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6 votes
2 answers

When is a state entangled?

I have read from What's the difference between an entangled state, a superposed state and a cat state? that an entangled state is one that cannot be expressed as product state. Suppose we have the ...
Daniel Janjani's user avatar
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How is continuous variable quantum key distribution safe against tapping some photons?

As far as I understand, CV-QKD (also here) uses coherent states to send a key, that is encoded in amplitude and phase quadratures. When someone tries to eavesdrop, this will introduce an error and ...
julian's user avatar
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Master equation with a coherent bath

When we consider an oscillator $a$ acting with a bath of oscillators $b_i$ with the interaction Hamiltonian reads $$H_{int}=\sum_{i}g_ia b_i^{\dagger}+g_i^*a^{\dagger}b_i,$$ with the free Hamiltonian: ...
Tan Tixuan's user avatar
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What is the relationship between "quantum coherence" and "coherent states"?

What is the relationship between Quantum coherence and Coherent States? I (almost) get the concept of Quantum Coherence when i think about it in the framework of density matrices. I also get the ...
physicsandai's user avatar
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How to derive the displacement operator from the relation $|\alpha\rangle=e^{\alpha(a^\dagger-a)}|0\rangle$?

I've been studying coherent states, an encountered a problem. My teacher told me, one can derive displacement operator via complexifying the parameter $\alpha$ in this formula: $$|\alpha\rangle=e^{\...
a Fish in Dirac Sea's user avatar
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Action of quantum channel on the state $|\alpha_x\rangle \langle \alpha_y|$

Suppose we have a coherent state with amplitude $\alpha_x$ and density matrix $\rho_x := |\alpha_x\rangle \langle \alpha_x |$. This state is sent through a quantum channel. We do not have a concrete ...
pcalc's user avatar
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Quantum Geometric Tensor and Berry Connection

The Quantum Geometric Tensor is given by $$ \begin{split} Q_{\mu\nu}=\langle\partial_{\mu}\psi|\partial_{\nu}\psi\rangle-\langle\partial_{\mu}\psi|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|\partial_{\nu}\psi\rangle \end{...
m1rohit's user avatar
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What are the Fock-state probabilities of general Gaussian states?

A general (pure) Gaussian state has the form $\newcommand{\on}[1]{\operatorname{#1}}\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\lvert #1\rangle}\ket{\alpha,\xi}\equiv D(\alpha)S(\xi)\ket{\on{vac}}$, with $\ket{\on{vac}}$ ...
glS's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

In what sense are spin coherent states "classical"?

Spin coherent states are often introduced as "the most classical states of a finite-dimensional system", or as the analogous of coherent states of light for finite-dimensional systems. See e....
glS's user avatar
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How to obtain the Fubini-Study metric for $SU(2)$ coherent states, using bra-ket notation?

I know that the Fubini Study metric for the $SU(2)$ coherent state is the metric on $CP^1$. The $SU(2)$ un-normalised coherent state is given by $$ \mid z\rangle=\sum_{m=-j}^{m=+j}\sqrt{\left( \begin{...
m1rohit's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to compute expectation value $\langle e^{iH}\rangle$ for quadratic Hamiltonians?

I have a rather basic, but actually non-trivial question: We consider a bosonic system with creation operators $\hat{a}_i^\dagger$ and annihilation operators $\hat{a}_j$ and vacuum state $|0\rangle$ ...
LFH's user avatar
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Diagonalisation of quasi-thermal state

I have the following density operator $$\frac{1}{t \pi N} \int_{\mathbb{C}} \mathrm{d}^2\gamma \exp \left[ -\frac{|\gamma+r\alpha|^2}{t^2 N} \right] |{\gamma}\rangle\langle{\gamma}|,$$ where $0\leq t,...
aromaboy2002's user avatar
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Projective measurement using two mode squeezed state?

Let me define two mode squeezed states as $ \left | \xi \right>_n=\exp\left(\xi \hat{a}^\dagger \hat{b}^\dagger-\hat{a} \hat{b} \xi^\star\right)\left | n,0 \right>$ where $\left|n,0\right>$ ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
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Are Bi-photons and Fock States (with $N=2$) the same?

I've been researching about quantum states of light, and I came across with both terms. For what I understand of both, I think they are the same (entangled individual photons with same position and ...
Guillermo Rocamora Perez's user avatar
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Classical analogy for why driving a quantum harmonic oscillator creates a coherent state?

If we drive a quantum harmonic oscillator (e.g. starting from its ground state) at its resonance frequency then it will not just create an excitation in the first excited state but will create a ...
Jon A's user avatar
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