Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see USS Charon.

The USS Charon[4] (NCC-80111[1]) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Luna-class science vessel in Starfleet service in the 2370s and 2380s decades. Its commanding officer was Captain Bellatora Fortis. (TTN novel: Sword of Damocles)

Service history and disposition[]



Pluto, the dwarf planet orbited by Charon.

Like all Luna-class starships, the Charon was named after a moon in the Sol star system. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum)

Charon was a moon of the dwarf planet Pluto. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm)

Starfleet operated an Apollo-class light cruiser named USS Charon in the 23rd and 24th centuries. (ST video game: Legacy)

Active service[]

Galactic arms

The deep Beta Quadrant (bottom half).

Constructed at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, the Charon was launched on stardate 56980.2 in 2379. Its dedication plaque read, "Only seek, and you shall find."

In the year 2380 of the First Splinter[5] timeline, the Charon was one of four Luna-class science vessels assigned to an exploratory mission in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

Jaza 2

Discoverer of the Charon wreck, Jaza Najem.

The Charon was the closest Luna-class vessel to the USS Titan. The course was intended to take the Charon through the Ring Nebula, but the ship encountered a region of extreme temporal flux in the Elysia Incendae star system, which destroyed the vessel. Its wreckage was thrown thousands of years into the past, where it crashed on the surface of Orisha.

The Titan tracked down the Charon to Orisha. Science officer Lieutenant Commander Jaza Najem stranded in the past and found the Charon's wreckage stewn on the surface. Initially, Jaza believed that these were the remains of the Titan. He found some relief upon discovering it was not his own ship when he discovered the dedication plaque and read its quote. Jaza lived out his life in the past. The Titan eliminated the temporal threat to the Orishans and continued its journey. (TTN novels: Taking Wing, Sword of Damocles)

Another one of the Luna-class ships operating in the Beta Quadrant was the USS Rhea. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum)




Ships named Charon
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
USS Charon (NCC-1345 and NCC-11345, Apollo-class) • USS Charon (NCC-80111, Luna-class) UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Charon (imperial palace) Seal of the Terran Empire.
Luna-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration Amalthea • Callisto • Charon • Europa • Galatea • Ganymede • Io • Luna • Oberon • Rhea • Titan • Triton Federation icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
variant configurations Comet-subclass: Comet • Polaris-subclass: Polaris • Sol-subclass: Borland • Sol • Titan-subclass: Titan
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Luna (I) • Luna (II) • Luna-E {{{2}}} icon image.

Appearances and references[]


