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Questions tagged [bell-numbers]

For questions related to the Bell numbers, a sequence of natural numbers that occur in partitioning a finite set.

6 votes
3 answers

The number of partitions of $\{1, \ldots, n+1\}$ into subsets of nonconsecutive integers

For each integer $n$, let $a_n$ be the number of partitions of $\{1, \ldots, n+1\}$ into subsets of nonconsecutive integers. I found (by listing) that $ a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4$ are $1, 2, 5, 15$ ...
Math_fun2006's user avatar
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Bell numbers - Cardinality of odd number of parts in partitions of the finite set $[n]$.

As it well known, Bell numbers denoted $B_{n}$ counts distinct partitions of the finite set $[n]$. So for example if $n=3$ there are 5 ways to the set $\left\{ a,b,c\right\}$ can be partitioned: $$\...
linuxbeginner's user avatar
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Closed-form expression for the infinite sum in Dobiński's formula

In combinatorial mathematics, I learned about Dobiński's formula for the $n$-th Bell number $B_n$, which states that: Dobiński's formula gives the $n$-th Bell number $B_n$ (i.e., the number of ...
Pustam Raut's user avatar
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number of possible arrangements of n coins

Had this question in a programming class and was meant to be solved using a recursive algorithm. But I was wondering if there was a combinatorics solution. I tried counting the number of possible ...
Philip Shen's user avatar
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number of "equivalence relations" on a set with "n-elements"

I am trying to find a formula for number of equivalence relations on a set with n-elements however I am confused. I have already encountered the idea of "bell's number" and "Stirling ...
Sepehr GH's user avatar
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On deriving a 'simple' formula for the taylor series of $\exp^{f(x_1,x_2)}$

It is written explicitly in wikipedia,, how one obtains a simple analytic expression for the Taylor series of the exponential of a ...
sillyQsman's user avatar
3 votes
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Given Bell numbers as moments, derive the Poisson distribution

The Poisson distribution (with $\lambda=1$) has probability mass function $\frac{e^{-1}}{k!}$ where $k\in\{0,1,2,\cdots\}$. Its moments are the Bell numbers $B_n$, which count the possible partitions ...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
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Periodicity of Bell numbers modulo $n$

After doing some numerical simulations, I rediscovered that the Bell numbers are periodic modulo $n$, that is to say we have the following identities : \begin{align} B_{n+3} &= B_n\mod{2} \\\\ ...
Zakhurf's user avatar
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Stirling Numbers Exponential Generating Function Induction

I was reading the solution to a question written here, and it uses a fact which can be proved by induction. The question is to show that an EGF for Stirling Numbers of the second kind with fixed $k$, ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Closed Form for Geometric-like Finite sum of Bell Polynomials

I'm trying to see if there's a nice closed form expression for the following sum: $\sum_{k=0}^{M} \cos(\pi k t) B_k(x)$ where $M \in \mathbb{N}$, $t \in (0,1)$, and $x \in \mathbb{R}^+$. Notation: ...
BBadman's user avatar
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Calculating factorization for large numbers

My mission is to calculate the factorization of large numbers, for example, from $start=1e11$ to $end=1e12$. To do that, one approach that I was thinking of is to calculate for each number his ...
linuxbeginner's user avatar
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Integral representation of Bell Polynomial?

From Wolfram Alpha:, we have an integral representation for Bell numbers as: $B_n = \frac{2n!}{\pi e} \displaystyle{\int_{0}^{\pi}} e^{...
BBadman's user avatar
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Extension of the Multivariate Faa di bruno's formula with more than two composite functions

The Faa di bruno formula for one variable (Wikipedia) is The combinatorial forms in terms of bell polynomials are also included Similarly, the multivariate formula (Wikipedia) is expressed ...
Kabir Munjal's user avatar
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Closed form for $H(n,k)=\frac{1}{k!}\sum_{j=0}^\infty H(n-k, j)j^k$ where $H(1,k)=\frac{1}{k!}$

Let $H(n,k)$ be defined such that $$H(1,k)=\frac{1}{k!}\text{, and }H(n,k)=\frac{1}{k!}\sum_{j=0}^\infty H(n-1,j)j^k$$ As pointed out in the comments, I should mention that we must define $0^0=1$ as ...
Graviton's user avatar
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$Li(x)$ function and Bell polynomials

I found one formula connecting the logarithmic integral function, $li(x)$, to polynomials as following: $$li(x) = \frac{x}{\ln(x)} + \sum_{k=1}^{+\infty} \frac{P_k(\ln(x))}{x^k}$$ where $P_k(x)$ is ...
Craw Craw's user avatar

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