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Exercise 11.7 in Nielsen & Chuang and basic properties of Shannon entropy

I apologize in advance if this question is trivial, I'm aware I'm a total beginner in this field. This is the exercise I would like to solve: As to the first point, what I get is that one should ...
atlantropa's user avatar
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Derive the Concavity of Quantum Conditional Entropy from Strong subadditivity

In Exercise 11.25, Page 522, Entropy and information, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen and Chuang, it is required to show that the concavity of the conditional entropy may be ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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Prove the equality conditions in the triangle inequality $S(A,B)\ge |S(A)-S(B)|$ for the von Neumann entropy

The triangle inequality or Araki-Lieb inequality of the von Neumann entropy is $$ S(A,B)\ge|S(A)-S(B)| $$ this is proven by introducing a system $R$ which purifies systems $A$ and $B$. Applying ...
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How to show $T(\rho,\sigma)≥\sum_i|r_i − s_i|$ with $r_i,s_i$ eigenvalues of $\rho,\sigma$?

The proof of the Fannes' inequality replies on the formula $T(ρ, σ)≥\sum_i|r_i − s_i|$, where $r_i,s_i$ are the eigenvalues of $\rho,\sigma$, in the descending order. In the proof given in Box 11.2, ...
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Conditional entropy as relative entropy between probability distributions

Find the expression for the conditional entropy $H(Y|X)$ as a relative entropy between two probability distributions. Use this expression to deduce that $H(Y |X)≥0$, and to find the equality ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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How to understand intuitively the concavity of the binary entropy?

In Nielsen and Chuang's Quantum Computation and Quantum Information book, introducing the binary entropy, they gave an intuitive example about why binary entropy is concave: Alice has in her ...
Sherlock's user avatar
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How to prove that the mutual information is subadditive?

Let $\mathbf x=(x_1,...,x_n)$ and $\mathbf y=(y_1,...,y_n)$ be two vectors of random variables. To make things concrete, assume that Alice sends each component $x_j$ through a noisy channel to Bob, ...
user15135's user avatar
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Understanding the definition of entropy in the joint entropy theorem derivation

From section 11.3.2 of Nielsen & Chuang: (4) let $\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|e_i^j\right>$ be the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of $\rho_i$. Observe that $p_i\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|...
frank's user avatar
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Calculate the von Neumann Entropy of a two-qubit entangled state

After working through an exercise I got a confusion answer/solution that either may be because I've made a mistake or I'm not understanding von Neumann Entropy. I have the two qubit system $$ | \psi \...
MathSisu1997's user avatar
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von Neumann entropy in a limiting case

I am stuck with a question from the book Quantum theory by Asher Peres. Excercise (9.11): Three different preparation procedures of a spin 1/2 particle are represented by the vectors $\begin{pmatrix} ...
Shikhar Arora's user avatar
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How is $S(\rho)=H(p_{i})+\sum_{i}p_{i}S(\rho_{i})\le \log(d)$ possible if $\rho_{i}$ are not pure states?

I know how this can be proved using the quantum relative entropy. However, even with this proof, and am still confused about how this emerges. Say I have a source that produces two states $\rho_1$ and ...
GaussStrife's user avatar
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Proof of quantum data processing inequality in N&C on pg 566

On page 566, it states that using $S(\rho^{'})-S(\rho,\varepsilon) \ge S(\rho)$ and combining this with $S(\rho) \ge S(\rho^{'})-S(\rho,\varepsilon))$, we get $S(\rho^{'})=S(\rho)-S(\rho,\varepsilon)$....
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Conditional version of the triangle inequality for Von Neumann entropy

I'm trying to solve problem 11.3 in Nielsen Chuang: (3) Prove the conditional version of the triangle inequality: $$ S(A,B|C)\geq S(A|C)-S(B|C) $$ But the inequality seems incorrect. For example,...
al13n's user avatar
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In the proof of the joint entropy theorem, why are $p_i\lambda_i^j$ the eigenvalues?

From section 11.3.2 of Nielsen & Chuang: (4) let $\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|e_i^j\right>$ be the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of $\rho_i$. Observe that $p_i\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|...
CFRedDemon's user avatar
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How do I calculate the von Neumann entropy of a pure one-qubit density matrix?

Let's say I have a pure state of the form: $$\psi = \sqrt{\frac{3}{9}} \lvert 0 \rangle + \sqrt{\frac{6}{9}} \lvert 1 \rangle$$ Then the density matrix representation would be: $$\rho = \psi \otimes \...
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