Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Gilgamesh.

The USS Gilgamesh (NCC-74669) was a 25th century Federation starship, a Sovereign-class battleship[1] in Starfleet service in the 2400s decade. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Service history and disposition[]

This ship was named for a character of mythology in an ancient story told by the Human civilization of the planet Earth.

The Sovereign-class starship Gilgamesh had entered service by the 2400s.

Sovereign class at anomaly

The Gilgamesh in 2401.

In the year 2401, the USS Stargazer investigated a spatial anomaly discovered by the USS Avalon. When a massive Borg ship emerged from the anomaly, the Gilgamesh was part of the armada Starfleet built up to reinforce the Stargazer and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. When the Borg Queen boarded the Stargazer, the Borg Collective attempted to seize control of the fleet. Picard self destructed the Stargazer to stop the Borg and save the armada. (PIC episode: "The Star Gazer")



Participants in the Borg-Stargazer encounter in 2400
Federation, Starfleet USS Almagest • USS Arsinoe • USS Avalon • USS Clark • USS Eureka • USS Europa • USS Excelsior • USS Gagarin • USS Gilgamesh • USS Helios • USS Hrothgar • USS Hutchinson • USS Huygens • USS Ibn al-Haytham • USS Luna • USS Magellan • USS Nathan Hale • USS Oberon • USS Okuda • USS Pachacuti • USS Rabin • USS Reliant • USS Rustazh • USS Shackleton • USS Stargazer • USS Sutherland • USS Thunderchild • USS Uhura • USS Valkyrie • USS Vanguard • USS Venture • USS Yi Sun-sin • USS Zheng He Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Fenris Rangers La Sirena Fenris Rangers icon image.
Borg Collective Borg Queen's ship (25th century) Borg Collective icon image.
Frontier Day fleet
USS Akira • USS Callisto • USS Cochrane • USS Drexler • USS Enterprise-F • USS Excelsior • USS Firesword • USS Ganymede • USS Gilgamesh • USS Huygens • USS John Kelly • USS Mandel • USS Okuda • USS Pulaski • USS Resnik • USS Rhea • USS Hikaru Sulu • USS Sutherland • USS Tourangeau • USS Trumbull • USS Venture • USS Thunderchild • USS Zheng He
Sovereign-class starships
Federation Starfleet standard configuration Aeon • Alexandra • Antietam • Archangel • Aries • Ark Royal • Arsinoe • Atlas • Avalon • Avatar • Bismarck • Bozeman-A • Brigadier • Calabria • Cavalier • Challenger • Coburn • Colossus • Constellation • Croatan • Danvers • Davis • Destiny • Endurance • Enterprise-E • Erebus • Essex • Faithful • First Minister • Formidable • Gibraltar • Gilgamesh • Hickey • Honorius • Hope • Horizon • Hrothgar • Hutchinson • Hyperion • Independence • Integrity • Justice • Legacy • Leviathan • Lorraine • Magnificent • Majestic • Marshall • Mayflower-E • Midway • Monterey • Musashi • Nelson • Nimitz • Odin •Okuda • Oxford • Pachacuti• President • Princeton • Provence • Providence • Ramillies • Rand • Resolution • Richelieu • Roderick • Roosevelt • Saratoga • Sentinel • Sevastopol • Sovereign • Sovereign (II) • Tempest • Tiberius • Tirpitz • Valiant • Valkyrie • Vanguard • Venture • Warspite • Wellington • Yamashiro • Yamato • Yorktown • Zuikaku Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
fleet dreadnoughts
late 2370s decade
Affiliation • Agamemnon • Alliance • Association • Babylon • Consortium • Directorate • Entente • Federation • Harrier • Solidarity • Sovereign • Unification • Unity
variant configurations Archon-subclass: Archon • Imperial-subclass: Imperial • Landcaster • McDonough • Majestic-subclass: Majestic • Noble-subclass: Drummond • Khitomer • Noble • Regent-subclass: Leviathan • Musashi • Regent • Renown • Resolution
Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Enterprise • Sovereign • Sovereign-C Seal of the Terran Empire. Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
(mirror universe)
Enterprise Emblem of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
