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Is qiskit.pulse.SamplePulse deprecated?

I'm currently following along the book "Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience" by Rodert Loredo and I am at chapter 8 - Generating pulse schedules on hardware. The ...
Johannes Jyrgenson's user avatar
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How to calculate probability of measuring $|1\rangle$ after application of $R_x$ gate

I was trying to understand how to calculate the probability of measuring $|1\rangle$ when executing the following circuit in Qiskit: ...
Khilesh Chauhan's user avatar
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Unitary matrix knowing input and ouput states

Input: n qubits after H gates. Output, after measure: the n different bit strings of length 2^n with just one 1, with same probabilities. Or said differently: Input state |phi0>=(1,1,...1)/2^n ...
Maurice Clerc's user avatar
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Why adding H-gate is referred as changing the basis of measurement?

I study Qiskit. When I measure a qubit by including qc.measure(qb,cb) instruction, I measure it in the computational basis. But if I apply the Hadamard gate adding <...
EugeneB's user avatar
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Understanding the Bernstein-Vazirani implementation from the qiskit website

My question is with regards to the implementation from the Qiskit textbook. From my understanding the algorithm is for finding out what an unknown bit-string is which in the classical case requires N ...
timmy1691's user avatar
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How to choose a suitable number of iterations for Grover's algorithm?

In Nielsen and Chuang (2010), section 6.1.1. it is written: "For an N item search problem with M solutions, it turns out that we need only apply the search oracle ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Quantum computing coding setup for a beginner

I want to dive into Quantum computing but I don’t have a personal computer for coding. I have an iPad and I know some quantum computing basics. I had earlier used IBM quantum experience (IBM’s cloud ...
AAYUSH's user avatar
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About swap gate [closed]

As I was reading Qiskit textbook and there is this problem ... How can I swap a $|+\rangle$ to a $|-\rangle$ Qiskit textbook --> Basic Circuit Identities
Rayhan's user avatar
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Construct the unitaries U by decomposition in TSP Qiskit? [duplicate]

I'm stuck in here and really don't understand this stuff. In order to construct the unitary matrices for Quantum Phase Estimation, Qiskit decomposes the diagonal unitary matrices U(j) by tensor ...
Nghia Nguyen Huu's user avatar
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Accuracy of Quantum Phase estimation; Finding the max difference integer, e

Working through Lab 5 in the Qiskit text, I have been attempting to complete Part 1, Step B. I implemented the following code as it seemed, at the time, to be what the question was asking for: ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Is there a tutorial for error mitigation in qiskit that does not use the deprecated ignis?

Working through the qiskit text I have come accross measurement error mitigation a few times (Measurement Error Mitigation, Lab 3: Quantum Measurment,...]. In the online textbook the coding indicates ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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How to initialize my circuit with two random complex numbers?

Working through Lab 3 in the Qiskit text, I have been attempting to initialize my one qubit circuit with two random numbers. My first attempt, as directed, is using ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook not rendering latex code

Working through the Qiskit text and came across this bit of coding on the density matrix page: psi_AB.draw('latex', prefix='|\\psi_{AB}\\rangle = ') which is ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Which protocol does the Qiskit textbook use for Quantum Key Distribution?

I've worked through a couple different protocols for quantum key distribution, but when I look at the Qiskit textbook on this page I am unable to determine which one was used in this lesson. If anyone ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Implementing deutsch_problem(seed=None) and deutsch() from qiskit text

I'm attempting to work through the exercise at the end of where I am to build and implement Deutsch's algorithm. I understand that <...
PGibbon's user avatar
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