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Is qiskit.pulse.SamplePulse deprecated?

I'm currently following along the book "Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience" by Rodert Loredo and I am at chapter 8 - Generating pulse schedules on hardware. The ...
Johannes Jyrgenson's user avatar
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Is there a tutorial for error mitigation in qiskit that does not use the deprecated ignis?

Working through the qiskit text I have come accross measurement error mitigation a few times (Measurement Error Mitigation, Lab 3: Quantum Measurment,...]. In the online textbook the coding indicates ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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How to initialize my circuit with two random complex numbers?

Working through Lab 3 in the Qiskit text, I have been attempting to initialize my one qubit circuit with two random numbers. My first attempt, as directed, is using ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook not rendering latex code

Working through the Qiskit text and came across this bit of coding on the density matrix page: psi_AB.draw('latex', prefix='|\\psi_{AB}\\rangle = ') which is ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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How is the ket of a quantum state calculated in this code?

For the following code qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(1),0) ket = Statevector(qc) ket.draw() the output will be the following: ...
Vinay Sharma's user avatar
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Solving modified version of Simon's Algorithm with multiple secret strings

I am stuck on the following question. Let $S$ be the $span${s1, s2, ... , sk} such that $S$ is a $k$-dimensional subspace of {0, 1}n. Let 𝑓:{0,1}𝑛→{0,1}𝑛 be a function so that $f(x) = f(y)$ if ...
arsenal_fan_2004's user avatar
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From the $n$-qubit state $|ψ_0⟩$, how do we find an orthonormal basis $\{|ψ_i⟩\}$ that includes $|ψ_0⟩$ via the Gram-Schmidt process?

From the n-qubit pure state $|\psi_0\rangle$, how do we find an orthonormal basis $\{|\psi_i\rangle\},i\in[0,2n−1]$ that includes the state $|\psi_0\rangle$ using the Gram-Schmidt process? Is there ...
Lokesh Chaudhary's user avatar
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Given this code fragment, what is the probability that a measurement would result in $|0\rangle$?

Trying to understand below probability how it occured? qc = QuantumCircuit(1) qc.ry(3 * math.pi/4, 0) A. 0.8536 B. 0.5 C. 0.1464 D. 1.0 And the answer is C. But I ...
Nitin's user avatar
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Solving Particle in Box problem using Qiskit

I am new to quantum computing, I would like to ask how can I solve simple particle in box problem using qiskit which allows to compute the bound states in finite quantum well. Finite quantum well
celerion's user avatar
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from hello_qiskit import run_puzzle results in error

I am working my way through the beta version of the Qiskit textbook. Everything was going fine until I got to the Visualizing Entanglement section and had some exercises to complete. All of the ...
Kelvin Nicholls's user avatar
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Qiskit noise model question (from textbook)

I'm reading the chapter Introduction to Quantum Error Correction using Repetition Codes and a code example demonstrates how to add depolarizing and pauli error. I have several questions. Is it not ...
Ahmed Malik's user avatar
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PyTorch and Qiskit example from the Qiskit textbook seems broken

After executing the proceeding code blocks, when I try to copy the same code from Qiskit textbook on my jupyter notebook, I get the error as ...
user14924's user avatar
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Expectation value of operator - python

I am suposed to solve following problem: Calculate the probability $P_n(x > X)$ that a particle in then n-th eigenstate is found at a position with an x-value larger than X. Here it is convenient ...
Laura's user avatar
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Wrong Expectation value when implementing a VQE for the Heisenberg Hamiltonian

I tried to implement an extended Heisenberg-Hamiltonian as an extra exercise further than my homework. My Hamiltonian is the following: $H = \sum_{NN} \sigma_x\sigma_x + \sigma_z\sigma_z$ I try to ...
Schrödinger314's user avatar
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Why is local qasm simulation taking so long for VQE?

I've successfully run the $LiH$ VQE simulation detailed in Simulating Molecules using VQE using the statevector_simulator, however when attempting to run the same ...
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