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Questions tagged [coherent-states]

The specific quantum state of the quantum harmonic oscillator, often described as a state which has dynamics most closely resembling the oscillatory behavior of a classical harmonic oscillator. It obeys the minimal uncertainty relation in Heisenberg's uncertainty relationship.

74 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why can transform the $\rm SU(2)$ spin to $S^2$ space?

Spin lies in $\rm SU(2)$ space, i.e. $S^3$ space, but when we write the spin coherent state: $$|\Omega(\theta, \phi)\rangle=e^{i S \chi} \sqrt{(2 S) !} \sum_{m} \frac{e^{i m \phi}\left(\cos \frac{\...
Merlin Zhang's user avatar
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How is the BCS ground state a coherent state?

A coherent state is defined as the eigenstate of the annihilation operator $\hat{a}$. It can be obtained from the vacuum of the number operator by acting with displacement operator: $$|z\rangle=\hat{D}...
Solidification's user avatar
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What is the best way to describe a classical field in quantum field theory (coherent state)?

In quantum field theory, we have the following expansion on a scalar field (I follow the convention of Schwarz's book) $$\phi(\vec{x},t)=\int d^3 p \frac{a_p exp(-ip_\mu x^\mu)+a_p^{\dagger}exp(ip_\mu ...
Tan Tixuan's user avatar
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Off-diagonal elements of density matrix in three-level system

In a three-level system, let's say an atom with three possible states, $|1\rangle$ being the lowest and $|3\rangle$ the highest ($E_1<E_2<E_3$), where $$\Psi(t)= C_1(t)|1\rangle+C_2(t)|2\rangle+...
peter mafai's user avatar
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BCS groundstate as eigenstate of the Cooper pair annihilation operator

In section 3.7 of his book Introduction to Superconductivity (2nd Ed.), Tinkham states that [...] we note that S has the eigenvalue $e^{i\varphi}$ in a BCS state in which the the phase of $\Delta$ [.....
Lucas Baldo's user avatar
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Temporal stability of multimode coherent states

For the standard quantum harmonic oscillator, the coherent states $\{|\alpha\rangle, \alpha\in \mathbb{C}\}$ are temporally stable. That is, $$ e^{-iH t}|\alpha\rangle = |e^{-i t} \alpha\rangle, $$ ...
Tom's user avatar
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Harmonic oscillator in QFT

Given a single bosonic mode with frequency $\omega_0$, such that $\hat{H}=\hbar\omega_0(\frac{1}{2}+\hat{a}^{\dagger}\hat{a})$ how should one show the equivalence between the coherent state path ...
Milarepa's user avatar
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'Coherent state' for particle in one-dimensional infinite square well

Is there such superposition of states for particle in given infinite square well ('box') in which all expectation values correspond to classical behavior of particle in this kind of potential: time ...
Мікалас Кaрыбутоў's user avatar
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Coherent state under Kerr evolution

I have a bosonic mode associated to the usual operators $a$, $a^\dagger$. I'm interested in knowing the evolution of a coherent state $\vert \alpha \rangle = e^{\alpha a^\dagger - \alpha^\ast a}\vert ...
m137's user avatar
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Proof of coherent state displacement operator solution

In $3D$ space I have two $2\times2$ non-Hermitian matrix operators, $A$ and $A^\dagger$, of the form: $$A=\begin{pmatrix} A_{11}(x_j,\partial_j) & A_{12}(x_j,\partial_j)\\ A_{21}(x_j,\partial_j) &...
QPhysl's user avatar
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Could one call eigenstates of $ \hat{a} = \hat{x} + i\hat{p}$ coherent states for other potentials than the harmonic oscillator?

Let's say I look at the quantum system of a particle in one dimension, subject to any other potential than the one of the harmonic oscillator, and I define $\hat{a}$ as stated above. I would find the ...
Quantumwhisp's user avatar
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Coherent state path integral for Dirac fermions

I’m trying to derive the fermionic path integral for the Dirac theory using the coherent state path integral, but I’m not able to get around the presence of a $\gamma_0$ making it look different from ...
abhishek's user avatar
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Action of quantum channel on the state $|\alpha_x\rangle \langle \alpha_y|$

Suppose we have a coherent state with amplitude $\alpha_x$ and density matrix $\rho_x := |\alpha_x\rangle \langle \alpha_x |$. This state is sent through a quantum channel. We do not have a concrete ...
pcalc's user avatar
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Coherent states and QM, Double slit and measurements

In the thread Localization of Electron Matter Field Excitation in Simple Electron QFT Model a vital question about QFT is asked namely ´what keeps the electron matter field excitation localized ...
Mercury's user avatar
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What's the difference between coherent states and quasi-classical states?

It's actually a trouble in translation. I got an essay about "some state" that relate to classical states, but we don't have many textbook in our language to compare. I only know that it's an ...
Long Nguyen's user avatar

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