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Questions tagged [mathematics]

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Representing networks with qubits as edges

I am looking to take a classical non-negative real valued network and generalize it to the quantum case for processing. A network is given by an adjacency matrix, essentially edge weights $e_{ij}$ for ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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How to calculate the Haar measure for the middle SU(2), in an SU(3) factorization?

I read this blog regarding a basic introduction to haar measure. In the "show me more math" section, they said $SU(3)$ can be ...
Việt Nguyễn's user avatar
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Simulating Sparse Hamiltonians: help understanding query complexity bounds

tl;dr: How can I show that $e^k/k^k$ is less than $\epsilon^2/2$ when $k=\Omega\left(\frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\log \log(1/\epsilon)}\right)$, where $k,\epsilon\in \mathbb{R}$ and > 0? Context: Berry ...
muru's user avatar
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Given an observable $O$, what's the achievable maximum value of $\operatorname{Tr}(O\rho)$?

The maximum value of expectation value of an observable $O$ with respect to a density matrix $\rho$ can be computed by using Holder's inequality as follows: \begin{equation} \text{Tr}(O\rho) \leq \...
Mohan's user avatar
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Are quantum channels bounded linear maps?

I've been reading about quantum channels from a couple of sources and have some doubts regarding some mathematical perspectives and properties of quantum channels. I've listed them below: It is known ...
Peeveey's user avatar
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Existence of Hamiltonians such that the time evolution unitary becomes identity

Can we always find a set of coefficients ${k_i}$ (where not every $k_i = 0$) for a given Hamiltonian $H = \sum k_i H_i$, such that the unitary operator becomes the identity operation: $e^{-iH} = e^{i\...
Hailey Han's user avatar
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Question when deriving quantum differential privacy?

I met some problems when trying to derive proposition 4 in the paper Gentle measurement of quantum states and differential privacy. I know that intuitively, if we act on a single register of ρ, and ...
Zehong Fan's user avatar
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Saturating an inequality relating the operator norm and the total variation distance

Let $U$ be an $n$-qubit unitary, and let $p_U(x) = |\langle x | U | 0\rangle |^2$ be the probability of obtaining $x \in \{0,1\}^n$ on the all zero input. Given two $n$-qubit unitaries $U$ and $V$, it ...
trillianhaze's user avatar
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Can every unitary be approximated by gates from the Clifford Hierarchy?

For $k > 1$, we recursively define $\mathcal C^{(r)}(n)$ as $$ \mathcal C^{(r)}(n) = \Bigl\{ U \in \mathbf U(2^n) \mathrel{\Big\vert} \forall P \in \mathcal C^{(1)}(n) : U P U^\dagger \in \...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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On unitary matrix form suggested in the Elementary gates paper

In the Elementary gates for quantum computation paper by Barenco et al authors start their proofs by defining a generic form of 2x2 unitary matrix of $\mathbb{C}$ as follows: Can you help me with the ...
Grwlf's user avatar
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Derivative of cost function with respect to the unitary matrix

Suppose I have a cost function $C = \langle \psi \rvert U^\dagger O U \rvert \psi \rangle$ for a fixed observable $O$ and a fixed state $\rvert \psi \rangle$. I know that usually people take the ...
userflux9674's user avatar
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References for homology, suitable as background for quantum codes

Quantum codes are often related to the concepts in homology, such as chain complexes. Is there an introduction to homology suitable for building a strong understanding of these results? I am looking ...
Abdullah Khalid's user avatar
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Verification for calculation on Shor's code

Here I have tried to determine the end result for the qubit states, when we apply an arbitrary gate on the first qubit in the 9 qubit code. I have followed this diagram: U's operation on a qubit can ...
Alan Whitteaker's user avatar
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Definition of quantum junta is not basis independent: isn't this a problem?

A quantum $k$-junta is defined as a unitary matrix $U$ acting on $n$ qubits which has the form $U = V \otimes \mathbb I$ where $V$ is a unitary acting some $k < n$ of the qubits. The fact that a ...
SescoMath's user avatar
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How is the definition of $n$-qubit Pauli group derived?

The authors give the following definition for the Pauli group in the paper Averaged circuit eigenvalue sampling. The n-qubit Pauli group $P_n$ consists of n-fold tensor products of single-qubit Pauli ...
epelaez's user avatar
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