Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see 2003.
The timestream.
years: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

(stardates from 2003.0)

decades: 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s 2030s
centuries: 20th century - 21st century - 22nd century

2003 was, on Earth's calendar, the 4th year of the 21st century, and the fourth year of the 2000s decade. Although this was a time period before Human formulation of stardates, this era begins with stardate 2003.0.[1]


28 January
US President George W. Bush gives his State of the Union Address. He speaks about his plans to remove Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein from power, introducing hydrogen cars, limiting abortion and fighting AIDS in Africa. A contemporary news article about this event by Jake Tapper appeared in Daniels' 31st century database.[6]
The highly controversial Iraq War is fought by the United States, the United Kingdom, and their allies in the nation of Iraq with the aim of removing Saddam and his administration from power. A short time later, U.S. President George W. Bush declared major combat operations to be over. Nonetheless, the conflict continued for years.[7]


Births and deaths[]

Kevin Howard dies in Iraq.[7]

Notable people[]

other notable people
Hank Aaron • Buzz Aldrin • Pamela Anderson • Ann-Margret • Neil Armstrong • Margaret Atwood • Ernie Banks • Drew Barrymore • Tony Blair • Barry Bonds • Boutros Boutros-Ghali • Ben Bova • Ray Bradbury • Kenneth Branagh • Ralph Branca • Dave Brubeck • George H. W. Bush • George W. Bush • Naomi Campbell • Jimmy Carter • Fidel Castro • Charles, Prince of Wales • Jaques Chirac • Katie Christopher • Arthur C. Clarke • Hillary Rodham Clinton • William J. Clinton • Joan Collins • Max Allan Collins • Robert Crais • Walter Cronkite • Olivia de Havilland • Robert De Niro • Cameron Diaz • Athene Donald • James Doohan • Frank Drake • Bob Dylan • Freeman Dyson • Clint Eastwood • Elizabeth II • Harlan Ellison • Shepard Fairey • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir • Heidi Fleiss • Bill Gates • John Glenn • Stephen Hawking • Patty Hearst • Lena Horne • Kevin Howard • Saddam Hussein • Steve Jobs • Davy Jones • Har Gobind Khorana • Lady Gaga • Debbie Lauderdale • Alexey Leonov • James Lovell • Elle Macpherson • Madonna • John Major • Lee Majors • Junior Mance • Johnny Mandel • Nelson Mandela • Charles Manson • Willie Mays • Jennifer McCarthy • Paul McCartney • Larry McMurtry • Walter Mondale • Demi Moore • Elon Musk • Leonard Nimoy • Roger Penrose • Nancy Reagan • Ronald Reagan • Helen Reddy • Derek Redmond • Sally Ride • Donald Rumsfeld • Claudia Schiffer • Norman Schwarzkopf • William Shatner • Will Smith • Mickey Spillane • Patrick Stewart • Sharon Stone • Valentina Tereshkova • Margaret Thatcher • Bobby Thomson • Frank J. Tipler • Richard Widmark • Andrew Wiles • Chuck Yeager • Boris Yeltsin


References and notes[]


Title Series Date Media Notes Image
Strange New Worlds VII

Project Blue Book
The Original Series 21-22 June 2003 short story Strange new worlds 7

The Original Series October 2003 short story Constellations














External links[]
