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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the military designation for personnel status, see: missing in action.

Missing in Action is a New Frontier novel by Peter David released in February 2006.


Peter David's unforgettable novels of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the starship Excalibur remain one of Star Trek's most popular book series among fans. Now, David continues the thrilling new direction for the New Frontier universe begun in After the Fall with a novel that will shock and delight longtime and brand-new readers of this acclaimed series.
Star Trek: New Frontier
Following the dramatic events of After the Fall, Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the USS Excalibur find themselves catapulted headlong into another universe, far from the New Thallonian Protectorate and sector 221G… a place where an ancient war rages between two powerful alien races. But Calhoun has no intention of staying here for very long and, adopting the time-honored philosophy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," takes it upon himself to somehow (and by any means necessary) persuade one side or the other to help him and his crew get back home.
Meanwhile, the shadow of war has fallen over the New Thallonian Protectorate, and an embattled Si Cwan faces growing treachery as he attempts to maintain his tenuous hold on power. With Starfleet and the Federation declaring sector 221G temporarily off-limits, Admiral Elizabeth Shelby and Captain Kat Mueller decide to take matters into their own hands, ignoring orders by trying to find some way of getting to the Excalibur, presuming there is any Excalibur to get to. But they never count on the most unexpected of allies—an old friend whose shifting loyalties are about to be put to the ultimate test even as a growing cataclysm looms…



Topez Anat • Ankar • Aquila (Centurion) • Aurelius • Burgoyne 172 • Mackenzie Calhoun • Si Cwan • Desma • Fhermus • Julian Fox • Mick Gold • Edward Jellico • Kalinda • Kalinda (Teuthis) • Kassir • Zak Kebron • Keesala • Henri L'Ecole • Robin Lefler • Lucius • Lyla • Maurus • Craig Mitchell • Moke • Shiboline M'Ress • Katerina Mueller • Arex Na Eth • Pontalimus • Morgan Primus • Q • q • Selar • Elizabeth Shelby • Soleta • Romeo Takahashi • Termic • Tania Tobias • Villers • Vitus • Xyon • Xyon of Calhoun
Referenced only
François-Marie Arouet • Freeman Dyson • Hiren • James T. Kirk • Mark McHenry • Jean-Luc Picard • Shinzon • Tiraud •

Starships and vehicles[]

IRW Dhael • USS Excalibur-A (Galaxy-class explorer) • Lyla • Scimitar • IRW S'harien • IRW Spectre • Stingray • USS Trident (Galaxy-class explorer) • USS Voyager (Intrepid-class cruiser)


Ares IV • Cheng • Earth • Gravis • Nelkar • Nemosia • New Thallon • Priatia • Q Continuum • Remus • Romulan Neutral Zone • Romulus • Sector 221-G • Space Station Bravo • Teuthian • Teuthis Corridor

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bolgar • Borg • Caitian • Hermat • Nelkarite • Priatian • Q • Romulan • Teuthis • Thallonian • Triexian • Vulcan
Referenced only
Horta • Klingon • Orion • Redeemer • Reman • Species B221 • Species 8472

States and organizations[]

Borg Collective • House of Cwan • House of Fhermus • New Thallonian Protectorate • Office of Planetary Affairs • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Science and technology[]

Dyson sphere • sonar • starship • thalaron radiation • transwarp conduit • Worlds Within Worlds

Ranks and titles[]

ambassador • captain • centurion • legate • praefect • Tribune

Other references[]

city • Dominion War • planet • remora • rocketball • schnapps • shark





Star Trek: New Frontier publications and stories
Novels House of Cards • Into the Void • The Two-Front War • End Game • Martyr • Fire on High • Once Burned • Double or Nothing • The Quiet Place • Dark Allies • Excalibur (Requiem • Renaissance • Restoration) • Cold Wars • Being Human • Gods Above • Stone and Anvil • After the Fall • Missing in Action • Treason • Blind Man's Bluff
Short stories and novellas "Death After Life" • No Limits ("Loose Ends" • "All That Glisters..." • "Waiting for G'Doh, or, How I Learned to Stop Moving and Hate People" • "Lefler's Logs" • "Alice, on the Edge of Night" • "Revelations" • "Turning Point" • "'Q'uandary" • "Oil and Water" • "Singularity" • "The Road to Edos" • "A Lady of Xenex" • "Making a Difference" • "Performance Appraisal" • "Redemption" • "Out of the Frying Pan" • "Through the Looking Glass" • "A Little Getaway") • "Stone Cold Truths" • "Pain Management" • "Cutting Ties" • "Homecoming"
eBooks The Returned, Part 1 • The Returned, Part 2 • The Returned, Part 3 Comics Double Time • Turnaround ("Part I" • "Part II" • "Part III" • "Part IV" • "Part V")
Omnibuses New Frontier • Prometheans • Turnaround German omnibuses Kartenhaus • Zweifrontenkrieg


published order
Previous novel:
After the Fall
NF novels Next novel:
Cutting Ties
Previous story:
Pain Management
NF Stories Next story:
Cutting Ties
Previous novel:
Death in Winter
Star Trek hardcovers Next novel:
Vulcan's Soul
Previous story:
Pain Management
Stories by:
Peter David
Next story:
Cutting Ties
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
A Time for War, A Time for Peace
Chapters 1-15
Pocket Next Adventure:
Taking Wing
Chapter 1

German language: Vermisst, translated by Helga Parmiter. (Cross Cult)

External links[]
