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Questions tagged [ads-cft]

AdS/CFT is a special case of the holographic principle. It states that a quantum gravitating theory in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space is exactly equivalent to the gauge theory/Conformal Field Theory (CFT) on its boundary.

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2 answers

Why does no one add Einstein-Hilbert term to CFT in AdS/CFT?

As I work through AdS/CFT exercises, it struck me that there seemed no one doing the following. Suppose we have a holographic CFT. By some reeconstruction method, we can write CFT operators in terms ...
Bulldozer's user avatar
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How does the bulk-to-boundary propagator transform under diffeomorphisms?

In AdS/CFT, the bulk-to-bulk propagator can be obtained as the limit of the bulk-to-bulk propagator with one point approaching the boundary. For example in the scalar case \begin{equation} K_{\Delta}(...
SouthernLion's user avatar
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Are there AdS/CFT duals all the way down?

Last night I was thinking about the AdS/CFT correspondence, and I thought of the following scenario: Consider a 4D AdS universe with only a single black hole. Assuming the bulk and boundary are ...
RudyJD's user avatar
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Energy conservation in string theory?

From what i understand string theory usually lives in a Minkowski Spacetime or AdS spacetime. In Minkowski Spacetime conservation of energy is usually very straightforward, is this also the case in ...
FACald's user avatar
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Why and how we study different limits in quantum gravity?

While I'm reading an article, I get confused by why and how we study different limits in quantum limit. In this paper, the author introduced four limits in D0-brane quantum mechanics: the DKPS (...
Errorbar's user avatar
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Relationship between CFT coupling constants and gravity parameters in the AdS/CFT correspondence

The AdS/CFT correspondence relates a string theory in AdS to quantum field theory. Various versions of this correspondence exist, and I want to know the map between parameters in the field theory and ...
user173611's user avatar
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Why $N\to \infty$ limit implies $g_s \to 0$ in holographic QCD?

One basic difficulty in QCD is that it does not contain a small dimensionless quantity that would allow for perturbative calculation of low-energy observables. A remarkable feature of holographic ...
Spectree's user avatar
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Gravity dual of the string world-sheet CFT?

The AdS/CFT correspondence conjectures a duality between a $(D+1)$ dimensional gravity theory in asymptotic AdS spacetime with a $D$ dimensional conformal field theory. Is there any sense in asking ...
Michael C.'s user avatar
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AdS compactification of Minkowski space

I am trying to understand the paper "Anti De Sitter Space And Holography" by E. Witten (cf. One of the first point it makes is that "Minkowski ...
Ignacio Garrido González's user avatar
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(Why) does the late radiation after page time entangle with the early radiation?

In Jerusalem lectures by Harlow Pg. 53 it is said that At the beginning of the evaporation process the radiation that comes out is entangled with the remaining black hole. But eventually it must ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Do all small-large AdS black hole phase transitions have swallow tail like behaviour for the Free Energy v/s Temperature plot?

In the literature the swallow tail like behaviour is prominently seen for small-large AdS black hole phase transition for the Free Energy vs Temperature Plot. Recently I was trying to reproduce the ...
codebpr's user avatar
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Why do we expect isometries of bulk side to be equivalent to symmetries of the CFT?

One can clearly see that the AdS bulk isometries form the $SO(d,2)$ symmetry of the $d$ dimensional CFT explicitly. Why does this occur: why don't the isometries of the spacetimes match up or the ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Why is empty AdS identified with CFT vacuum and what do excited states correspond to?

I have a few questions regarding the AdS/CFT dictionary regarding the state-state map. I have seen people identifying the empty AdS spacetime with a CFT vacuum. What do they mean by "empty" ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Unitarity in the 't Hooft limit

Consider a quantum gauge theory with a holographic dual at infinite $N$ and 't Hooft coupling, in which the gauge theory is described by classical (super)gravity. If I initialize the system in a pure ...
phonon's user avatar
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How to derive the probability distribution of reduced density matrix eigenvalues for randomly chosen pure states in Page's theorem?

Motivation I am trying to reproduce the proof in Page's theorem as conjectured in the seminal paper Average Entropy of a Subsystem by Don N. Page. It is crucial in various resolutions of black hole ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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