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Questions tagged [ads-cft]

AdS/CFT is a special case of the holographic principle. It states that a quantum gravitating theory in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space is exactly equivalent to the gauge theory/Conformal Field Theory (CFT) on its boundary.

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BTZ black hole as a quotient of AdS space

I am trying to understand this paper 1 and trying to reproduce some calculations and had some questions about that. In section 3.2, page 12, eq. 3.9, the authors are writing normal geodesics of an ...
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1 answer

Do Cauchy horizons in AdS have a dual picture in the dual CFT?

The AdS/CFT correspondence has kindled interest in anti-de Sitter and asymptotically AdS spacetimes which are non-globally hyperbolic. That means a Cauchy horizon forms in these spacetimes. Moreover, ...
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Does the dictionary always map the bulk operator to the CFT operator?

Using the (extrapolate) dictionary, one can map a bulk field to a boundary CFT operator. The mapped operator is always a CFT operator? How is it guaranteed?
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Why Is There No Oscillator Representation for Operators in Planar ${\cal N}=4$ SYM Theory?

I'm studying the planar ${\cal N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory and I'm curious about the representations of its operators, specifically the Hamiltonian and the dilatation operator. In many quantum ...
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What is the dual asymptotic spacetime of a CFT on a particular flat manifold?

According to AdS/CFT correspondence, the dual theory of a boundary CFT on flat spacetime is defined on an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The nature of the bulk spacetime depends on the topology of the ...
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How to derive Feffermann-Graham expansion for AdS Vaidya geometries?

Introduction The Feffermann-Graham expansion for an asymptotically AdS spacetime [0] looks like Poincare AdS but with the flat space replaced by a more general metric i.e. $$ds^2=\frac{1}{z^2}(g_{\mu \...
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1 answer

What does the WZ term in a WZW action means for string theory on group manifolds?

Let $G$ be a semi-simple Lie group. By Cartan's criterion its Killing form $B(X,Y)$ on $\frak g$ is non-degenerate. We can use it to define an inner product on the whole group by left translation $${\...
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Conformal compactification of AdS spacetime

In this paper, page 2, the authors state "The boundary of the conformal compactified $AdS_{d+1}$ is ...
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Hyperbolic disks in AdS/CFT

The embedding of AdS space into Minkowski spacetime describes a hyperboloid as e.g. shown in the corresponding Wikipedia article on AdS space. Now my questions are: How does this relate to the ...
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Boundary conditions for bulk partition function in AdS/CFT

In AdS/CFT, we are told that the bulk and boundary functions are equal: $$ \tag{1}Z_{bulk}[J]= Z_{CFT}[J], $$ where on the left hand side of the equality, $J$ is interpreted as a boundary condition at ...
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What are the implications of supersymmetry generators satisfying a majorana condition?

hoping to resolve some confusion I have about this paper ( regarding the holographic dual of a flow from ${\cal N}=4$ SYM to an ${\cal N}=1$ SUSY theory. Broadly ...
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Partial integration of the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term

In on page 16 in their Eq. (5.21), they go from the equation $$S_G+S_\chi\approx\int d^2x\sqrt{-g}XR+\int dt\sqrt{-\gamma}XK$$ to the equation $$=\int d^2x \sqrt{-g}\...
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Bulk-to-bulk propagator in 3-point function in AdS-CFT correspondence. Trouble solving a PDE

I have encountered an issue in a PDE (A Green's function actually). I am solving it in $(d+1)$-dimensions and I use Poincare coordinates in AdS spacetime, meaning I have a dimension $z$ and I also ...
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1 answer

Trouble in complex integral while calculating 2-point function in AdS-CFT correspondence [closed]

Upon calculating the 2-point function of a scalar, I ran in a problem in the final calculations. For reference, I am basiccaly following the methodology of
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1 answer

Vectors in AdS/CFT: scaling dimension and near boundary behaviour

I'm trying to understand how the near boundary expansion of a field in AdS$_{d+1}$ is related to the conformal dimension of the corresponding operator in the dual CFT$_d$. I use coordinates in which ...

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