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The vanishing of vacuum expectation value

I have some difficulty understanding why the vacuum expectation value vanishes. As illustrated in my notes, we can split the field into two parts: $$ \phi(x) = \phi^+(x) + \phi^-(x), $$ where $\phi^+(...
user174967's user avatar
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States created by local unitaries in QFT

In quantum field theory, consider acting on the vacuum with a local unitary operator that belongs to the local operator algebra associated with a region. In such a way, can we obtain a state that is ...
Shadumu's user avatar
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Unitary representations of a Lorentz transformation

In QFT we have an action of the restricted Lorentz group which is implemented via a unitary transformation. In other words, if $\Lambda\in SO(1,3)^\uparrow$, then the corresponding unitary operator is ...
Elementarium's user avatar
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Greiner´s Field Quantization question [closed]

I upload a screenshot of Greiner´s book on QFT. I don´t understand one step. I need help understanding equation (3), what are the mathematical steps in between? Greiner, Field Quantization, page 245 (...
cmc's user avatar
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Why do the Canonical Commutation Relations hold in Interacting Theories? [duplicate]

The canonical commutation relations for a scalar field theory stating $$ [\phi(\vec x, t), \partial_t\phi(\vec x', t)] = i \hbar \delta^3(\vec{x} -\vec{x}').\tag{7.4} $$ Schwartz in Section 7.1 in his ...
Lost_Soul's user avatar
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Understanding mathematically the promotion of field/observable to operator in QFT

First, I know it "worked", in physics sense. My question is what happened in the math sense. When promoting something, such as a field, to an operator, am I essentially mapping the field to ...
Awoo's user avatar
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Lorentz generators on Fock space

Consider a free massive relativistic scalar field in $d+1$ dimensions. Its Hilbert space can be taken to be the bosonic Fock space on $\mathfrak h = L^2(\mathbb R^d)$: $$\mathcal F = \bigoplus_{n=0}^{+...
SolubleFish's user avatar
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Proof that asymptotic particle states are free

In quantum field theory, It’s often said that the interacting annihilation operator (defined by the Klein Gordon inner product between the interacting field and a plane wave) behaves like the free ...
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How to normalize the states in the continuous limit?

In quantum field theories we can perform the continuous limit, where we take the limit $V\rightarrow\infty$ for the volume system. In quantum optics, we can start by absorbing a factor $\left(\frac{L}{...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness of vacuum of fermion or boson operators

Suppose I have a set of boson (or fermion) annihilation operators $\{a_i\}$ defined on a Hilbert space. These operators satisfy the canonical (anti-)commutation rules $$ \text{boson:} \quad [a_i, a^\...
Zhengyuan Yue's user avatar
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Ground state of Bogoliubov quasi-particles (simpler version)

This is a simplified version of one of my previous questions. Let $b_1, b_2$ be two boson operators; their vacuum is denoted as $|0\rangle$, i.e. $b_i |0\rangle = 0$. We can make a canonical ...
Zhengyuan Yue's user avatar
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How is the interacting vacuum defined in QFT?

I have seen this in a couple of textbooks (Schwartz and Zee), where the author would use the interacting vacuum $|\Omega \rangle$ in a calculation, but would never mention how the state is defined. ...
Tachyon's user avatar
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How to perform the limit of infinite time in the LSZ approach?

I am computing the scattering matrix using the LSZ reduction formula in a semiclassical limit. The result that I am getting has the following form: $$ S = \lim_{t_i \to - \infty} \lim_{t_f \to \infty} ...
aruera's user avatar
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Clarification on interaction picture in QFT

Say we want to calculate $\langle f(t_2)|O|i(t_1)\rangle$. Where $O$ is an arbitrary operator. We can treat the states as stationary and then evolve the operator $$\langle f(0)|O(t)|i(0)\rangle\\O(t) =...
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What does sandwiching with an unitary operator and its inverse imply?

I am following the book "An introduction to quantum field theory" by Peskin and Schroeder. In the section 'Discrete symmetries of the Dirac theory', it is written, $P a^s _p P^{-1} = \eta_a ...
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