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Questions tagged [stepwise-regression]

Stepwise regression (often called forward or backward regression) involves fitting a regression model and adding or removing predictors based on $t$ statistics, $R^2$ or information criteria to arrive in a *stepwise* manner at a final model. This tag can also be used for forward selection, backward elimination & best subsets variable selection strategies.

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Selecting degrees of freedom in stepwise regression (stepAIC function in R)

Context: I have data available on water quality in a number of catchments, for example the concentration of Zinc (Zn). For each catchment, I also have a range of characteristics (n=16), such as the ...
Matt Tomkins's user avatar
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Least-bad stepwise procedure for a simulation that shows issues with stepwise regression

I am well-aware of the issues that stepwise regression causes. I want to demonstrate some of them via simulation in a particular situation. I am thinking of a regression where I have some categorical ...
Dave's user avatar
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Can you deduce if a lasso model has a smaller/larger/equal RSS to a forward selection model?

I came across this question in my exam. Where there is a table where the columns are the different model selection methods: OLS, Lasso, Forward_Size1, ForwardSize2. And the rows are the predictors, ...
CodusOProgrammatus's user avatar
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Can you infer that non-significant variables in full model won't be chosen by stepwise regression methods?

I recently encountered this question twice, on my exam. If you fit a full MLR additive, model, can you infer that the insignificant predictors (p-value > 0.05 from lm output) will not be chosen ...
CodusOProgrammatus's user avatar
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Stepwise Regression - when will bi-direction give different results?

There is forward selection and backward elimination, and in both cases we can not only add or subtract variables, but also do both. My question is under which circumstances would the ...
Maverick Meerkat's user avatar
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intuition linear regression stepwise selection of predictors

I am using a tool in genetics, which works very similar to stepwise linear regression (its called GCTA-COJO for those interested). Essentially the starting situation looks like this: You have 1000s of ...
nhaus's user avatar
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Significance test of an increase in adjusted R-squared between two models

I found two papers that provide their results showing the significance of an increase in adjusted R-squared between two models statistically, with p-values, to show the improvement after adding a few ...
J.K.'s user avatar
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Interpreting coefficients in Linear regression with categorical variables and one hot encoding (drop first)

I am doing multiple linear regression where my independent variables are a mix of categorical and numerical variables. Obviously I need to one-hot-encode the categorical variables, and I need to "...
jgklsdjfgkldsfaSDF's user avatar
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Feature selection in a traditional regression model to an experiment data

I have an experiment data (total of 96) with 10 predictor and 2 response variables. I want to build a traditional multiple linear regression model to them in R. My aim is to build clearly ...
egeku's user avatar
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Automated Code for Logistic Regression [closed]

My Y variable (output) is binary (0 or 1). I have 10 input variables in total, 3 of them are scaled variable, 2 of them are ordinal number therefore being written with C( ). Rather than running the ...
sct 22n's user avatar
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How is missing values handled in a stepwise model process?

Suppose I have 100 observations among 4 variables, a Y with no missing values, then X1, X2, X3 that each have 10 (distinct) missing values, so that the complete case analysis has only N=70 ...
AdamO's user avatar
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The reason of different regression results between "enter" and "stepwise" methods

I and one of my colleagues conducted regression analysis in SPSS. There is a significant difference in our regression results obtained using the "enter" and "stepwise" methods. All ...
Aurora Choi's user avatar
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Using step() and car::vif(): order matters?

When fitting linear models and coming up with a plausible one, AIC and VIF are often used. However, I notice that the order in which the methods are used makes a difference on the final model. Should ...
compbiostats's user avatar
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What relevance do p-values have in a multiple regression of all 50-states (a.k.a. population/census data)

I am running a regression analysis of the U.S. (specifically, the population represented in the U.S. Congress by voting members, so census data for the 50 states would constitute population data). One ...
Sam Levi's user avatar
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Magnitude of Type I error inflation related to error noise after model selection

I am investigating Type I error inflation for the one-sided test $$H_0:\beta_2=0$$ after one step of forward stepwise regression for the following model: $$Y=X_1+\beta_2X_2+\epsilon$$ where $\epsilon \...
Julia Mathis's user avatar

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