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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Sundered.


The year is 2298. Five years after the presumed death of Captain James T. Kirk, the USS Excelsior, commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu, is at the forefront of exploration, diplomacy, and the defense of the Federation. Unprecedented peace talks with the violently xenophobic Tholian Assembly trigger a deadly confrontation aboard the Excelsior. Now Sulu and his crew — including Chekov, Rand, Chapel, Tuvok, and Akaar — are thrust into an unexpected conflict between the Tholians and a mysterious new enemy, the Neyel...whose origins, if revealed, could lead to war with Earth itself. As the Tholians weave a web of vengeance, the Excelsior is flung beyond the galaxy to discover the hidden truth about the alien Neyel, forcing Sulu to question where his responsibilities lie — with the fragile peace he must preserve, or with the victims of his own world's tragic past.



Leonard James Akaar • Sayyid al-Adnan • Zafirah al-Arif • Norman Arce • Terim Azleya • Avram Baruch • Dennis Beauvois • Benrene • Christopher Brynner • Aidan Burgess • Christine Chapel • Pavel Chekov • Zefram Cochrane • Crellene • Dinrene • Shandra Docksey • Elkrene • Fekrene • Gavin • g'Isen • Graben • Claudia Hakidonmuya • P'mu'la Hopman • Jerdahn • Joh'jym • Kasrene • Kreutz • Lojur • Kerwin McNolan • Kuniko Mizuki • Moira • Mosrene • Heihachiro Nogura • Oratok • Prager • Janice Rand • William T. Riker • Safa • Lily Sloane • Hikaru Sulu • Sunak • Taskene • T'Lavik • T'Meni • Tosrene • Tuvok • Hanif Wafiyy • Wari • Wataryn • Lidia Song Wu • Yilskene
Referenced only
Allah • Neil Armstrong • Isaac Asimov • Curzon Dax • Phillip Green • Jara • Keel • Aleksei Leonov • Loskene • Losira • Gerard K. O'Neill • Sarek • Spock • Nyota Uhura • Xon

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant • USS Excelsior • Jeb'v Tholis
Referenced only
ground car • Voskhod


Earth • Gulf of Oman • India • L-5 Colonies • Pakistan • Plains of Gol • ShiKahr • Starbase 35 • T'Khut • Vanguard colony • Vulcan • Vulcan's Forge
Referenced only
15 Lyncis • Ganjitsu • Ishikawa • Karachi • Khitomer • Lirillia • London • New Delhi • New York City • Praxis • Qilydra • Riyadh • Tel Aviv • Tholia • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet

Races and cultures[]

Capellan • Denobulan • Halkan • Human (Fijian • Hopi • Irishman • Israeli) • Neyel • Oghen • Thelusian • Tholian • Vulcan
Referenced only
Nasat • Terellian

States and organizations[]

Boy Scouts of America • Brynner Information Systems • Eastern Coalition • Gerald Moss-Ralph Offenhouse Conglomerate • Muslim Bloc • Pan-African Alliance • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Tholian Assembly • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics • United Federation of Planets • United States of America

Science and classification[]

air • alien • animal • antimatter • blood • cell • computer • corpse • drug • ebola • energy • environment suit • eyelid • fur • hair • interspatial phenomena • kilogram • meter • microwave • mineral • monitor • monofilament • mushroom cloud • nuclear bomb • nuclear winter • optical telescope • orbit • particle • particle accelerator • plant • pressure suit • probe • radio • sarin • second • sensor drone • shields • space • spacewalk • starship • suitcase-nuke • telepathy • television • throat • time • toxin • universal translator • wavelength

Occupations and titles[]

academic • admiral • advisor • ambassador • astronaut • captain • colonel • construction foreman • cosmonaut • diplomat • director • doctor • engineer • EV construction jockey • instructor • lieutenant • professor • senior officer • soldier • teacher • terrorist • Vulcan master • warlord

Other references[]

2024 • 20th century • amusement park • asteroid • Bell Riots • blade • book • bridge • candle • century • chair • city • colony • conference room • crystalline • cub • day • desert • desk • electrical parade • emotion • euthanize • frog • genocide • god • graduation • Hebrew • helmet • humanoid • iron • Kahs-wan • katra • keethara • Khitomer crisis • knife • Kolinahr • language • Lattice • locker • logic • May • meditation • mind meld • month • mountain • nickel • nuclear war • ocean • orchid • pet • planet • Post-Atomic Horror • quarters • ritual of tal'oth • rock • science • sehlat • seminary • sessilent • spirit • table • technology • Tholian silk • Thursday • T'Plana-Hath's Razor • tunic • war • weapon • week • winter • World War III • year • yellow alert


Related media[]



The Lost Era novels
The Sundered • Serpents Among the Ruins • The Art of the Impossible • Well of Souls • Deny Thy Father • Catalyst of Sorrows • The Buried Age • Day of the Vipers • Night of the Wolves • Dawn of the Eagles • One Constant Star
Media featuring the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) under Captain Hikaru Sulu
episodes/movies The Undiscovered Country • Flashback
novels The Undiscovered Country • The Fearful Summons • The Captain's Daughter • The Ashes of Eden • Starfleet Academy • The Captain's Table: War Dragons • The Lost Era: The Sundered • Excelsior: Forged in Fire • Flashback • The Lost Era: One Constant Star • Burning Dreams
short stories "Dilithium Is a Girl's Best Friend"
comics Tests of Courage (The Tabukan Syndrome) • A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (1 • 2 • 3 • 4) • Captain's Log: Sulu • The Undiscovered Country • The Veteran
Captain Sulu Adventures
Cacophony • Envoy • Transformations
games Shattered Universe
characters Hikaru Sulu • Pavel Chekov • Janice Rand • Dmitri Valtane • Leonard James Akaar • Lojur • Tuvok • Altos Viger


published order
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Chapter 14, Section 4
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2298.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in eleven other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Strangers from the Sky
Chapter 6
Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
The Immortality Blues
Section 3
Chapters 7-8
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: First Contact
Chapters 4-10
Previous Adventure:
Star Trek: First Contact
Chapters 4-10
Chapter 12
Next Adventure:
Star Trek: First Contact
Chapters 11-12
Previous Adventure:
Terra Prime
Chapter 13
Next Adventure:
The Great Starship Race
Prologue, Section 1
Previous Adventure:
These Are the Voyages...
Chapter 18
Next Adventure:
Spock's World
Vulcan: Seven
Previous Adventure:
Spock's World
Vulcan: Seven
Chapter 19
Next Adventure:
Burning Dreams
Previous Adventure:
Chapters 5, 6-20
Chapter 20
Next Adventure:
Things Fall Apart
Previous Adventure:
Burning Dreams
Chapter 17
Next Adventure:
Balance of Terror
Previous Adventure:
The Tholian Web
Chapter 24
Next Adventure:
Devices and Desires
Previous Adventure:
Obligations Discharged
Chapter 25
Next Adventure:
The Captain's Daughter
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 26
Next Adventure:
Vulcan's Forge

External link[]
