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Concrete understanding of QFT Hilbert space for spinor

I'm trying to understand the concepts of a spinor field in QFT. I naively understand there are two values at each spatial position $\vec{r}$: a probability amplitude and a spinor value. Is there a ...
HoosierDaddy's user avatar
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The wave-function in QFT

As I understand, the wave-function in QFT becomes a wave-functional dependent on fields. I have heard this told by Sean Carroll in his Biggest Ideas in the Universe lectures. Srednicki gives the $n$-...
Depenau's user avatar
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Wavefunction of a particle decay

Lets say we have a decay of $\rho^{0}$, in the following way. $$\rho^{0} \to \pi^{+} + \pi^{-}.$$ Is the following statement true? $$|\rho^{0}\rangle = |\pi^{+}\rangle|\pi^{-}\rangle.$$ I don't think ...
Aditya Agarwal's user avatar
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In what way does QFT combine particles' wavefunctions to form fields?

If I understand correctly, in terms of the math of QFT, saying that particles are excitations in fields is mathematically equivalent to saying that a field is a representation of all possible ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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What are the adequate Hilbert spaces for Schrödinger, Schrödinger–Pauli, Dirac equations, and QFT?

In quantum mechanics (both non-relativistic and relativistic), it is possible to study physical systems by looking for solutions of PDEs, whose solutions belong to suitable Hilbert spaces: ...
Davius's user avatar
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Is it just a mnemonic to call $\phi (x)|0\rangle$ a particle at position $x$?

We often take $\phi (x) |0\rangle$ to mean preparing a particle at position $x$. We also take $\langle 0|\phi(x) \phi(y)|0\rangle$ to mean the probability of creating a particle at $y$ and observing ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Is the quantum mechanical wavefunction a sum of amplitudes in QFT?

I can remember while reading Ryder's book on quantum field theory, i a chapter intro, that Dyson remembered Feynman saying that an electron does anything it likes. It moves at any speed, in any ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Motivation for Quantum Field Operators

I am currently learning quantum field theory and trying to wrap my head around a couple of concepts that are still eluding my understanding: What is the reason for transitioning from wavefunctions to ...
user132849's user avatar
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Wave function symmetry on Fock space

Let's consider two electrons, created in the following manner $c^{\dagger}_{k_1,u} c^{\dagger}_{k_2,d} |0\rangle$, where $k_1$ and $k_2$ are the wavenumbers, and $u$ and $d$ stand for up and down spin ...
wawa's user avatar
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How does $\sum_k \psi_k^*(\vec{r})\psi_k(\vec{r}')=\delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r}')$ express the completeness of a basis?

The annihilation field operator is defined as $$\hat{\psi}(\vec{r})=\sum_k \hat{b}_k \psi_k(\vec{r})$$ Two of these operators satisfy the commutation relations $$[\hat{\psi}(\vec{r}),\hat{\psi}^{\...
SalahTheGoat's user avatar
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Hilbert space and wave functions of single-particle states in QFT (Weinberg)

So, following Weinberg (chapter 2), he derives all the transformation properties of the states $\Psi_{p,\sigma}$. These are eigenstates of the four-momentum (and some other observable with a discrete ...
Nicholas Engelbert's user avatar
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Why is it useful to characterize relativistic particle states by this kind of wavefunction?

This question is a followup to my previous one "Why are momentum eigenstates in QFT plane waves? " as it made sense for me to ask this separately, in a self-contained manner. In QFT we have ...
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Multi-mode Fock states

I would like to ask if this expression makes sense. $$|Ψ⟩ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{7}}(|1000000⟩+|0100000⟩+|0010000⟩+|0001000⟩+|0000100⟩+|0000010⟩+|0000001⟩)$$ For example, $|1000000⟩$ represents one particle ...
Tomáš Kubalík's user avatar
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What are we measuring in a quantum field when we square the wavefunction?

Suppose we are doing a measurement in a particular quantum field, i.e electron field. Are we looking for the probability of the electron to show up at that spot we are measuring or are we measuring ...
user6760's user avatar
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Explicit form of the wavefunctional

In quantum mechanics, one in principle can write down an explicit form of the corresponding wave-function. For example, $V_i$ for the $i$-th level of quantum harmonic oscillator. In QFT, the Hilbert ...
stanislav-iablokov's user avatar

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