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Coherent spin state (CSS) for an electron with spin

Standard definition for the spin coherent state (CSS) for the system of $N$ identical particles reads $$ |\theta, \phi\rangle = \bigotimes\limits_{k=1}^{N} \left[ \cos\frac{\theta}{2} |0\rangle_k + e^{...
MightyPower's user avatar
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Is $SU(2)$ coherent state normalized?

I know Glauber coherent state are normalized such that the inner product of < α|α > =1 where |α > is Glauber coherent state. My question is (is SU(2) COHERENT STATE NORMALIZED)? I MEAN IF |Z&...
Aisha's user avatar
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In what sense are spin coherent states "classical"?

Spin coherent states are often introduced as "the most classical states of a finite-dimensional system", or as the analogous of coherent states of light for finite-dimensional systems. See e....
glS's user avatar
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How to calculate spin correlation function via spin coherent state?

I am following the Section 8.3.1 of Auerbach. I want to calculate spin correlation function via spin coherent state, i.e. the equation (8.28): $$\begin{aligned}\left\langle\mathbf{S}_{m} \cdot \mathbf{...
Merlin Zhang's user avatar
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How to calculate the expectation value in spin coherent state?

In Shankar, QFT and Condensed Matter, p73, it says $$\langle S,S|\vec S|SS\rangle=\vec kS,\tag{6.3}$$ $$\langle\Omega|\vec S|\Omega\rangle=S(\vec i \sin\theta \cos\phi+\vec j \sin\theta \sin\phi+\...
RicknJerry's user avatar
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Numerical method to find the roots of the expected value of a spin 2j state

Currently I am working with finding the solutions for the following problem: I have a unit sphere in which I have n points defined by their polar and azimuthal angles: $\theta_n , \phi_n$. I then do ...
Sergio Penagos's user avatar
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Spin coherent state for general spin $S$

In Wen's book on Many-body QFT, he claimed that the coherent state for a spin-$S$ particle can be written as a tensor product of $2S$ spin-1/2 coherent states: $$|\hat{n}\rangle=|z\rangle\otimes|z\...
M. Zeng's user avatar
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Can we define the spin coherent state for spin half operator $\vec{S}$?

Here I meet two kinds of definitions for the spin coherent state: $\vec{\widehat{S}}|\vec{n}\rangle=S\vec{n}|\vec{n}\rangle$ (in my quantum field theory course); $\vec{n}\cdot\vec{\widehat{S}}|\vec{n}...
Jack's user avatar
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Time evolution of a spin-coherent state

What i'm struggling with is this question: Consider a spin S in an external magnetic field along the quantization axis so that the $|S_{z}>$ states are eigenstates with equally spaced eigenvalues ...
Reuben Mitchell's user avatar
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Quantum mechanical spin coherent states

I'm really struggling with how to derive the right hand side of this equation. It's the Spin operator on coherent states of the harmonic oscillator. I've done it for the $S_+$ operator but can't seem ...
Reuben Mitchell's user avatar