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Questions tagged [model-selection]

Model selection is a problem of judging which model from some set performs best. Popular methods include $R^2$, AIC and BIC criteria, test sets, and cross-validation. To some extent, feature selection is a subproblem of model selection.

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Confused on Bayesian Decision Theory

I am trying to understand what is the right way to pick up an "action", as it is called in Murphy, Machine Learning a Probabilistic Perspective, in the 'chatper 'Bayesian decision theory'. ...
acini's user avatar
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The function step.lmRob() is not working [closed]

I have a linear model, which i analyzed (in R) through: lmrob_object<-lmrob(diff_mg ~ age + bmi + energy + fiber + ca + phos + iron + potas + supp + uni, data = data), where: diff_mg is the DV (...
Hussain's user avatar
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CPO, DIC or WAIC, which metric to choose when they don't agree?

I am creating a Bayesian spatiotemporal model with the four type Knorr Held interaction proposal. I am trying the different type of interactions and I want to select the best model based on DIC, WAIC ...
Lander's user avatar
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Questions regarding the definition of the deviance in the context of GLMs

I've been self-studying GLMs and I have some questions regarding the deviance in the context of GLMs. In Generalized Additive Models An Introduction with R, the author defines the deviance of a model ...
Dude3400's user avatar
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Interpret the PACF plot to select the correct lag (AR model order)

I want to select lag (AR model order) for the series Food price inflation. AIC gives 4. SIC gives 3. And also, I print its PACF plot. How can I interpret the PACF plot to select the correct lag?
1190's user avatar
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Higher order moments to evaluate strength of linear relationship between variables

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be real random variables such that $\alpha_1X_1+\dots+\alpha_nX_n=0$ for some unknown $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n$. If $n=2$, one can study the strength of linear relationship by ...
12345's user avatar
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Any Insights on the adoption and use of the Healthy Akaike Information Criterion (hAIC)?

Recently, I came across the Healthy Akaike Information Criterion (hAIC), introduced by Demidenko in his 2004 book "Mixed Models: Theory and Applications with R." Despite its (potential) ...
Robert Long's user avatar
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How to split data when training and tuning the meta learner in stacking?

I have a simple yet tricky conceptual question about the data splitting of a meta learning process. Assume I have a simple X_train, ...
Yann's user avatar
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Choosing Between Intercept-Only and AR-NN Models: Justified to not use the model with the lowest RMSE/MAE?

I have created two autoregressive models for forecasting: a basic intercept-only model and an AR-NN (autoregressive neural network) model. Both models show similar performance based on recursive one-...
george1994's user avatar
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Can you deduce if a lasso model has a smaller/larger/equal RSS to a forward selection model?

I came across this question in my exam. Where there is a table where the columns are the different model selection methods: OLS, Lasso, Forward_Size1, ForwardSize2. And the rows are the predictors, ...
CodusOProgrammatus's user avatar
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BIC with non-negligible priors

I want to do model selection based on the best-fit/MAP/marginal posterior I find from an MCMC and likelihood maximization. I have a likelihood $\mathcal{L}(X|\theta)$, some informative priors $\pi(\...
ojima's user avatar
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Estimate number of covariates in Cox regression model

My doubt about overfitting is almost general, but in this particular case is all about survival models. I am working in a case-cohort study, estimating the HR in a cohort where heart attack correspond ...
Javier Hernando's user avatar
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Bayesian Justification of Cross-validation

If I understand correctly, K-fold cross-validation is supposed to approximate expected log predictive density (ELPD), which is defined as $\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{D_{new}\sim P(.|M_{true})}\log P(D_{new}|...
Feri's user avatar
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Compare bootstrap auc confidence interval using t-test

In order to choose between a machine learning model when the number of features is 5 and a machine learning model when the number of features is 6, I want to bootstrap the auc of the model to obtain a ...
JAE's user avatar
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Select classification model using nested cv and bootstrap auc confidence interval

My goal is to find the best 1 model out of 55 classification models. I first ran nested cv on 55 models to see which model had better generalization. The AUC score was used as an evaluation indicator. ...
JAE's user avatar
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Minimum Description Length, Normalized Maximum Likelihood, and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation

TL;DR: I believe MDL using NML is a special case of the joint MAP of model and parameters, and need to verify this and find sources that have acknowledges this. This is how I understand Minimum ...
Feri's user avatar
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Interpreting Contradictory Results in Bayesian Model Averaging: High Posterior Inclusion Probability with Unclear Effect

In my research, I am utilizing the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) methodology to identify the best set of regressors that can predict the outcome variable $y$. My dataset consists of five variables ...
Valerio's user avatar
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Select the most general machine learning model

For example, let's say that model A had an average train auc of 0.82 and a test auc of 0.79 through cross-validation. The difference between the two scores is 0.03. Let's say that model B has a train ...
JAE's user avatar
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ACF and PACF plots to estimate SARIMA orders

I have some data (sales of a particular item at a particular grocery store) which exhibits both trend and seasonality. I fit these trend and seasonality components by doing a linear regression of the ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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I screwed-up model selection but ended-up with a very good model; am I ok?

In a recent experiment, I made an oversight: I divided my data into training and testing sets and conducted cross-validation for model selection and hyperparameter tuning after having applied Boruta (...
Alek Fröhlich's user avatar
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Model choice based on test/train/validation split [duplicate]

My question is very simple, but no matter where I look it up, it seems that I get another answer. Take a simple classification task. Let's say I trained a kNN, LDA and logistic regression on it for ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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What's the relationship between "bias-variance tradeoff" and "consistent model selection"?

I'm very confused about the relationship between "bias-variance tradeoff" and "consistent model selection". Based on my current interpretation, the ultimate goal of taking care of ...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Reduce the model sequentially

I was given an ANOVA table and asked to reduce the model sequentially. I searched the online resources say: When reducing the model sequentially, you typically start by assessing the significance of ...
Matata's user avatar
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Confusion about Mallows' Cp

I am trying to use Mallows' $C_p$ to select linear regression models. I have been reading the excellent text by Cosma Shalizi at (page 323 to 327). ...
Frank De Geeter's user avatar
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Selection of best VARX model using VAR() in R

I have 9 variables (all stationary) grouped into five different datasets (each set has 4 common variables and one different). How can I evaluate which is the best VARX model? I'm using ...
Alfonso's user avatar
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What critical level to use in diagnostic tests for model selection in forecasting?

I have been reading Hyndman & Athanasopoulos "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" (newest edition here) recently, and I noticed something that I regard as a possible inconsistency. On ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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What modeling approach should i use AR, MA, ARMA?

those are my ACF and PACF plots for my time series after two differentiating. I watched a couple of tutorials but I cannot figure out what method I am supposed to use. Also, an interpretation of the ...
antekkalafior's user avatar
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How to fit a dataset like this, and what's the recommended evaluate metrics for it

the dataset seems like non-linear, is there any recommended way to fit the datatset? since it's a non-linear regression problem, what's the correct way to evaluate the model's prediction? is the MSE ...
Wuuu's user avatar
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Online mixture inference; better alternatives than windowed EM?

I have an online Gaussian mixture estimation problem that I would appreciate some input on. To be more precise, I have a stream of scalar observations $x_1, x_2, \dotsc$ arriving over time which are ...
ummg's user avatar
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Is mutual exclusivity important for an A/B test for an audience selection method?

Say I want to measure whether a set of business rules is better than random at identifying customers most likely to respond to an email. The steps are: Take the entire population of 200 people and ...
djs's user avatar
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