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Questions tagged [quantum-anomalies]

This tag is for anomalies in a symmetry, either in classical or quantum theories. DO NOT USE THIS TAG for anomalies in a measurement.

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Axial Chiral Anomaly

I'm reading that many articles are using the "axial anomaly equation" (e.g. Fermion number fractionization in quantum field theory pag.142 or eq (2.27) of Spectral asymmetry on an open space)...
roberto's user avatar
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Non-Abelian anomaly: why does non-Hermitian operator have complete basis of eigenvectors?

In section 13.3 of his book [1], Nakahara computes the non-Abelian anomaly for a chiral Weyl fermion coupled to a gauge field by making use of an operator $$ \mathrm{i}\hat{D} = \mathrm{i}\gamma^\mu (\...
xzd209's user avatar
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Questions about the treatment of anomalies

I was reading Schwartz's QFT book, and in Chapter 30, he introduces the calculations of anomalies by evaluating objects like $\partial_\mu\langle J^{\mu 5}J^\nu J^\alpha\rangle$, where $J^5$ is ...
FranDahab's user avatar
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Peskin and Schroeder Chapter 19 anomalies 19.63 Lagrangian

I am (self) studying chapter 19 of Peskin and Schroeder's Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Around equation (19.63) they state the Lagrangian is invariant if $\alpha$ is a constant, and if $\...
Archie C's user avatar
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How is the dimensionful renornalization scale $\mu$ related to break of scale invariance in String Theory?

In the $7.1.1$ of David Tong's String Theory notes it is said the following about regularization of Polyakov action in a curved target manifold: $$\tag{7.3} S= \frac{1}{4\pi \alpha'} \int d^2\sigma \ ...
Генивалдо's user avatar
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Quantum (higher-form) anomaly at finite temperature

At finite temperature, anomaly is generally known to be contaminated, and thus the 't Hooft anomaly matching does not work after thermal compactification. Meanwhile, I have read paper saying that ...
Richard's user avatar
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Why does fermion have the expansion with Grassmann-numbers?

I learn the chiral anomaly by Fujikawa method. The text book "Path Integrals and Quantum Anomalies, Kazuo Fujikawa", in the page 151, says that …one can define a complete orthonormal set $\{...
s.h's user avatar
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Unitarity of Effective String Theory away from critical dimesions ($D=26$) , in the static gauge

Starting from compete UV description of QCD (in the confined phase), if we integrate out the quarks and Glueballs, in principle, we will get an effective theory of strings (QCD flux tube and not ...
max panther's user avatar
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Trying to derive chiral anomaly in 2D from Feynman diagrams in position space

Trying to understand the Chiral anomaly, I decided to explore the simplest example of a holomorphic fermion in 2D in a background electromagnetic field $A\text{d}z+\bar{A}\text{d}\bar{z}$. The ...
Ivan Burbano's user avatar
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Is there a "unification" explanation of why the mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly cancels in the standard model?

Quoting the Review of Particle Physics (93.2.3): all representations of SO(10) are anomaly free in four dimensions... the absence of anomalies in ... a SM generation can be viewed as deriving from ...
Mitchell Porter's user avatar
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Getting rid of the theta term in the standard electroweak theory

This has already been asked here more than once, but the existing answers do not tackle my misunderstanding. A topological $\theta$-term is understood to be physical, in the usual particle model ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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How is the pion related to spontaneous symmetry breaking in QCD?

In chapter 19 of An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin & Schroeder, they discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) at low energies in massless (or nearly massless) QCD, given by $$\...
Flynn Linton's user avatar
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Goldstone bosons in 2 and 3 quark flavor symmetries [closed]

In my (undergraduate) advanced elementary particles class last semester, we learnt that for a 2 quark (u/d) model the symmetry of the Lagrangian is (and breaks as) $$ U(2)_L \otimes U(2)_R = SU(2)_L \...
Yaezir's user avatar
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Counting of zero-modes in conifold theory

I was reading Klebanov and Witten's paper on the conifold theory and at page 11 they state that [...] In an instanton field of the first $U(N)$ with instanton number $k$, the gluinos of the first $U(...
Davide Morgante's user avatar
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What does it mean to "saturate" an anomaly?

I often see discussion about "saturating" an anomaly in papers having to do with things discrete 't Hooft anomalies, anomaly inflow, and so on. An example (there are many other papers) is ...
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