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Questions tagged [avodah-zarah]

Worship of foreign deities, one of the three cardinal sins.

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If prophecy ended, how come idol worship didn't?

The Vilna Gaon claims that the destruction of the yeitzer hara (evil inclination) for idol worship also removed prophecy. I want to know, why? It seems there is a connection between the yeitzer hara ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Wisdom and knowledge, G-dly or unG-dly?

I wondered if there are texts and/or explanations that teach us when certain knowledge or wisdom is considered G-dly or unG-dly (occult, pagan, wrong). To give some context, I recently had a ...
Y.Talmid's user avatar
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Practical consequences of a Jew who worships Avodah Zara

Besides for the fact that avodah zara is an aveira, are there any restrictions that come about from a Jew who has this status? To narrow it down, let's say he keeps everything else in the Torah except ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
David 's user avatar
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Punishment for making a statue of YHWH and worshipping/bowing to it

After reading "The Origins of Judaism, An Archaeological Historical Reappraisal" by Dr. Yonathan Adler, I understood that the practice of not making images of God/gods changed rather ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is one allowed to volunteer in a food pantry affiliated with a church?

We all know that going in a church is assur. But what about going into a building associated with a church? E.g. let's say a place like Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries, which appears to just offer ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Is one allowed to OWN a King James Bible, Koran, etc.?

Halachically speaking (as opposed to a mere Middos Chassidus), is one allowed to own a book or document of another religion? This question can be divided into sub-questions: 1. Would there be a ...
TORAHistheikur's user avatar
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Avodah Zarah and non-Jewish houseworkers

Does a Jewish homeowner need to be concerned that non-Jewish maids might perform idol worship with his possessions? Would this make any of the things in his house forbidden, or no? What precautions is ...
Libi Liberstein's user avatar
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Praying on a reflective floor

It's forbidden to pray in front of a mirror, as it can appear like you're praying to your own reflection. What about standing on a mirrored floor (or some other reflective surface), where it can look ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Are gentile shrunken heads assur to own

According to Halacha, is it assur to own a gentile Shrunken head? The reason I ask is because my understanding is Halacha prohibits Jews from owning things made like the human form, even if not actual ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What kinds of statues does the Rambam mean we shouldn't put our mouths on?

B"H In hilchos avodas kochavim chapter 3 halacha 8 the Rambam says: 8 A person should not place his mouth over the mouths of statues which serve as fountains that are located before false ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Can Noachide apostasy lead to delaying of the Moshiach

Can an individual who committed to being a Noachide, not before any rabbi but to himself and to G-D delay the coming of the Messiah by giving up the Noachide laws and renouncing G-D? What if the ...
NoachideCandala's user avatar
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Would Torah consider kundalini awakening as Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivilant that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?

BH Is kundalini awakening considered Avoda Zara or is there a kosher equivalent that can be found in Jewish mysticism also?
David 's user avatar
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Is a dead person forbidden from communicating with a live person?

A live person is forbidden from using necromancy to communicate with a dead person. But is the reverse true? Is the dead person permitted to initiate the contact? If the live person contacted the dead ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Medium Consultation For Gentiles

Are gentiles allowed to consult mediums or talk to spirits? The prohibition of witchcraft and the like is not explicitly mentioned in the Noahide laws as far as I'm aware, but I could see it going ...
Ben Avraham's user avatar

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