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Can you use assistance actions in combat?

I checked the teamwork rules (YS P. 208) and it seems like it can be used in combat based on the text, but I want to be sure. So I was wondering: Can teamwork actions be used in combat to create ...
Moireth's user avatar
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Can you free-tag multiple aspects at once?

Assuming you are fighting an opponent one-on-one and they have used consequences to negate stress and placed aspects on themself, could you tag two of those consequences for free on one roll, if they ...
Moireth's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I use anger as an aspect to contribute to fire spells?

My theoretical Wizard has an aspect that has to do anger. Specifically "Fiery Temper." I'm trying to find a way to invoke that for bonus for fire spells. Would that be acceptable by general rules?
Moireth's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Does the Poisoned aspect stack?

The "Venomous" effect (a [-2] optional addon for the Claw power) lets the character maneuver to place the "Poisoned" aspect on a target. In each subsequent exchange, the target must roll ...
BESW's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How can I keep track of Aspects and Powers?

I'm going to begin running a Dresden Files Roleplaying Game campaign in a group that has no Fate or Fudge experience (myself included); we've largely been running D&D 3.5 and 4e. I'm concerned ...
BESW's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Do you have to reveal your NPC's aspects?

Important NPCs may have hidden aspects that PCs are supposed to assess somehow before using them: can such a NPC invoke one of his hidden aspects without the GM revealing it to the players? Example: ...
Flenyar's user avatar
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11 votes
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What happens to the fate point after a character invokes an aspect?

In DFRPG, characters can invoke another character's aspects by spending fate points. When a character does this, does the fate point go to the GM, or does it go to the character whose aspect was just ...
DForck42's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

When changing a PC's actions based on an aspect, is it better to Compel or Invoke for Effect?

We had an interesting combat last night; the PC was a very tough Changeling in the back of a limo glamoured not to be visible, and he was attempting to protect another passenger in the back of the ...
Chuck Dee's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How does adding Aspect Scope in Dresden Files change the feel of the game?

I was listening to a podcast for Diaspora, and they were talking about aspect scope. Basically, in Diaspora, this sets scope on the Aspects available, and only one Aspect per scope can be used on any ...
Chuck Dee's user avatar
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