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Questions tagged [matrix-decomposition]

Questions about matrix decompositions, such as the LU, Cholesky, SVD (Singular value decomposition) and eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition.

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Deduce $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}$ or the simple parity-check matrix just from the final matrix-vector product equations

A linear combination like $A_{1}+ A_{2}$ serves as a backup of $A_{1}$ when $A_{2}$ is known, and serves as a backup of $A_{2}$ when $A_{1}$ is known. As a result of linearity, any two out of $A_{1}x$,...
triple_tactic's user avatar
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How to compute $RA$ in $O(n^2)$ operations instead of $O(n^3)$ using Householder reflection

I am currently writing a program that performs QR decomposition on a matrix $A$. The guidelines to my assignment tell me that once I calculate $R$ using Householder reflections, there is a way to ...
Amrutha Paval's user avatar
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Projection of vector

The projection of a vector $x$ onto a vector $u$ is $proj_u(x) =\frac{\langle x, u \rangle}{\langle u, u \rangle}u.$ Projection onto $u$ is given by matrix multiplication $proj_u(x)=Px$ where $P=\frac{...
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Symplectic approximation to a given matrix

I am interested in understanding methods to rigorously compute the closest symplectic matrix approximation to an arbitrary matrix $A$. A symplectic matrix $S$ satisfies the condition $ S^T J S = J $, ...
Dante Perès 's user avatar
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Interpretation of QR "values" (a la singular values)?

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with $m>n$ and $\text{rank}A=n$. There exists $\hat{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with orthonormal columns and $\hat{R}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ upper triangular ...
2016applicant's user avatar
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Equation for Counting Unique RREF "Cases" for any (m x n) Matrix

Given a real matrix $A$ of size $(m \times n)$, I am seeking to determine the number of unique reduced row echelon form (RREF) "Cases" that exist for a given matrix size. Two RREF matrices ...
FaffyWaffles's user avatar
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How to derive the relation about Jordan decomposition of a matrix?

Assume that $v$ is an eigenvector with an eigenvalue of $0$ in matrix $H$, and its Jordan decomposition $H^J=SHS^{-1}$ satisfies $$ H^J=\left( \begin{matrix} 0& 1& \cdots& 0\\ 0& ...
Soriak's user avatar
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Distance between subspaces with spectral norm

I was trying to prove this following theorem , Let $$ W=\begin{bmatrix} \underset{\scriptscriptstyle n\times k} {W_1} && \underset{\scriptscriptstyle n\times (n-k)} {W_2} \end{bmatrix} $$ $...
Kaustubh Limaye's user avatar
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Norm inequality for eigendecomposition and oblique projectors

Consider a stochastic matrix R which permits an eigendecomposition into oblique projectors, $$R = \sum_{\lambda} \lambda C_{\lambda}$$ I've observed the following 2-norm inequality in a number of $R$ ...
Renmusxd's user avatar
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Inverting a specific symmetric matrix preserves its zero entries

Suppose $S$ is an invertible symmetric matrix with the following property: For the entry in the $i$th row and $j$th column, if $|i-j|$ is an odd number then $S_{ij} = 0$; if $|i-j|$ is an even number ...
Yujian's user avatar
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Is polar decomposition commutative for diagonal matrices?

I did a error while understanding about the polar decompositon. I thought polar decomposition is PU, but it is UP. While trying ...
Manu's user avatar
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Finding the eigenvalues of a tridiagonal block matrix of special form

Consider the following symmetric tridiagonal block matrix: $$\begin{bmatrix} 2I_{N \times N} & -I_{N \times N} & O & \dots & O &O \\ -I_{N \times N} & 2I_{N \times N} &...
Stack_Underflow's user avatar
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In what sense are similar matrices "the same," and how can this be generalized?

I sort of intuitively see why we care about similar matrices, i.e., when $A=S^{-1}BS$ for some invertible matrix $S$. But I want to make this intuition more precise and abstract. Matrices: First of ...
WillG's user avatar
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Inverse $T$ matrix of a 3*3 matrix. [closed]

I have the matrix $$ A= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 & 1\\ 0 & 2 & 5\\ 0 & 0 & 5 \end{bmatrix}. $$ I have found the $$ T= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 &...
Irini's user avatar
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Orthogonal procrustes with kernel constraint

Given a matrix $M \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ with $n > m$ and an arbitrary vector $v \in \mathbb{R}^n$, I am looking for an analytical solution for the orthogonal matrix $R \in \mathbb{R}^{n \...
tommym's user avatar
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