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$S$-matrix from interacting picture

I’ve been reading a lot about the interaction picture, and I’m trying to string the ideas behind it together. Essentially, the goal is to calculate something like $<f(\infty)|i(-\infty)>$. We ...
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Asymptotic states in the Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures

One can show that, in the interacting theory, the operators that create single-particle energy-momentum eigenstates from the vacuum are \begin{align} (a_p^{\pm\infty})^\dagger=\lim_{t\to\pm\infty}(...
Kris Walker's user avatar
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LSZ Reduction Formula (Weinberg Derivation)

In section 10.3 of Weinberg's Volume 1 in deriving LSZ reduction Formula, the author says, We also define a 'truncated' matrix element $M_l$ by $$\int d^4 x_2 \cdots e^{-q_2x_2} <\textbf q \sigma| ...
Hiamph's user avatar
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What are wave packets for (probabilities from the $S$-matrix)?

I am looking into the section of the book by Peskin and Schroeder in which they connect the $S$-matrix to probabilities. They start by considering the in state, which is a two-particle state \begin{...
Dr.Yoma's user avatar
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On "waiting" and Coleman's derivation of LSZ

I'm going through the derivation LSZ in Coleman's QFT notes. The math is perfectly clear (or at least I don't mind being handwavy about convergence issues), and I'm happy with the idea that \begin{...
mpc's user avatar
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Difference of decay amplitude and transition amplitude from initial to final state

In Zwiebachs "A First Course in String Theory" 2nd edition he states in chapter 25.2, that "the amplitude for an initial state consisting of a $\phi$ particle to turn into a final ...
Hrvoje Krizic's user avatar
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Why is the $S$-matrix calculated using the free vacuum state and not the full interacting vacuum state?

Let $H = H_0 + H_I$ be a Hamiltonian that is the sum of a free Hamiltonian and an interacting Hamiltonian. Denote the free vacuum state by $| 0 \rangle$ and the full vacuums state by $|\Omega \rangle$....
CBBAM's user avatar
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Vacuum, creation and annihilation operators in interacting QFT

I am reading the QFT book by M. Schwartz. More specifically, I have issues with the section about LSZ. I am puzzled with the way the creation and annihilation operators from the free theory act there. ...
Dr.Yoma's user avatar
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Why are all the possible permutationss in the perturbative $S$-matrix calculations added together?

I have a question regarding the calculation of the $S$-matrix. During the calculation of second order term of the $S$-matrix for e.g. the Møller scattering $(e^ − + e^ − → e^ − + e^ −)$ $|i\rangle=|e^...
Ozzy's user avatar
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Scattering Amplitude & Unitarity

In Srednicki's Quantum Field Theory chapter 11, the probability of a $2 \to n$ scattering process is calculated to be $$ P = \frac{|\left<f|i\right>|^2}{\left<f|f\right>\left<i|i\right&...
Mike's user avatar
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Prefactor to amplitude for massless fermions/massive bosons

I was reviewing some of my old notes and found this formula for a matrix elements between two states: $$ <f|S|i>= \delta_{fi} + [(2\pi)^4 \delta^4(P_f - P_i) \prod_{ext. fermion}\left(\frac{m}{...
Bibliotebarbarian's user avatar
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How do we measure the gluon scattering?

In QFT, we often calculate the 'Feynman amplitude' for gluon scattering. As we know, Gluon is gauge boson mediating the strong force between quarks. By color confinement, Quarks are never seen in our ...
Sasha Shin's user avatar
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Understanding from $S$-Matrix to Feynman-Rules in scalar QFT [closed]

I am learning QFT at the moment and the process from defining the S-Matrix to deriving the feynman rules is in my opinion pretty complicated, since there are many different things to pay attention to. ...
Aralian's user avatar
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Calculating Diagrams with Wilson Lines to One Loop

I have a question concerning the calculation of amplitudes containing Wilson lines. I want to calculate the jet function defined by equation (3.3) from this paper. $$\mathcal{J}(\text{arguments})u_s(p)...
George Smyridis's user avatar
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Are amplitudes for inverse processes related to each other?

The (generalized) optical theorem is presented in the book of Peskin and Schroeder (An introduction to Quantum Field Theory - chapter 7-Radiative Corrections:Some Formal Developments) as follows $-i (\...
Wellington Ribeiro's user avatar

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