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Completeness relation for Hilbert space in quantum field theory

I'm studying chapter 7 section 1 of Peskin and Schroeder. On page 212, we have the one particle Hilbert space $$\tag{7.1} (1)_{\text{1-particle}}=\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2E_p}|p\rangle\...
Simplyorange's user avatar
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Rigorous definition of the energy-momentum operator in QFT

Given a Hilbert space $H$, let $\Gamma(H)$ denote the associated Fock space. Let $a^*$ be the standard creation operator-valued distribution on the Fock space $\Gamma(L^2(\mathbb{R}^3))$, i.e. $$ a^*(\...
marmistrz's user avatar
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Does the Fock space for a free QFT decompose into a tensor product of Fock spaces for each momentum?

Take a free relativistic QFT, say for a real scalar field $\phi$ with the Lagrangian density $$ \mathscr{L} = \frac{ \partial_{\mu} \phi \partial^\mu \phi - m^2 \phi^2}{2} \ . $$ After quantization we ...
QuantumEyedea's user avatar
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What is the proper translation of a field operator?

I am trying to write the correct expression for a translated quantum field operator. There appear to be conflicting expressions given in this PSE post, and this one. In the former linked PSE post, the ...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
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Weinberg's normalization convention for momentum eigenstates

In this answer two different conventions for the normalization of momentum eigenstates are mentioned. This convention amounts to the choice of $N(p)$ ...
Nicholas Engelbert's user avatar
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Is $|i\rangle=\sqrt{2\omega_1}\sqrt{2\omega_2}a^\dagger_{p_1}(-\infty)a^\dagger_{p_2}(-\infty)|\Omega\rangle$ a momentum eigenstate?

Define an asymptotic state in the far past as $$|i\rangle=\sqrt{2\omega_1}\sqrt{2\omega_2}a^\dagger_{{\vec p}_1}(-\infty)a^\dagger_{{\vec p}_2}(-\infty)|\Omega\rangle$$ where $|\Omega\rangle$ is the ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Weinberg QFT 1 Normalization one 1 particle states p. 66

I encounter a question regarding the derivation of the normalization of 1 Particle states in Weinbergs book (Formula 2.5.14). Similar questions were asked in A question on page 65 of Weinberg's ...
DerHutmacher's user avatar
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Quantum operator calculations [closed]

We define the quantum operator $$ P^\mu=\int{\frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}}p^\mu a_p^\dagger a_p $$ Now how can I calculate $$ \langle p_2|P^\mu|p_1\rangle~? $$ My attempt: $$ \langle p_2|P^\mu|p_1\...
twisted manifold's user avatar
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Is the field-momentum operator ambiguous?

In this question I asked wether the definition of the momentum operator as an operator that has to generate translations by satisfying the canonical commutation relations was ambiguous. The answer to ...
Quantumwhisp's user avatar
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What's the momentum-space vacuum wave-functional of a fermion?

In the Schrödinger picture, the field eigenstates of a real scalar field $\hat\phi(\mathbf x)$ with $\mathbf x \in\mathbb R^3$ are the states $\hat\phi(\mathbf x)|\phi\rangle=\phi(\mathbf x)|\phi\...
alexchandel's user avatar
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How does the momentum operator act on a multi-particle state?

My issue is about the proper development of the action of the momentum operator $P^{\mu}$ - the generator of spacetime translations - on multi-particle states. I'm a little clueless on this, so I'm ...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
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Contraction between scalar field and momentum eigenstate

In solving the $\phi^4$ theory in Peskin, we define the contraction (on pg. 110 eq. 4.94) $$C\left(\phi(x)|p \rangle \right)=\phi(x)|p \rangle . $$ That is, the contraction is just the action of $\...
InertialObserver's user avatar
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What justifies the use of asymptotic momentum state?

The LSZ scattering approach starts with initial and final asymptotic momentum states. But we know that $\langle k' | k\rangle = \delta^3(k'-k)$, which means that it is not a properly normalizable ...
Brion Brion's user avatar
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Confusion in normalization of position space and momentum space

It seems that in LSZ formalism approach, or just Feynman diagram approach, we can compute scattering amplitude of $\langle x_{out} | y_{in}\rangle$ (position space) and $\langle p_{out} | p_{in}\...
Brion Brion's user avatar
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Doubt regarding field expansion in Schwartz

In section 2.3.1 he says that annihilation and creation operator satisfy $$[a,a^{\dagger}]=1$$ fine no problem this is the basic definition after all. He then says on generalizing it we get $$[a_k,a_p^...
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