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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Akira.

The USS Akira (NX-62497, later NCC-62497) was a 24th century Federation starship, an Akira-class heavy cruiser that entered Starfleet service in the 2360s decade. When she was commissioned in the year 2368, the Akira was the prototype for a new class of cruisers. (ST reference: Starship Spotter; Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships)

Service history and disposition[]

The hull configuration of this new breed of starship was based on the design as a homage to some of the earliest Starfleet exploratory vessels, such as the NX-class. The Akira was also designed to perform border defense duties, which many vessels did during the brief conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. (CCG set: Second Edition)

This starship class was named after the anime film AkiraWP, according to The Star Trek Encyclopedia.

In the Dominion War.

The Akira took part in the Dominion War. During one engagement, the Akira fired its phasers on a Jem'Hadar dreadnought pursuing the USS Centaur. (SOTL - Ships of the Line calendar: 2021 October image: "The Dominion Conflict Goes Hot")

Akira had been modified for service as a fleet cruiser in active service around the year 2378. (ST video game: Starfleet Command III)

No specific history or definitive final fate was established for this vessel as its name was randomly selected for a cruiser by the SFC3 games software, and is placed randomly each time the ship appears.

In 2401, the Akira joined a Starfleet armada coordinated by the Singularity to deflect a massive energy burst from a newly formed Transwarp conduit. (PIC Episode: "Farewell") Later the Akira participated in Frrontier Day celebrations in the Sol System. It was among the vessels siezed by the Borg Collective after its younger crew were assimilated by a Borg signal transmitted via Jack Crusher. (PIC episode: "Võx")



Frontier Day fleet
USS Akira • USS Callisto • USS Cochrane • USS Drexler • USS Enterprise-F • USS Excelsior • USS Firesword • USS Ganymede • USS Gilgamesh • USS Huygens • USS John Kelly • USS Mandel • USS Okuda • USS Pulaski • USS Resnik • USS Rhea • USS Hikaru Sulu • USS Sutherland • USS Tourangeau • USS Trumbull • USS Venture • USS Thunderchild • USS Zheng He
Ships named Akira
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
USS Akira (NX-/NCC-62497, Akira-class) • USS Akira (NCC-63444-B, Akira-class) • USS Akira (NCC-63444-BC, Akira-class) • see also: Akira-class Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Akira (NCC-63444-B, Akira-class) • see also: Akira-class Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Akira-class starships
Federation, Starfleet standard class III heavy cruiser configuration Akira • Akira-B • Andromeda • Ascension • Avalon • Black Elk • Bondar • Capetown • Carla Romney • Citadel • Constant • Devore • Dominance • Garneau • Geronimo (I) • Geronimo (II) • Gryphon • Helios • Hope • James T. Kirk • Jubei • Jupiter • Kali • Kal-if-fee • Leyte Gulf • Malevolent • Masamune • Mateo • Meneleas • Nez Perce • Nikita • Osceola • Pawnee • Perseus • Rabin • Red Cloud • Renown • Reverent • Scimitar • Sentinel • Sharansky • Singh • Spector • Summit • Susquehanna • Thunderchild • Trident • Tripoli • Valhalla • Vindictive Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
fleet cruisers
mid-2370s decade
Androsia • Antietam • Apache • Avondale • Bishop • Bonaparte • Brazas • Centaur • Courageous • Crusader • Darius • Defender • Endeavor • Essex • Fearless • Gallant • Geneva • Goliath • Hotspur • Inverness • Jaganath • Jarl • Jefferson • Jupiter • Koh • Lafayette • Lakota • Magellan • Martinez • Mathias • Maxwell • Meer • Merlin • Minotaur • Montgomery • Morningstar • Nautilus • Nordhaus • Norris • Nostromo • Pathfinder • Peerless • Poseidon • Rapier • Renegade • Resilient • Resolution • Rhodes • Rigel • Seattle • Spirit • Stalingrad • Sumter • Templar • Theodore • Thunderbird • Thunderchild • Timberwolf • Trinity • Trojan • Venerable • Verite • Vicksburg • Virgil • Washington • Winchester
fleet cruisers
late 2370s decade
Akira • Aquino • Begin • Cristiani • Galtieri • Gorbachev • Grant • Kennedy • Kravchuk • Landsbergis • Lincoln • Mitterand • Ramos • Reagan • Shamir • Shevardnadze • Sihanouk • Thatcher • Thunderchild • Yeltsin
other variant configurations Alita-subclass: Alita • Armitage-subclass: Akagi-A • Armitage • Cheron • Okita • unnamed Armitage-class starships • Thunderchild-subclass
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Armitage-subclass: Armitage • Fortuna
Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
