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Questions tagged [ads-cft]

AdS/CFT is a special case of the holographic principle. It states that a quantum gravitating theory in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space is exactly equivalent to the gauge theory/Conformal Field Theory (CFT) on its boundary.

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BTZ black hole as a quotient of AdS space

I am trying to understand this paper 1 and trying to reproduce some calculations and had some questions about that. In section 3.2, page 12, eq. 3.9, the authors are writing normal geodesics of an ...
Goodfellow's user avatar
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Why Is There No Oscillator Representation for Operators in Planar ${\cal N}=4$ SYM Theory?

I'm studying the planar ${\cal N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory and I'm curious about the representations of its operators, specifically the Hamiltonian and the dilatation operator. In many quantum ...
iron's user avatar
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What is the dual asymptotic spacetime of a CFT on a particular flat manifold?

According to AdS/CFT correspondence, the dual theory of a boundary CFT on flat spacetime is defined on an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The nature of the bulk spacetime depends on the topology of the ...
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How to derive Feffermann-Graham expansion for AdS Vaidya geometries?

Introduction The Feffermann-Graham expansion for an asymptotically AdS spacetime [0] looks like Poincare AdS but with the flat space replaced by a more general metric i.e. $$ds^2=\frac{1}{z^2}(g_{\mu \...
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Conformal compactification of AdS spacetime

In this paper, page 2, the authors state "The boundary of the conformal compactified $AdS_{d+1}$ is ...
Βασίλης Γερμανίδης's user avatar
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What are the implications of supersymmetry generators satisfying a majorana condition?

hoping to resolve some confusion I have about this paper ( regarding the holographic dual of a flow from ${\cal N}=4$ SYM to an ${\cal N}=1$ SUSY theory. Broadly ...
Cyrus R.O.'s user avatar
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Partial integration of the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term

In on page 16 in their Eq. (5.21), they go from the equation $$S_G+S_\chi\approx\int d^2x\sqrt{-g}XR+\int dt\sqrt{-\gamma}XK$$ to the equation $$=\int d^2x \sqrt{-g}\...
mp62442's user avatar
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Bulk-to-bulk propagator in 3-point function in AdS-CFT correspondence. Trouble solving a PDE

I have encountered an issue in a PDE (A Green's function actually). I am solving it in $(d+1)$-dimensions and I use Poincare coordinates in AdS spacetime, meaning I have a dimension $z$ and I also ...
Βασίλης Γερμανίδης's user avatar
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Trouble in complex integral while calculating 2-point function in AdS-CFT correspondence [closed]

Upon calculating the 2-point function of a scalar, I ran in a problem in the final calculations. For reference, I am basiccaly following the methodology of
Βασίλης Γερμανίδης's user avatar
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How do hyperbolic tessellations like {7,3} in Anti de-Sitter space relate to our intuition of 3D space (or 4D structure if you include time)?

I just ran into the AdS/CFT correspondence, as I am looking at various use-cases of hyperbolic tessellations, specifically related to the pentagrid and heptagrid as defined by Maurice Margenstern in ...
Lance's user avatar
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Replica wormholes in $AdS_5 \times S^5$ holography

I have a question about replica wormholes and the CFT ensembles in AdS/CFT. To make sure that my question isn't coming from a simple misunderstanding, I'll first sketch out my current understanding on ...
11zaq's user avatar
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Definition of “quasi-locality” in Wilsonian RG scheme

I’m studying about the holographic RG with this paper. In that paper they say Wilsonian action expects quasi locality, but I’m not sure what “quasi-locality" exactly means. If quasi-locality ...
Positron3873's user avatar
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Is there any proposed holographic/thermodynamic interpretation of gravitational time dilation?

In AdS/CFT and holography more generally, many proposals of various degrees of plausibility have been made linking apparently physical notions on the bulk side to more information-theoretic, ...
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AdS$_3$ Geodesics' Length in ambient space as done in "Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy"

I have been following the mentioned paper ("Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy" hep-th/0605073 by Shinsei Ryu and Tadashi Takayanagi), trying to get into AdS/CFT. In section 6.2 ...
Knickers5637's user avatar
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What are single-, double- and multi-trace operators in AdS/CFT?

Can someone explain what are single-, double- and multi-trace operators are in AdS/CFT? I am a senior undergrad and only recently started studying AdS/CFT from TASI lectures and could not make much ...
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