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9 votes
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How to Use Aspects in Fate Accelerated [closed]

I recently got into playing and running Fate Accelerated, but there's one thing that's been confusing me, how the heck do you use Aspects? I get that they're like characteristics of your character ...
Gwideon's user avatar
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In which order are aspects invoked when defending in Fate Accelerated?

When a character takes one of the four actions and rolls the dice, they can decide to invoke aspects after seeing the total. For example, when chief engineer Yago Awain is trying to repair the broken ...
kviiri's user avatar
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Is it okay to go beyond the rules for Aspects/Boosts?

For example: Smouldering Cart (scene aspect) Snow Wolf (opponent): Master of the Tundra. Gimli (PC): Master of Axes. Gimli Attacks the Wolf, and spends 2 Fate Points to invoke the Smouldering Cart ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Can an aspect contain too much information and therefore be "too good"?

I'm planning on GMing a Fate game with a group of my friends, and recently ran a little test by having one of my friends create a character. The problem I ran into is that he seemed to create aspects ...
Neutrino's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

New to Fate: how to manage all aspects at play

Newbie Fate GM here, I will soon GM my first ever session. Seeing how important being aware of all aspects at play at any given scene is, how do you keep track and announce all the various aspects ...
lightlazer's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When can you invoke an aspect twice for free on the same roll?

Pages 14-15 of the Fate Accelerated PDF says this about the Create an Advantage action: If you're creating a new aspect or discovering an existing one: ... * If you succeed with style: You ...
AgentAquarius's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can situational aspects describe the same thing as consequences?

In combat, situational aspects sometimes tend to interfere with consequences. In theory, the "create advantage" action allows an opponent to create virtually any aspect, from "Stabbed in the hand" to "...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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When using a fate point to create an aspect, do you have to spend another to invoke it?

I'm running a new game, with just my friend and I on roll20. We're attempting to figure out the mechanics, while running a small game together. I'm having issues with the Fate Point system. Does ...
UnclearImage's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How do I know when aspects are "hidden" from my players?

Well, I'm quite new to Fate and today we had our very first session, we had a lot of fun but aspects confused us a lot. I made the areas so my players would fight a Titan on the forests, one of the ...
Aldath Le'Carde's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

What should happen in a legendarily successful attack against a mook?

Last night, I was GMing a game of Fate Accelerated Edition with my friends, and their characters were up against a gang of mooks: the mooks had only 2 stress boxes each and could not take consequences....
doppelgreener's user avatar