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What is the criteria to find out if a polynomial is irreducible? [closed]

Is the polynomial $3x^3-5x^2+7$ irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ ?
Jaiswal Doll's user avatar
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Is the area enclosed by p(x,y) always irrational?

Take a polynomial $p \in \mathbb{Q}[X,Y]$. Now draw the graph of $p(x,y)=0$. If, like $X^2-Y^2-1$, this turns out to enclose a finite area, is the area enclosed always irrational? There are some ...
Zoe Allen's user avatar
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Prove that $x^6+5x^2+8$ is reducible over Z (integer)?

$attempts:-$ 1] I tried to replace $X^2=t$ but nothing click after that . 2] then I tried to replace this polynomial say P(x) by P(x+1) or P(x-1) to apply Eisenstein's Irreducibility Criterion Theorem ...
JAYENDRA JHA's user avatar
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Determining the Equality of Two Field Extensions

Let $F$ be a field of characteristic $0$. Let $F(\alpha)/F$ be a finite extension of degree not divisible by $3$. Is is true that $F(\alpha^3)=F(\alpha)$? If we assume that they are not equal, since $\...
Ty Perkins's user avatar
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If $F/K$ is normal extension and $f \in K[x]$ irreducible and $f=\prod_{i=1}^{n}g_{i}^{m_{i}}$ in $F[x]$ then $m_{i}=m_{j}$ for all $i,j$

So I have that question: Let $F/K$ be a normal extension and $f$ irreducible polynomial in $K[x]$ assume that $f=\prod_{i=1}^{n}g_{i}^{m_{i}}$ where $g_i$ is irreducible in $F[x]$ ($m_i \geq 1$) then ...
oneneedsanswers's user avatar
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Polynomial reduction modulo n. Irreducible polynomal.

I have the following polynomial: $f(x)=x^4+1$. I have to prove that it is irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ using reduction criterion. The Reduction Criterion says that: Let $\mathfrak{m}$ be maximal ...
ITChristian's user avatar
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To determine the number of roots for all antiderivative of a cubic polynomial

Let $f(x)$ be a cubic polynomial with real coefficients. Suppose that $f(x)$ has exactly one real root which is simple. Which of the following statements holds for all antiderivative $F(x)$ of $f(x)$ ?...
user-492177's user avatar
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An efficient algorithm for determining whether a quartic with integer coefficients is irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}$

I'm interested in what efficient algorithm could be used for determining if a quartic polynomial with integer coefficients is irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}$. For quadratics and cubics it's not too bad, ...
Robin's user avatar
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Irreducibility of a Polynomial with Prime Exponents

Let $f(x) = (x^p - a_1)(x^p - a_2) \ldots (x^p - a_{2n}) - 1$ where $a_i \geq 1$ are distinct positive integers where at least two of them are even, and $n \geq 1$ is a positive integer and $p$ is ...
math.enthusiast9's user avatar
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How to prove: $f\equiv0\,(\mathrm{mod}\,p^2)\iff f'\equiv0\,(\mathrm{mod}\,p)$? [closed]

Edit: Corrected the mod order. It might be trivial, but I have no idea at all about it. For a univariate polynomial $p$, then $f\equiv0\,(\mathrm{mod}\,p^2)\iff f'\equiv0\,(\mathrm{mod}\,p)$ where $f'$...
MathArt's user avatar
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Reducibility of $x^2-7$ over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[5]{3})$

Suppose for a contradiction that $x^2-7$ is reducible over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[5]{3})$. Then $\sqrt{7}\in\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[5]{3})$. It follows that $\mathbb{Q}\subset\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{7})\subset\mathbb{Q}(...
spinosarus123's user avatar
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Showing that $x^4+2x^2+5$ is irreducible over rational numbers [duplicate]

I want to show that $P(x)= x^4+2x^2+5$ is irreducible over rational numbers. I have decomposed the polynomial into $(x^2+ax+b)(x^2+cx+d)$, and since $P(x)$ is an even function, we have either $P(x)=(x^...
Soheil's user avatar
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Number of irreducible polynomials of degree at most n over a finite field

We know that the number $N(n,q)$ of irreducible polynomials of degree $n$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ is given by Gauss’s formula $$N(n,q)=\frac{q-1}{n} \sum_{d\mid n}\mu(n/d)q^d.$$ The number ...
Hassen Chakroun's user avatar
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If $f(x)\in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ is irreducible (over $\mathbb{Q}$), is it always possible to find $a$ and $b$ in $\mathbb{Q}$ with $f(ax+b)$ Eisenstein? [duplicate]

My initial thought is no, simply because it seems too easy if it is true. The simplest example of a nontrivial irreducible polynomial I could think of was $f(x)=x^2+1$. Unfortunately, $f(x+1)$ is ...
ljfirth's user avatar
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Artin's theorem exercise - proving that the fixed field is generated by the coefficients of the minimal polynomial

Suppose $L/K$ is a finite extension. $G$ is a finite group of $K$-automorphisms of $L$. Denote by $L^G$ the field elements of $L$ fixed by action of $G$. For any $\alpha \in L$ we write $f(t, \alpha) =...
Featherball's user avatar
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For what integers $m\gt n\gt 0$, the polynomial $x^m+x^n+1$ is irreducible over $\mathbb Q$?

