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Conformal compactification of AdS spacetime

In this paper, page 2, the authors state "The boundary of the conformal compactified $AdS_{d+1}$ is ...
Βασίλης Γερμανίδης's user avatar
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AdS compactification of Minkowski space

I am trying to understand the paper "Anti De Sitter Space And Holography" by E. Witten (cf. One of the first point it makes is that "Minkowski ...
Ignacio Garrido González's user avatar
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What does it mean for a quantum field theory to "live" on a manifold?

I was attending lectures om holography where the lecturer kept on mentioning that a QFT lives on a Cauchy slice. What does that mean? Is it such that each point of the slice is associated to a unique ...
Infinity540's user avatar
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Stress- energy tensor in AdS

I´m trying to reproduce some of the equations from the paper -- A Stress Tensor For Anti-de Sitter Gravity, by Balasubramanian and Kraus, -- and I keep getting one ...
gravity_noob's user avatar
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Hyperbolic disks in AdS/CFT

The embedding of AdS space into Minkowski spacetime describes a hyperboloid as e.g. shown in the corresponding Wikipedia article on AdS space. Now my questions are: How does this relate to the ...
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Derivation of e.q. ( 5.9 ) and ( 5.10 ) in a paper of Kraus et al

I want to derivate equation (5.9) and (5.10) in the paper 3D gravity in a box, by Kraus et al. First of all, we have a metric in $AdS_3$: $$ds^2=\frac{d\rho^2}{4\rho^2}...
Lili Si's user avatar
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Naked singularities in negative $M$ BTZ black hole geometry

Consider a BTZ black hole geometry, \begin{equation} ds^2=-N(r)^2dt^2+N(r)^{-2}dr^2+r^2(N^\phi dt+d\phi)^2, \end{equation} where $M>0$, $N(r)^2=-M+\frac{r^2}{l^2}+\frac{J}{4r^2}$ and $N^\phi(r)=-\...
devCharaf's user avatar
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How to see that Poincaré coordinates cover only part of AdS

Consider (d+1)-dimensional AdS space of radius $\ell$ as defined by its embedding in $R^{2,d}$ : $$ -X_0^2 + \sum_{i} X_i^2-X_{d+1}^2 = -\ell^2 $$ Now we can parametrize this surface by the Poincaré ...
Frotaur's user avatar
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Metric form of $AdS_5 \times S^5$

I want to know the metric form of $AdS_5 \times S^5$. I know there are two forms (maybe more?) Poincare patch and global patch. And what is the difference between these two patches? Can you state the ...
phy_math's user avatar
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Is intrinsic curvature of an embedded surface a covariant quantity from the embedding space point of view?

Suppose I have a $(d+1)$-dimensional manifold with metric $g_{\mu\nu}$. In it I have an embedded codimension-$1$ surface, $\Gamma$, with induced metric $\gamma_{ab}$. Is Ricci scalar defined in terms ...
nGlacTOwnS's user avatar
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How to define an Operator Product Expansion (OPE) on arbitrary Riemann surface for a CFT?

Whenever we define the OPE of a 2D CFT, we do so (at least in the literature that I have come across) on the complex plane. Similarly, the commutation relations between conformal generators $L_n$ and ...
u_sharma's user avatar
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Isometry definition

I work in holography and I'm trying to get my feet when in non-relativistic holography. Can someone explain exactly what an "isometry" is in this context? "the correspondence can be extended to a non-...
Lopey Tall's user avatar
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Sign convention with the $AdS$ metric

One would say that $AdS_n$ satisfies the equations for the scalar curvature (R) and Ricci tensor ($R_{\mu \nu}$), $R = - \frac{n(n-1)}{L^2}$ and $R_{ab} = - \frac{n-1}{L^2}g_{ab}$. But do the signs ...
Student's user avatar
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Is it possible to build up holography in a closed manifold, i.e., in a manifold with a mathematical boundary?

I was wondering about the AdS/CFT correspondence basics. It is constructed on the idea of conformal compactification, in which a open manifold $M$ is homeomorphic related to a closed one $N$ through a ...
Mike's user avatar
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Asymptotic symmetry algebra

So after a lot of research, and tons and tons of papers that I've went through, I finally have some idea how to solve the equations that will give me candidates for the asymptotic symmetry group for ...
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