Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


In the late-24th century and early-25th century, Toral, son of Duras leads a terrorist campaign against the Federation and Klingon Empire. During this campaign of terror, Chancellor Worf and his son Ambassador Alexander Rozhenko served as major foils to Toral's plots.

In 2402, Toral used a new weapon, the metreon wave, to destroy Federation Outpost 15. He then threatened to unleash the wave against Cygnus III if Rozhenko did not immediately commit suicide and have his body place in R'kalla Square. Worf was enraged by this turn of events and wanted to stop Toral while keeping his son alive, but Admiral Jean-Luc Picard informed him that Toral was too well hidden to be stopped before he destroyed Cygnus III.

Rozhenko took this outcome in stride and decided to go through the Hegh'bat ritual, committing suicide with the help of his father. Word then beamed his sons body to the public square and spent hours mourning his son and watching a message Alexander had left for him. Then, Worf was contacted by Picard, who informed him that Rozhenko had implanted a phase-shifting beacon under his skin before going through the ritual, allowing Starfleet to track Toral and capture his band of terrorists. Picard then informed Worf that Toral would be turned over to the Empire for justice.



Jean-Luc Picard • Alexander Rozhenko • Toral • Worf
Referenced only
Achilles • Duras • K'Ehleyr • Kahless the Unforgettable • Derek Redmond

Starships and vehicles[]

Referenced only
USS Enterprise-D


Federation Embassy on Qo'noS • Qo'noS
Referenced only
Barcelona • Cygnus III • Federation Outpost 15 • Gre'thor • R'kalla Square • River of Blood • Sto-vo-kor

Races and cultures[]

Human • Klingon
Referenced only
Borg • Jem'Hadar • Reman • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Klingon Empire • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Intelligence • Starfleet Intelligence

Science and technology[]

disruptor • duranium • isolinear chip • metreon • metreon wave • phase-shifting beacon • phaser • transporter

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • Chancellor of the Klingon Empire • Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire • President of the United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

1992 Barcelona Olympic Games • Barge of the Dead • bat'leth • bloodwine • d'k tahg • Dominion War • Hegh'bat • Khitomer Accords • Kot'baval • Sword of Kahless • targ • "The Wisdom of Kahless"


Worf kills Duras, son of Ja'rod as vengeance for killing K'Ehleyr
Worf refuses to kill Toral, son of Duras following his rebellion against the Empire
Worf is gravely injured and tries to convince Alexander to help him in the Hegh'bat
A future version of Alexander travels back in time to help strengthen Alexander and turn him into a Klingon warrior; telling him his father will be assassinated
Worf again refuses to kill Toral, this time while hunting for the Sword of Kahless
Alexander commits suicide to stop Toral from unleashing a metreon wave against Cygnus III


Related stories[]


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The Smallest Choices
Strange New Worlds 9
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Home Soil
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