I came up with this problem and have found it interesting. Problem. For what integers $m\gt n\gt 0$, the polynomial $f(x)=x^m+x^n+1$ is irreducible in $\mathbb Q[x]$? If $mn\equiv 2 \pmod 3$, i.e. one ...
Cyankite's user avatar
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Is this $f(x) = x^{6}+x^{5}+x^{4}+x^{3}+x^{2}+x+1$ irreducible in GF(5)?

Perhaps one can somehow apply Eisenstein's sign here by considering $f(x+1)$, but by default it is formulated for the expansion over $\mathbb{Q}$ of a polynomial from $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. Here we have $GF(...
mackenzie's user avatar
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Prove: either there exists a $ j $ such that $ |x_j| > 1 $, or $ |x_j| = 1 $ for all $ j $.

Let $ f(x) = (x - x_1) \cdots (x - x_n) $ be an $ n $-degree monic irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients. Prove: either there exists a $ j $ such that $ |x_j| > 1 $, or $ |x_j| = 1 $ for ...
lux fun's user avatar
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Find a monic irreducible polynomial equivelent to $(x-x_1)(x-x_2)\Phi_m$

Find a monic irreducible polynomial $f(x) = (x - x_1) ... (x - x_n)$, $|x_1| > 1$ and $x_1$ is real, |x_2| < 1 and $x_2$ is real, $|x_j| = 1$ for all $j > 2$. And First, prove $n > 3$ ...
lux fun's user avatar
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When is $f = X^4 -1 \in \mathbb{F}_p[X], p $prime, irreducible and/or seperable? [duplicate]

I'm having some trouble figuring out a solution to this. I understand that $f$ is separable, iff all its roots are distinct, however I'm completely clueless about how to investigate that criterion......
Raiden's user avatar
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Solving sextic with Kampé de Fériet functions

I recently faced a problem with a polynomial of 6th degree, a sextic. I want an analytical solution to the problem, and I read in the last few days that Kampé de Fériet functions can solve general ...
Eric D'Antona's user avatar
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$f$ is irreducible if the polynomial reduced $p$ is irreducible and the degrees are the same

Let $f$ be an irreducible polynomial and $h(f)$ the polynomial with coefficients reduced modulo a prime $p$. Then if $\deg(f)=\deg(h(f))$ and $h(f)$ is irreducible then $f$ is irreducible as an ...
Xaver Wallenstein's user avatar
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Irreducible polynomials with complex root.

I need to show that if $f$ and $g$ are irreducible in $\mathbb{Q}$[$x$] and they share a common complex root, then there is $a \in \mathbb{Q}$ such that $f = a . g$. What I thought: Call $u \in \...
lkksn's user avatar
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Factorization and irreducibilty for $x^n-2x^m+1$ trinomials.

I have encountered a weird phenomenon while trying to solve a problem on Reddit. Here is the phenomenon. Let $a>b \in \mathbb{N}$ and $p_{(a,b)} = x^a - 2x^b + 1$ It seems that if $gcd(a,b,c,d) = 1,...
Vatsa Srinivas's user avatar
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is $x^4-x+1$ irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}_3$

i was wondering if i checked correctly. i found all polynomials in $\mathbb{Z}_3[x]$ of degree 2 which are irreducible and checked if they are divisible without remainder the polynomials i tried were $...
macman's user avatar
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Irreducible polynomial in $\Bbb{Z}_2[x]$

Suppose $2k + 1 \equiv 3 \mod 4$ in $\Bbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$. Is the polynomial: $p_k(x) = x^{2k + 1} + x^{2k - 1} \dots + x + 1$ irreducible in $\Bbb{Z}_2[x]$? I do not know whether it is true or not... (...
Gamow Drop's user avatar
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Is a polynomial monotone when the first derivative has only imaginary roots? [closed]

I have a polynomial over a specific the range. The first derivative has only two imaginary roots and no real roots. The first derivative is positive in the lower bound and upper bound. Does that mean ...
sonia's user avatar
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Showing the polynomial has integer coefficients

Show that $\Phi_n(X)$ has integer coefficients. The proofs here states that $$\Phi_n(X)=\frac{X^n-1}{\prod_{d|n,d\ne n}\Phi_d(X)}.$$ And by long division, they get $\Phi_n(X)\in \Bbb{Q}[X]$. However, ...
Raheel's user avatar
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Prime ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ containing $\langle 3\rangle+\langle f\rangle$

This question is from a 2002 Harvard qualifier: Let $R=\mathbb{Z}[x]/(f)$ where $f(x)=x^4 - x^3 + x^2 - 2x + 4$. Let $I = 3R$ be the principal ideal of $R$ generated by $3$. Find all prime ideals $\...
Kadmos's user avatar
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Prove that $f(x)$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}$ with $f(b)$ a prime, $f(b-1) \neq 0$ and $\Re(\alpha_i) < b -1/2$

I need some help with a lemma I need to prove. First I will provide some background with previous lemmas that I already have been able to prove. Maybe these lemmas are needed to proof the last lemma ...
Lucius Aelius Seianus's user avatar

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