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What are some books on Condensed Matter Physics like Horatiu Nastase's String Theory for Condensed Matter Physics?

Are there more books and review papers on the applications of string theory methods like AdS/CFT on condensed matter systems like the one by Horatiu Nastase?
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Resources for studying holography for someone with a long gap in physics

for the past 3 years I haven't been reading up on physics and I'd now like to get back into it by learning about holography. I have done courses on QFT and String theory but some concepts I've ...
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Research progress in the symmetries of flat space holography

I was studying the papers [$1$] Arjun Bagchi. The BMS/GCA correspondence [$2$] Duval, C., Gibbons, G. W., & Horvathy, P. A. (2014). Conformal carroll groups. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical ...
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Advanced string theory book recommendations [duplicate]

Let's say I fully understand Polchinski books on string theory Are there any recommended and more advanced book on strings?
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Group theory for advanced QFT

I have taken a course on group theory a few years ago. I have also used a little bit of group theory in a particle physics course. However, now I have started with AdS/CFT and string theory and I am ...
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Resources to start research on the SYK model, with AdS/CFT in mind

What are the main resources to learn the SYK model, focusing more on the AdS/CFT side rather than pure condensed matter theory, assuming a comfortable background in QFT, GR, and a bit of bosonic ...
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Chern-Simons, holography, and bibliography

I am looking for review papers / online talks on Chern-Simons theory with particular focus on the gravitational dual description within the AdS/CFT framework.
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Holographic Entanglement Entropy for a mathematician

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate question for this site, but figured I'd give it a shot. I'm a mathematician (with an extremely limited background in physics) and have come across some ideas ...
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Contemporary resources for holographic superconductivity

I am looking for more recently-written works (either major papers or review articles) on holographic superconductivity, preferably from 2019 or 2020. The main reviews I know are the following: Sean A. ...
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How different Rindler wedges are placed on the AdS$_2$ spacetime via $SL(2)$ isometries?

I am currently reading the paper In it they state that there are different choices for placing different Rindler wedges on the AdS$_2$ Poincaré patch via $SL(2)$ ...
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Background for understanding the holographic principle?

I'm really fascinated by the wikipedia page on the Holographic Principle - "the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region" seems ...
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Higher point semi-classical Virasoro conformal blocks

I am looking for references of higher point semi-classical Virasoro Conformal blocks. I know of one paper where two heavy and arbitrary light operators( have been ...
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References for AdS/CFT correspondence between dimensions 3 and 2

I would like to inquire about references for the AdS/CFT correspondence in dimensions 3 and 2, namely between $AdS^3$ (and gravity there) and its 2-dimensional boundary at infinity (and CFT there). ...
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Reference request: QFT and AdS/CFT for information theorists

There is a lot of buzz recently about connections between quantum information theory and quantum field theory/string theory. I would like to understand in particular how quantum information methods ...
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QFT background needed for AdS/CFT integrability [closed]

Apologies if this type of question isn't permitted. I'm very interested in integrability in the context of AdS/CFT. I'm starting my Masters soon in a very GATIS-involved institute and would like to ...

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