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Questions tagged [model-selection]

Model selection is a problem of judging which model from some set performs best. Popular methods include $R^2$, AIC and BIC criteria, test sets, and cross-validation. To some extent, feature selection is a subproblem of model selection.

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1 answer

Optimal Lag Selection Indicates Lag 98

I am trying to identify the optimal lag for my multivariate time series and currently I am getting the optimal AIC at lag 98. I have never seen such large optimal lag is this correct? Note that my ...
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Confused on Bayesian Decision Theory

I am trying to understand what is the right way to pick up an "action", as it is called in Murphy, Machine Learning a Probabilistic Perspective, in the 'chatper 'Bayesian decision theory'. ...
7 votes
1 answer

How to argue omitted variable problem is alleviated?

Is there any ways to argue that the omitted variable problem is alleviated after adding a new variable to the model? Right now I'm basically just saying that adding this new variable significantly ...
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The function step.lmRob() is not working [closed]

I have a linear model, which i analyzed (in R) through: lmrob_object<-lmrob(diff_mg ~ age + bmi + energy + fiber + ca + phos + iron + potas + supp + uni, data = data), where: diff_mg is the DV (...
294 votes
8 answers

How to choose a predictive model after k-fold cross-validation?

I am wondering how to choose a predictive model after doing K-fold cross-validation. This may be awkwardly phrased, so let me explain in more detail: whenever I run K-fold cross-validation, I use K ...
1 vote
2 answers

Extracting a particular model from regsubsets in R

I ran regsubsets in r from the leaps library. I have gotten some 16 models in their order of which is best according to certain criterion. How do I select, say, ...
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2 answers

Selecting multiple hyper-parameters via successive nested cross-validation

Selecting multiple hyper-parameters via successive nested cross-validation I am currently working in a classification task on motion data. Each sample to classify is represented by a set of features ...
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0 answers

CPO, DIC or WAIC, which metric to choose when they don't agree?

I am creating a Bayesian spatiotemporal model with the four type Knorr Held interaction proposal. I am trying the different type of interactions and I want to select the best model based on DIC, WAIC ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vector Autoregression - How do we choose the correct value of p?

I am following this article: ...
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0 answers

Questions regarding the definition of the deviance in the context of GLMs

I've been self-studying GLMs and I have some questions regarding the deviance in the context of GLMs. In Generalized Additive Models An Introduction with R, the author defines the deviance of a model ...
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0 answers

Interpret the PACF plot to select the correct lag (AR model order)

I want to select lag (AR model order) for the series Food price inflation. AIC gives 4. SIC gives 3. And also, I print its PACF plot. How can I interpret the PACF plot to select the correct lag?
2 votes
1 answer

GLM Model Selection

I have to fit some data to a glm, family=poisson(link="log"). The response variables are X1, X2, X3 and X4. I need an algorithm to fit the best possible model (by lowest AIC). All terms must ...
10 votes
1 answer

Bayesian Justification of Cross-validation

If I understand correctly, K-fold cross-validation is supposed to approximate expected log predictive density (ELPD), which is defined as $\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{D_{new}\sim P(.|M_{true})}\log P(D_{new}|...
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0 answers

Higher order moments to evaluate strength of linear relationship between variables

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be real random variables such that $\alpha_1X_1+\dots+\alpha_nX_n=0$ for some unknown $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n$. If $n=2$, one can study the strength of linear relationship by ...
10 votes
2 answers

How to train a model when instead of a target we have a range where it is?

Often in machine learning we have a situation when target is numeric (real or integer). Each target comes with an associated input vector. The goal is to learn the mapping from the input vectors to ...

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