHans's user avatar
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How to sample from the prior predictive distribution with the BSTS R package?

Assuming I have to use the bsts package in R, I'm trying to understand the degree to which my prior distribution choices (implicit or otherwise) are consistent with ...
user3215964's user avatar
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Credible intervals with parameter near boundary

When doing Bayesian inference on a parameter that is bounded, often we use priors that approach 0 as the parameter approaches the boundary. For example, when estimating $(\mu, \sigma^2)$ for normal ...
half-pass's user avatar
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How to select a proper prior to control the time dependent structure of variable?

I am new in analyzing RCT data and not familiar with the techniques that are always used in RCT analysis. I am analyzing a dataset of a study: An RCT study with 50 participants; the data was collected ...
doraemon's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Do we ever use the prior predictive distributions of Bayesian Statistics?

As my question states, I am wondering if there is any chance we use the prior predictive distribution. I am studying Bayesian Statistics and have understood what it is. It is a must to go through in ...
mathccino's user avatar
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Understanding the Binomial likelihood notation

Let $X \sim Bin(n,\pi)$. I don't understand why the binomial likelihood is then given by $f(x|\theta)=\binom{n}{x} \theta^x (1-\theta)^{n-x}$. Shouldn't it be $B(x|\pi,n)=P(X=k)=\binom{n}{k} \pi^k (1-\...
BlankerHans's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Bayesian linear regression: How to enforce constraint on the sum of coefficients?

I have a linear regression problem in which my $X$ matrix is not full rank. Here is a small example: $$X = \left[\begin{array}{rrrr} -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 &...
ischmidt20's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Trouble understanding priors

The following comes from a book called Bayesian Statistics by Ben Lambert: Assuming the following model for $r$ disease-positive people out of $n$ people: $$Pr(Z=r, \theta) = {n\choose r}\theta^r(1-\...
HMPtwo's user avatar
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Choosing Bayesian Priors [duplicate]

I am fairly new to Bayesian Modeling, however I am experimenting with such framework in order to produce several estimates. The part I am struggling the most with is the selection of prior ...
Marco De Virgilis's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How subjective are prior beliefs?

I find the term 'prior-beliefs' to be a little bit vague, what is acceptable to class as a prior belief in Bayesian analysis? For example, I could not look at any data and decide to myself "I ...
Ewan McGregor's user avatar

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