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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Night of the Wolves is the second book in the Star Trek: Terok Nor trilogy of novels that follows the Occupation of Bajor, this novel covers the period 2345 to 2357.

Publisher's description[]

From the back cover

Eighteen years into the Occupation, a new star rises in Bajor's sky. It is the seat of power in this system, a place of slave labor and harsh summary judgments, the symbol of Cardassian might and the futility of resisting it. But even as the gray metal crown of Terok Nor ascends to its zenith, ragtag pockets of Bajoran rebels-including a fierce young fighter named Kira Nerys- have begun to strike back at their world's oppressors, and they intend to show the Cardassians that the night belongs to them.


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Akhere Bis • Akhere Juk • Arin • Aro Seefa • Basso Tromac • Bram Adir • Crea • Dakahna Vaas • Darrah Mace • Daul Mirosha • Faon • Furel • Gantt • Halpas Palin • Hintasi • Istani Reyla • Kanore • Keeve Falor • Riszen Ketauna • Kira Meru • Kira Nerys • Kira Reon • Kubus Oak • Legan Duravit • Legan Fin • Lenaris Holem • Lenaris Jau • Lino • Lupaza • Mobara • Mora Pol • Opaka Fasil • Opaka Sulan • Ornathia Delle • Ornathia Harta • Ornathia Lac • Ornathia Nerissa • Ornathia Sten • Ornathia Taryl • Porta • Ro Laren • Sadakita Rass • Shakaar Edon • Shev • Thera Tibb • Thill Revi • Tiven Cohr • Tokiah • Tora Naprem • Vusan • Winn Adami
Dost Abor • Dalak • Corat Damar • Trekal Darhe'el • Skrain Dukat • Elim Garak (Agent Regnar) • Danig Kell • Veja Ketan • Kretech • Kruva • Natima Lang • Pasir Letin/Gar Osen • Aamin Marritza • Mendar • Malyn Ocett • Kotan Pa'Dar • Limor Prang • Raaku • Ratav • Kalisi Reyar • Yannik Reyar • Thrax Sa'kat • Trach • Miras Vara/Astraea • Joer Varc • Veda • Sree Yopal
Gart • Odo
Referenced only
Dava Nikende • Athra Dukat • Rhan Ico • Kira Pohl • Kira Taban • Lafe Darin • Lenaris Pendan • Luma Rahl • Matram Tryst • Mesto Drade • Crell Moset • Opaka Bekar • Oralius • Ornak • Par Lusa • Petra Chan • Quark • Res • Ro Gale • Ro Talia • Sorash Mabey • Enabran Tain • Taluno • Tancha • Tora Ziyal • Torasia • Trakor • Tynara


Artist's Palette • Bajor • Berain City • Berain Valley • B'hava'el • B'hava'el system • Cardassia • Cardassia City • Cardassia system • Denorios Belt • Derna • Gallitep • Gallitep labor camp • Genmyr • Janitza Range • Jeraddo • Kendra Monastery • Kendra Shrine • Kendra Valley • Lakarian City • Lunar V base • Musilla Province • Naghai Keep • operations center • Perikian mountain • Promenade • Pullock system • Pullock V • Sahving Valley • Terok Nor (Nor-class space station) • Tilar • Tozhat • Valo • Valo II • Valo VI • Yarlin
Referenced only
Cardassia II • Cardassia VI • Ferenginar • Jo'kala • Karnoth mountain • Korto • Letau • Letau prison facility • Lissepia • Meiku forest • New Sydney • Prophet's Landing • Pullock III

Starships and vehicles[]

Drakamair (Hideki-class) • flyer • Galor-class • Kevalu (Cardassian scoutship) • Lahnest (Bajoran raider) • Lupus (Bajoran raider) • Lupus 2 (Bajoran raider) • Lupus 7 (Bajoran raider) • skimmer
Referenced only
CDS Koeder (Keldon-class) • Trakor • Valerian freighter

