Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Quarantine.

Tom Riker joins forces with the Maquis to save a world in peril!

Introduction (blurb)[]

Like intertwining filaments of human and alien DNA, a ruthless campaign of revenge has threaded its way through the galaxy, touching billions of sentient beings - and changing forever the life of lieutenant Thomas Riker.

Tom Riker, an identical duplicate of the Starship Enterprise's first officer, is serving as a Starfleet medical courier when he encounters a group of Maquis renegades, led by a former Starfleet officer named Chakotay. A planet in the Demilitarized Zone, now controlled by the Cardassians, has been stricken with the same deadly disease that has plagued the Alpha Quadrant for years, and only Riker can get the medical supplies the Maquis so desperately need. But the Cardassians would rather destroy all life on the planet than risk letting the epidemic spread!



Bokor • Chakotay • Emma Crandall • Demadak • Denny • Gammet • Grandok • Harkeer • Carl Herbert • Echo Imjim • Harper Imjim • Jakon • Janos • Kanil • Patrick Kelly • Kincaid • Klain • Lanto • Azon Lexen • Mago • Marko • Martok • Mila • Mufanno • Parluna • Kyle Riker • Tom Riker • William T. Riker • Patricia Rowan • Seska • Shelzane • Shep • Tarkon • Alicia Tegmeier • B'Elanna Torres • Tuvok
Referenced only
Santa Claus • Kathryn Janeway • Mizrah • Sancho Panza • Don Quixote • Spartacus • Deanna Troi • Lwaxana Troi • Youssef


Alaska • Astar • Cardassia • Dalgren • Dawn Cluster • Demilitarized Zone • Earth • Flint Island • Helena • Institute for Genetic Improvement • Mount Waskey • Outpost Sierra III • Padulla • Primus Theater • Silver Sea • Stokorin Shipyards • Tikchik Lakes • Valdez • Velvet Cluster • Velvet Lane • West Ribbon Ocean • Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Referenced only
Anchorage • Archaria III • Badlands • Bajor • Betazed • Deep Space 9 • Dorvan V • Ennan VI • Grand Cluster • London • Nervala IV • Omicron Delta region • Pacifica • Paris • Rigel II • Rome • San Francisco • Santos • Star Cluster • Tipoli

Starships and vehicles[]

Bajoran assault vessel • Bird-of-prey • Gagh N'Vort • USS Gandhi • garbage scow • Golden Wraith • Hakgot • hovercraft • K'Stek Nak • Peregrine-class • sea-glider • shuttlecraft • Shuttle 3 • Singha • Spartacus • Type-8 shuttle

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Argelian • Betazoid • Bolian • Bajoran • Benzite • Bynar • Cardassian • Catullan • Coridan • Deltan • Ferengi • Helenite • Human (Mayan • Native American • Roman) • Klingon • Tiburonian • Trill • Trill symbiont • Vulcan
Referenced only
Antosian • Argrathi • Mizarian • Nausicaan • Orion • Romulan • Saurian • Troyian

States and organizations[]

Cardassian Union • Cardassian Central Command • Coastal Watchers • Cult of Uniqueness • Detapa Council • Genetic Enhancement • Klingon Empire • Maquis • Ministry of Public Policy • Obsidian Order • Olajawaks • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Science and technology[]

anthrax • biofilter • combadge • dampening field • environmental suit • gas mask • hologram • hypospray • isolinear chip • lantern • lighter • medkit • medical tricorder • mortar • phaser • phaser rifle • photon torpedo • prion • replicator • tractor beam • transporter • tricillin PDF

Ranks and titles[]

doctor • legate • Royal Son of the Dawn Cluster • vase

Other references[]

albatross • bloodwine • Cardassian riding hound • concrete • crucifiction • flying fish • gagh • goose • hot fish juice • kelbonite • Kodiak bear • lamprey • latinum • leech • manatee • mixer • Mizarian Calm of Death • planet • pon farr • pueblo • raft • rat • ratatouille • salmon • seaweed • silica • snowy egret • starfish • tern • tic-tac-toe • uniblood • walrus • zither



  • The Double Helix series was a Next Generation storyline that featured each installment crossing over with another franchise series. "Quarantine" in particular crossed TNG with Star Trek: Voyager. Related stories include the Voyager pilot "Caretaker" and the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Defiant".



published order
Previous novel:
Double Helix
Red Sector
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
Double Helix
Double or Nothing
Previous novel:
Red Sector
TNG novels
Star Trek: Double Helix
Next novel:
Double or Nothing
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
A Q to Swear By
Pocket Next Adventure:

German : Quarantäne, translated by Stephanie Pannen. (Cross Cult)

External links[]
