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Interpretation of two independet solutions of equations of motion in AdS/CFT

I am trying to understand the statement in AdS/CFT correspondence, that from the two independent solutions of equations of motion in the bulk, one corresponds to the source of operator $\mathcal{O} (x)...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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Why do we not try to describe $4$d quantum gravity with a $3$d CFT?

In AdS/CFT correspondence, one mostly studies the case with AdS$_5 \times$ S$_5$ on the string side and $4$d $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills on the gauge field theory side. Real-world observations ...
Pxx's user avatar
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Is the gauge/gravity (or AdS/CFT) duality believed to be exact?

I was wondering about the implications of the gauge/gravity (or AdS/CFT in a more restrictive sense) duality for the way we deal with physical theories, and I was wondering if the duality was believed ...
Pxx's user avatar
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What happens to the $U(1)$ factor in the $U(N)$ SYM gauge group of the AdS/CFT correspondence?

I'm learning about the AdS/CFT correspondence. I know that from the open string perspective, the dynamics on a stack of $N$ coincident $D3$-branes is given by a $\mathcal{N} = 4$ Super Yang Mills ...
Kamil's user avatar
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What is really this Gauge-Gravity duality all about?

I have no background in string theory but have a reasonable exposure to quantum field theory including the quantization of gauge theories. In simple terms what is this Gauge-Gravity duality all about ...
SRS's user avatar
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Global $SU(N)$ on the gravity side in AdS/CFT

For AdS/CFT to make sense, symmetries must match between the AdS side and the CFT side. Gauge symmetries are redundancies, not symmetries, therefore the CFT can have a (large) gauge symmetry, say $SU(...
VashVI's user avatar
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Central Charge of large $N$ Gauge theory in 't Hooft limit

It is well known that large N gauge theory in t'Hooft limit has central charge ~ $N^2$ I want to convince myself in this by considering simple example of: 1 flavor(meaning that we have only one ...
Yaroslav Shustrov's user avatar
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Is there some no-go theorem for $D=9$ Kaluza Klein QCD+EM?

While QCD is a typical product of AdS/CFT and some other research trends in extra dimensions, I have never found in the literature an example producing the non-chiral part of the standard model, ...
arivero's user avatar
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Charged CFT observables and AdS/CFT

I have a simple question regarding the holographic dictionary when mapping operators on the CFT side to those in AdS. One piece of the dictionary is that a global symmetry maps onto a gauge symmetry ...
David M's user avatar
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AdS/CFT-duality: How does the $U(1)$ decouple form the $U(N)$?

A stack of N coincident D3-branes on its world-volume describe, at the lowest order in $\alpha'$ and in absence of non-trivial background fields, a supersymmetric $U(N)$ gauge theory as explained in ...
Anne O'Nyme's user avatar
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Why gauge field should be vanishing on horizon?

When considering an AdS spacetime including a black hole, matter field and gauge field, the value of temporal component $A_t$ of the gauge potential $A_\mu$ on horizon always is set be zero, even the ...
Zoe Rowa's user avatar
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D7 brane profile

I have a doubt about the differential equation leading to the profile of a d7 brane embedded in a 10 dimensional space. According to, equation (6), we have the ...
miguelFe's user avatar
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Moduli Space of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM on $\mathbb{R} \times S^3$

When we define $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM on flat Minkowski space, the supersymmetric vacua are parametrized by scalars living in the cartan subalgebra of the gauge group. A generic point in the moduli space ...
Dan's user avatar
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Master Field Large N limit

I would like to ask a question about the so-called ''Master Field''. As far as I understand, this represents a classical configuration in the large n limit (saddle point solution) but there is no ...
Panagiotis Betzios's user avatar
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Taking the continuum limit of $U(N)$ gauge theories

I would like to draw your attention to appendix $C$ on page 38 of this paper. The equation $C.2$ there seems to be evaluating the sum $\sum_R \chi _R (U^m)$ in equation 3.16 of this paper. I ...
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