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Cardassian • Changeling • Ferengi
Referenced only
Antosian • Chameloid • Hebitian • Kressari • Pah-wraith • Prophets • Tzenkethi • Valerian • Vendorian • Wraith • Yridian

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Cooperative Government • Bajoran Institute of Science • Bajoran Resistance • Bram resistance cell • Halpas resistance cell • Kintaura resistance cell • Ornathia resistance cell • Shakaar resistance cell • Vedek Assembly • Cardassian Union • Central Command • Guard • Detapa Council • Information Service • Obsidian Order • Oralian Way • Ministry of Science • Sons of Tain
Referenced only
Bajoran Militia • Orion Syndicate • United Federation of Planets

Flora and fauna[]

alva • Bajoran lilac • batos • cadge lupus • grass viper • gree worm • hara cat • hiuna leaf • jumja • katterpod • kava • lugfish • makara • marga • moba • porli • riding hound • salam grass • sinoraptor • tyrfox

Ranks and titles[]

DaiMon • dal • dalin • Emissary of the Prophets • garresh • gil • glinn • gul • jagul • kai • legate • Prefect of Bajor • prylar • ranjen • Sub-nagus • terrorist • vedek

Science and technology[]

artificial intelligence • balon • cytoplasm • dermal regenerator • dolamide • duranium • duridium • Fostossa virus • holodeck • holosuite • hyperspanner • inertial damper • Kalla-Nohra Syndrome • kelbonite • kellipate • linnipate • magnaspanner • metric • mining • morphogenic matrix • nadion • orb • Orb of Contemplation • Orb of Prophecy and Change • Orb of Souls • Orb of Truth • Orkett's disease • palm beacon • paghvaram • self-sealing stembolt • sensor • sneeze • stardrive • tessipate • transporter • uridium • warp drive • warp reactor

Other references[]

attainder • Bajoran prophecy • Bajoran religion • bell • Book of the Hebitians • Book of Seasons • borhya • "Cardie" • copal • deka tea • D'jarra • Federation-Cardassian War • fusionstone • Gratitude Festival • ih'tanu • kanar • kienda • kosst • latinum • nyawood • Occupation of Bajor • Old Bajoran • Oralian recitation mask • pagh • pagh'tem'far • Proficient Service Medallion • ratamba stew • red leaf tea • rokassa juice • "spoonhead" • supernatural • syncrete • xenophobia


Related stories[]

External link[]


The Lost Era novels
The Sundered • Serpents Among the Ruins • The Art of the Impossible • Well of Souls • Deny Thy Father • Catalyst of Sorrows • The Buried Age • Day of the Vipers • Night of the Wolves • Dawn of the Eagles • One Constant Star
published order
Previous novel:
Day of the Vipers
DS9 novels
Star Trek: Terok Nor
Next novel:
Dawn of the Eagles
Previous novel:
Terok Nor
Day of the Vipers
DS9 novels Next novel:
Terok Nor
Dawn of the Eagles
Previous story:
Stories by:
S.D. Perry
Next story:
Terok Nor
Dawn of the Eagles
Previous story:
First Star Trek story
Stories by:
Britta Dennison
Next story:
Terok Nor
Dawn of the Eagles
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 2
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2346.
The Memory Beta Chronology places events from this story in five other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Alice, on the Edge of Night
Section 6
Next Adventure:
The Art of the Impossible
Chapters 30-40
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 6
Chapter 4
Next Adventure:
Death in Winter
"San Francisco"
Previous Adventure:
Tales from the Captain's Table
Once Burned
"First Encounter"
Chapters 5-13
Next Adventure:
Chapter 8
Previous Adventure:
Double Helix
Red Sector
Chapters 14-17
Next Adventure:
The Lives of Dax
The Music Between the Notes
Previous Adventure:
Double Helix
Red Sector
Chapters 7-10
Chapter 18
Next Adventure:
Stone and Anvil
Chapters 14-20