Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Irumodic Syndrome is a medical condition, a disease that affects the brain, making the patient suffer erratic behavior, delusions, loss of memory and other similar symptoms.


In 2278, the USS Enterprise shuttlecraft Schrodinger crashed on Mars near Olympus Mons with Lieutenant Mears and Leonard McCoy aboard. With Mears in critical condition, McCoy sought assistance, eventually meeting an alien named Irum who affected time travel. Irum unstuck McCoy in time so that he could prevent the crash, but the experience radiated an effect through the entire Human genome. The genes of Yvette Picard were altered that day. (TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "The Name of the Cat")

In Q's anti-time future, Jean-Luc Picard developed the disorder. In the anti-time 'present' of 2370, Doctor Beverly Crusher informed Picard that he had a small defect in his parietal lobe that might one day lead to a number of different conditions, including Irumodic Syndrome. (TNG episode & novelization: All Good Things...)

In 2371, Crusher sent Picard's medical data to McCoy, who named the syndrome after Irum. McCoy came up with a research regimen to develop a cure. (TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "The Name of the Cat")

In an alternate timeline, Picard also developed Irumodic Syndrome, although he continued to work on Project Phoenix. (DS9 - Millennium novel: The War of the Prophets)

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