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Questions tagged [textbook-and-exercises]

Applies to questions of primarily educational value - styled in the format similar to that found in textbook exercises. This tag should be applied to questions that are (1) stated in the form of an exercise and (2) at the level of basic quantum information textbooks.

44 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
1 answer

Regarding the inductive proof that any Clifford gate can be made of Hadamard, phase and c-not

In Exercise 10.40 of Nielsen and Chunang's textbook, the reader is supposed to construct an inductive proof of Theorem 10.6 that any Clifford gate can be made of Hadamard, phase and c-not. There it is ...
user3493403's user avatar
5 votes
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Prove a circuit with controlled $iR_x(\pi \alpha)$ is universal for quantum computation whenever $\alpha$ is irrational

Show that the three qubit gate $G$ defined by the circuit is universal for quantum computation whenever $\alpha$ is irrational. My Observations The unitary gate on the third qubit is activated only ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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Pure state ensembles achieving the Holevo $\chi$-quantity with at most $d^2$ states

Theorem 8.10 in Chapter 8 of Theory of Quantum Information asserts that the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel (between density operators on $\mathbb{C}^d$) can be achieved by an ensemble consisting ...
Condo's user avatar
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Complexity of controlled operations in a two-level unitary operation

In Neilsen and Chuang, chapter 4.5.2 (~p.193), why did the authors come to the conclusion that complexity of operations $C^n(X)$ and $C^n(\tilde{U})$ is $O(n)$? Did they assume using work qubits? If ...
Anatolii's user avatar
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Prove the equality conditions in the triangle inequality $S(A,B)\ge |S(A)-S(B)|$ for the von Neumann entropy

The triangle inequality or Araki-Lieb inequality of the von Neumann entropy is $$ S(A,B)\ge|S(A)-S(B)| $$ this is proven by introducing a system $R$ which purifies systems $A$ and $B$. Applying ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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What does the $I$ mean when measuring ${\rm Tr}(\rho (I\otimes\sigma\otimes\cdots))$ in quantum tomography?

In Nielsen and Chuang's QCQI, I learned that the quantum tomography for n qubit can be described easily in math as we need to measure $Tr(\rho W_k),\forall k$ where $W_k\in\{I,\sigma_x,\sigma_y,\...
narip's user avatar
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A question in classical and quantum information

Let $\rho, \sigma \in \mathfrak{D}(A)$ with $\operatorname{supp}(\rho) \subseteq \operatorname{supp}(\sigma),$ and spectral decomposition $$ \rho=\sum_{x} p_{x}\left|\psi_{x}\right\rangle\left\langle\...
299792458's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to choose a suitable number of iterations for Grover's algorithm?

In Nielsen and Chuang (2010), section 6.1.1. it is written: "For an N item search problem with M solutions, it turns out that we need only apply the search oracle ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Upper bound on the distance between two distinct orthonormal vectors

I need to prove that if $\phi$ and $\psi$ are distinct vectors of an orthonormal set then $|| \phi - \psi|| \leq \sqrt{2} $. Going by the definition of norm, $|| \phi - \psi||^2$ is the inner product $...
vivek kumar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Exercise 11.7 in Nielsen & Chuang and basic properties of Shannon entropy

I apologize in advance if this question is trivial, I'm aware I'm a total beginner in this field. This is the exercise I would like to solve: As to the first point, what I get is that one should ...
atlantropa's user avatar
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Solution Nielsen and Chuang exercize 10.71

Exercise 10.71: Verify that when $M = e^{−iπ/4}SX$ the procedure we have described gives a fault-tolerant method for measuring $M$. The book describes a procedure to perform the measurement. Instead ...
Maria 's user avatar
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Measuring an entangled quantum state

I have this exercise to solve, but I can't figure out how to proceed. First, I don't think the state proposed is valid (the probabilities don't sum up to 1). 'Secondly, given that it should be an ...
Giulia's user avatar
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Mechanics of expanding projector operator (two - qubits) in basis of traceless Hermitian Paul operators

I am currently on a set of lecture notes which says that for a state vector $| \psi \rangle_{AB}$ describing a tensor product state, its density operator $| \psi \rangle \langle \psi |_{AB}$ can be ...
Physkid's user avatar
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$T_1$ and $T_2$ time with amplitude damping

Exercise 8.30 of Nielson & Chuang's QCQI says Equation 7.144, which is mentioned in the text, is $$\begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ b^* & 1-a \end{bmatrix}\rightarrow\begin{bmatrix} (a-a_0)e^{-t/...
Jintao Yu's user avatar
2 votes
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How to obtain an expression of the complexity of the period-finding algorithm with respect to the period length?

Intro. Nielsen and Chuang in Quantum computation and quantum information on section 5.4.1 state that the period-finding algorithm has a runtime of $U + O(L^2)$ operations where $L$ is the size of the ...
CuriousGeorge's user avatar

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