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Questions tagged [aspects]

For questions about aspects in tabletop RPGs, particularly those that use the Fate role-playing game system. The Fate engine uses these pithy phrases to define character, place, object, and scenario attributes.

19 votes
3 answers

How do I know when aspects are "hidden" from my players?

Well, I'm quite new to Fate and today we had our very first session, we had a lot of fun but aspects confused us a lot. I made the areas so my players would fight a Titan on the forests, one of the ...
Aldath Le'Carde's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How much should aspect invocations "retcon" the situation?

Shortly, I plan to test a game based on Fate 2e (the self-contained rules set, available here) and the Shadowrun campaign setting, with slight modifications. There have been a few things troubling me ...
kravaros's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

What should happen in a legendarily successful attack against a mook?

Last night, I was GMing a game of Fate Accelerated Edition with my friends, and their characters were up against a gang of mooks: the mooks had only 2 stress boxes each and could not take consequences....
doppelgreener's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Must a situation's obvious characteristics be explicitly made into aspects?

I've never played Fate before and am learning from Fate Accelerated Edition with occasional reference to Fate Core. For the most part, it has been straightforward. On the other hand, I am somewhat ...
rjbs's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Is there any reason to discourage "arms racing" during exchanges?

I find that occasionally during a conflict, when trying to create an advantage or land a successful attack, the players involved will enter into an "arms race" of competing to stack the most ...
Problematic's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Using aspects to represent non-"issue" game themes

Fate Core suggests that a game be given aspects based on its issues, such as The Scar Triad and The Doom that is to Come. Issues are defined as the "threats and pressures inherent to the setting [...
BESW's user avatar
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56 votes
3 answers

If someone is "Out of Ammo," can they still shoot until compelled?

Let's say someone creates the Aspect Out of ammo by running everywhere, making the other character fire all his bullets. Can this character still fire until someone compels Out of ammo? Is it the GM ...
Ronan's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Should long Aspects be split?

In Fate games I sometime come up with Aspects that are relatively long and could well be two separate Aspects. Are such Aspects good in terms of gameplay, or would it be better to split them? An ...
Jane Doe's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Adjusting aspects based on attendance

A crucial part of most FATE play is having aspects that relate to the other PCs at the table. What happens when your group's attendance fluctuates wildly? If Bob has aspects relating to Mary and Joan, ...
BESW's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Does the Poisoned aspect stack?

The "Venomous" effect (a [-2] optional addon for the Claw power) lets the character maneuver to place the "Poisoned" aspect on a target. In each subsequent exchange, the target must roll ...
BESW's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How can I keep track of Aspects and Powers?

I'm going to begin running a Dresden Files Roleplaying Game campaign in a group that has no Fate or Fudge experience (myself included); we've largely been running D&D 3.5 and 4e. I'm concerned ...
BESW's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

The mechanics of Aspects on weapons/armor?

Fate Core suggests one way to differentiate weapons and armor is by giving each one an Aspect. Daggers could be Quick, for instance, and maces could be Armor Piercing. I really like this idea. My ...
kevlar1818's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Creating (Aspect) Advantages in Conflicts

I'm somewhat familiar with Fate v2, and I recently backed the Fate Core Kickstarter to get an early PDF of the rules. I have a couple questions concerning "Creating an Advantage" in a Conflict, ...
kevlar1818's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Can there be mechanical disadvantages in Compels?

In Fate, compels of aspects are primarily a narrative tool, and as such don't usually have mechanical trappings in the consequences. But is this a hard and fast rule? I saw someone ask this question,...
Chuck Dee's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How do environmental conditions and scene aspects stack in FATE?

How do aspects and environmental conditions stack? An example probably is useful for discussion. In the, Spirit of the Century rulebook (FATE), it gives the Darkness aspect as an example of a scene ...
Caleb's user avatar
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