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Why and how we study different limits in quantum gravity?

While I'm reading an article, I get confused by why and how we study different limits in quantum limit. In this paper, the author introduced four limits in D0-brane quantum mechanics: the DKPS (...
Errorbar's user avatar
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What are Bubbling Geometries?

I know that Wilson loops in certain higher rank representations are dual to Bubbling Geometries. Also, certain local operators are dual to this kind of solutions. But (independently from holography), ...
ConfusedPhDstudent's user avatar
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Integrating out the 5th dimension in AdS/CFT

My main understanding of AdS/CFT is through the idea that the partition functions on the boundary and bulk are equivalent when expressed in terms of source fields $J_0$. On the boundary $J_0$ is a ...
octonion's user avatar
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How I can get the numerical factor in the relation between string coupling and YM coupling?

I'm trying to understand some references about Wilson loops being used to test AdS/CFT. Some of them are Nadav Drukker, David J. Gross: An Exact Prediction of N=4 SUSYM Theory for String Theory ...
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Is Randall-Sundrum model background independent?

Randall-Sundrum model ( is related on string theory. String theory can be background independent (
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Very basic question on AdS/CFT

I was going through the introductory material by Horatiu in Ads-CFT. It says that $N+1$ D-branes are split into $N$ D-Branes and a probe D-Brane. The Wilson loop is located on the probe D-brane, which ...
Angela's user avatar
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CFT with noncompact target space => no well-defined vacuum state?

In Maldacena & Nunez's paper, on page 6, when they discuss the compactification of Type-IIB on $\textbf{R}^6 \times K3$ (with D3 branes wrapped on $\textbf{R}^{1,1} \times \Sigma$ where $\Sigma$ ...
leastaction's user avatar
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Rotating Branes and AdS/CFT

Do we have an extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence for rotating branes? Are the rotating branes, the supergravity analog of the Kerr Black Holes in General Relativity? What are the most ...
Julian BA's user avatar
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Supersymmetries of the type IIB D3-brane action

The following query is based on a reading of section 2.2 of a paper by Graña and Polchinski. The idea is to begin with the D3 brane action of the form $$ ds^2 = Z^{-1/2}\eta_{\mu\nu}dx^\mu dx^\nu + Z^...
leastaction's user avatar
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From String Frame to Einstein Frame for 10D supergravity

This question is related to but not answered in the post String frame and Einstein frame for a Dp-brane, so it should be treated as a separate question. Beginning with the gravity action $$S = \frac{...
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Curvature of Weyl-rescaled metric from curvature of original metric

I'm trying to go from the low-energy effective action in the string-frame to the corresponding action in the Einstein frame. The action in the string frame has the form $$S = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^7 l_s^8}\...
leastaction's user avatar
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What does it mean the term "probe brane"?

What does it exactly mean the term "probe brane"? People say for example: We put a stack of N branes at some point and then a probe brane ..." How do they appear in AdS/CFT? Can you give me an ...
Marion's user avatar
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Materials on charged black brane

Does anyone know some good materials on charged black branes in AdS/CFT and the role of chemical potential in theses cases?
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Questions on D branes and their role in the AdS/CFT correspondence

I'm a beginner in learning the AdS/CFT correspondence, and I come across two problems that I hope an answer will be given here. D branes in string theory are usually introduced through the T-duality ...
Yue Huang's user avatar
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AdS/CFT dual of $N$ D$p$-branes at finite temperature

The gravity dual of $N$ D$p$-branes at zero temperature is $$ ds^2= H^{-1/2}(r)(-dt^2+dx_p^2) + H^{1/2}(r)(dr^2 + r^2d\Omega_{8-p}^2) $$ with $$ H(r) = 1 + \left(\frac{R}{r}\right)^{7-p} $$ what ...
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