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About momentum states covariant normalization

I'm following QFT of Schwrtz and I have a doubt about Eq. (2.72). In particular, from Eq. (2.69): $$[a_k,a_p^\dagger]=(2\pi)^3\delta^3(\vec{p}-\vec{k}),\tag{2.69}$$ and Eq. (2.70): $$a_p^\dagger|0\...
Albus Black's user avatar
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How to normalize the states in the continuous limit?

In quantum field theories we can perform the continuous limit, where we take the limit $V\rightarrow\infty$ for the volume system. In quantum optics, we can start by absorbing a factor $\left(\frac{L}{...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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Why two energies look same in the relativistic normalization?

I'm reading Peskin's QFT textbook. In this book, to make normalization of momentum eigenstate Lorentz invariant, we define momentum eigenket as $$\left| \mathbf{p} \right> = \sqrt{2E_{\mathbf{p}}} ...
김승현's user avatar
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(Srednicki) How to obtain the normalization condition for Dirac field?

I'm reading through srednicki's qft and I met a problem. In its section 41, after he make an assumption that the creation operators of free field theory would work comparably in the interacting theory ...
Dzhou's user avatar
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Why do we need to normalise states in quantum field theory?

In QM its obvious that we need to normalise quantum states since their inner product squared represents a probability. This normalization leads to physical states in QM being represented by 'rays' of ...
Alex Gower's user avatar
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Normalization of One-Particle States for Klein-Gordon Field Quantization

Peskin & Schroeder in their QFT textbook discusses how we may normalize one-particle states $|\textbf{p}\rangle$ for Klein-Gordon field quantization in pages 22-23. The excerpts are given below. ...
rainman's user avatar
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LSZ formula in Srednicki, normalization issue

In the Ch.5 of his book, Srednicki says LSZ formula is valid provided the following conditions hold: $$ \langle 0|\phi(x)|0\rangle = 0, \langle p|\phi(x)|0\rangle = 1 $$ To achieve these conditions, ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Weinberg's normalization convention for momentum eigenstates

In this answer two different conventions for the normalization of momentum eigenstates are mentioned. This convention amounts to the choice of $N(p)$ ...
Nicholas Engelbert's user avatar
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Normalization of vacuum state in field theory

I am doing a calculation of an amplitude in QFT, not an expert in the subject so this may be a trivial question but cannot find the answer. What is the normalization of the vacuum state of the ...
user171780's user avatar
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Normalization of momentum eigenstates in QFT

Inspired by a previous question, I'd like to ask about the normalization of one-particle states in QFT. The most common normalization seems to be the covariant one: $$ \langle \vec p'|\vec p\rangle = (...
ersbygre1's user avatar
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How the normalization condition implies the following relation?

Using equation 2.35 from Peskin and Schroeder: $$ |\vec{p}\rangle=\sqrt{2 E_{\vec{p}}} a^{\dagger}_\vec{p} |0\rangle $$ should lead to $$ U(\Lambda)|\vec{p}\rangle = |\Lambda \vec{p}\rangle, $$ where ...
Edison Santos's user avatar
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How to compute normalization of one-particle states for Klein-Gordon field quantization

I am reading through Dr. Schwartz's book on quantum field theory; in section 2.3.1, he writes the following relation: $$\langle\mathbf{p}|\mathbf{k}\rangle=2\omega_p(2\pi)^3\delta^3(\mathbf{p}-\mathbf{...
John Dumancic's user avatar
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Infinite correlation functions in free field theory

In a free scalar field theory, Wick's theorem guarantees that $\langle \hat\phi(x)\rangle = 0$ and $\langle \hat\phi(x)^2\rangle = \infty$. Given that $\hat \phi(x)$ creates a particle at $x$, these ...
laaksonenp's user avatar
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Is this integral always equal to 1?

This is my Hamiltonian. $\psi_{\alpha}$ is a bosonic field. $$H_{\alpha}=\int \mathrm{d} \mathbf{r} \psi_{\alpha}^{\dagger}(\mathbf{r})\left(-\frac{\nabla^{2}}{2 m}\right) \psi_{\alpha}(\mathbf{r})+\...
user45757's user avatar
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Weinberg QFT 1 Normalization one 1 particle states p. 66

I encounter a question regarding the derivation of the normalization of 1 Particle states in Weinbergs book (Formula 2.5.14). Similar questions were asked in A question on page 65 of Weinberg's ...
DerHutmacher's user avatar

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